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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Today I am proud to announce the latest website to be added to TGTAP Network: RedDeadPlace.com. As many of you have no doubt heard by now, Red Dead Redemption is Rockstar Games' astounding new title due for release next month. If you've seen any of the screenshots or trailers for this game you'll know how awesome it's looking right now. We're pretty confident most of you guys will absolutely love it. So we invite you all to come on over to Red Dead Place and check us out, or find out more about the game. While you're there, why not help kick-start the newest Red Dead community on the net by joining the forums? We look forward to seeing many familiar faces (names?) there!
  2. Dell I believe, plus one Alienware. But these were only 4 of their PC's. I imagine they've got a few more Alienwares, possibly custom built machines too.
  3. I've no idea but this was probably a top of the range machine back in late 08 / early 09... and I would imagine it was an nVidia... so whatever their best GPU was back then. The computers were running Windows 7. As for your friend I doubt he would get an invite to any future events. Those of us who are lucky enough to get invited have been on the scene for at least 7 years or so. We still run our sites today and of course they are among the biggest out there. It's almost like a reward for our continued dedication to supporting both R* and the GTA series. It's for that reason alone really, no matter how hard your friend works on his site. There's also plenty of other great sites out there, especially European ones, who don't get invited. Of course they can't invite everyone. I'm just fortunate to be one that is
  4. As you may have read from some of the other fansites, I was invited out to New York City by Rockstar Games last week to preview Episodes from Liberty City on PC and PS3 before it would be released, along with webmasters from the other sites. My write up with my impressions on the event itself, the game, and the surprise that was getting to play Red Dead Redemption, is now online. Head over to our EFLC / RDR fansite event page to read my thoughts, and to find out what us webmasters got up to while we were there. A huge thanks must go out to Rockstar Games for putting together this event and making it as incredible as it was. I hope I'll see not just you guys but the other webmasters again sometime!
  5. Rockstar has released patch number 6 for the PC version of GTA IV which features a large number of bug fixes and additional features. The patch is available through Games for Windows LIVE and a standalone downloadable version with be available soon. The majority of these new features/fixes are already present in the PC version of Episodes from Liberty City. Rockstar Games Social Club Remove Rockstar Games Social Club application Separate RGSC application no longer required to launch game Social Club login now occurs during the launch process Shadows A new, less memory-intensive, and better-looking scalable shadow solution has been implemented Enhanced Night Shadows added with user-selectable level of detail (replaces Shadow Density) Performance Rendering optimizations have been made to improve performance, particularly when enabling shadows User-configurable graphics settings have been added for shadow control Improved memory management Multiplayer Enhanced security to isolate users from cheaters and hackers Episodic Content Provide in-game support to purchase "The Lost and Damned" and "The Ballad of Gay Tony" (Not available in Russian/Japanese Versions) Bug Fixes Vehicle shadows re-enabled between 8pm and 6am Fix floating street textures Pedestrians in vehicles appear further out from the player to allow for long range sniping The Moon has been implemented with simulated lunar phases Fixed garbled text in Japanese Multiplayer menus "RESC 10" error fix for specific hardware configurations In addition, Episodes from Liberty City players are also getting a small update ( that will improve memory management and address a hardware configuration error.
  6. I don't think so no. For the majority of people I think this is more convenient so they can sign in with their Google Account and be signed in to every service they use.
  7. Finally, a parent who actually realised it WAS their child that did wrong. But lol what a retard kid.
  8. The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony are now available in North America for individual download on PlayStation Network and Games for Windows-LIVE, and at retail stores everywhere as part of Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City. Downloading the inidividual episodes will require you to own a copy of the original GTA IV, however, buying the EFLC pack will not. EFLC will be out in other countries on 16th April.
  9. Rockstar have released the final trailer for Episodes from Liberty City, focusing on the PC version. Check it out below. <embed src='http://media.rockstargames.com/products/rockstar/media player/RockstarMediaPlayer.swf?skin=episodesfromlibertycity/EN/embed&vidID=4451&legacy=no' quality='high' bgcolor='#000000' menu='false' width='480' height='300' name='RockstarMediaPlayer' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='always' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /> The game is released on 13th April (tomorrow) in North America and 16th April in Europe and the rest of the world.
  10. Enjoy an extended period of time with no oral sex.
  11. This is very good and very funny. But the The following is an actual question given on a University chemistry final exam. sentence at the start ids blatantly false and doesn't make the story any more or less funnier by being there. Everyone knows it's not an actual question because why would a science paper contain religious elements? Thanks for the lol though
  12. Rockstar have been releasing video clips this week, created using the in-game video editor in the PC version of Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City. See the newest one below, with the two previous ones after that. <embed src='http://media.rockstargames.com/products/rockstar/media player/RockstarMediaPlayer.swf?skin=episodesfromlibertycity/EN/embed&vidID=4281&legacy=no' quality='high' bgcolor='#000000' menu='false' width='480' height='300' name='RockstarMediaPlayer' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='always' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /> <embed src='http://media.rockstargames.com/products/rockstar/media player/RockstarMediaPlayer.swf?skin=episodesfromlibertycity/EN/embed&vidID=4271&legacy=no' quality='high' bgcolor='#000000' menu='false' width='480' height='300' name='RockstarMediaPlayer' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='always' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /> <embed src='http://media.rockstargames.com/products/rockstar/media player/RockstarMediaPlayer.swf?skin=episodesfromlibertycity/EN/embed&vidID=3851&legacy=no' quality='high' bgcolor='#000000' menu='false' width='480' height='300' name='RockstarMediaPlayer' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='always' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer' /> Episodes from Liberty City is released on PS3 and PC on April 13th in North America, and April 16th in Europe.
  13. They're gonna be pretty much the same, apart from the PC version which will have the obvious graphical enhancements, and presumably the video editor too.
  14. For those who like a bit of reggae with their dubstep:
  15. Haha. That's insane. Props to him for attempting suicide in such an unusual way, at least he'd be different. However, if I wanted to be 'different' when commiting suicide... I'd like to think I could come with a much cooler way to die than that, and in a way that would actually kill me.
  16. The first screenshots from the PC version of Episodes From Liberty City were released today. The game is released on 13th April in North America, and 16th April in Europe.
  17. Bullshit. Obviously there is a 'risk' of disease in pretty much any sex act. This article almost seems to be fearmongering. Also it's written by a women - probably tired of having to give her bf blowjobs or something.
  18. A message box appears at the top of the page after 3 seconds, with a link to click to get it back to normal. Just in case you missed it
  19. This was the TGTAP April Fools joke 2010 - permalink / screenshot Yeeeaaahhhh! It's that day where the staff of TGTAP get to play silly buggers... Happy April Fools everyone! Apologies to those using old browsers who won't be able to see what we did... you should upgrade you know.
  20. Evening everyone. As you may be aware, TGTAP recently relocated it's servers to a UK host, having better hardware, speed, and reliability. We were under contract to display UGO ads over the website, however this has now come to an end, and we are now with a new provider, where I have complete control over everything. We have made a few changes to various aspects of the site, which I will just briefly explain now: Forums - now have just one ad (728x90 banner at the top) - the square ad at the bottom has been removed! Homepage - now has a feature box in the middle, and a square ad next to it (moved from the bottom) Downloads - Similar to above except the dashboard/links in the feature section is. This will be improved in the future. Content pages - Like the forums, they also have one fewer ad - the small banner (468x60) that was just above the content itself has now been removed. Feature Box The feature box section is basically a way for us to highlight content on TGTAP (or indeed external websites - you may notice we're linking to the Rockstar Newswire's social club events calendar in one of the features). It's essentially a slideshow, with each slide lasting for 6 seconds, the image/headline is clickable and will take you to said feature. Everything should look fine in whatever browser/OS you are using except IE6, as like most sites, we no longer support this. If it looks messed up, please ensure you clear your cache first, see instructions below if you don't know how. Seeing crappy/annoying ads? I can disable any ads that people find annoying. If you see a crappy ad like one of those rapidly flashing smilies ads, or something that causes a full page/popup... let me know so I can disable it How do I clear my cache? You can clear the cache for page you are viewing by pressing Ctrl + F5 in your browser to reload the page. Doing this on the homepage should ensure you are viewing the most recent CSS/images. If this doesn't work, clear your browsers cache completely - this is generally found in the "Tools" or "Preferences" menu of most browsers (look for a section like "Private Data") Still seeing a messed up layout after doing that? Post a screenshot here with what browser/OS you are using and I'll look into it.
  21. Some more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iy2TOdvr8QY
  22. Chris

    Bad Company 2

    I'll be getting it sometime in the future, definitely. Just got way too many games to play at the moment. Need to finish Uncharted on the hardest difficulty for the platinum trophy, then Uncharted 2, Bioshock 2, Left 4 Dead 2... probably something else I've missed too Probably wait until it's discounted on Steam.
  23. Chris

    All in a Name

    Doubt Carcer City would be used. I think it's best they keep that as a Manhunt reference rather than actually redeveloping it into the GTA universe... would be kinda weird. It would be like having Max Payne 3 set in Liberty City or something.
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