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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I hate that you can't play music during games. WTF is up with that. Such a basic feature that works so well on the 360. From what I've found only certain games support it (why?). Such as Killzone 2, but, ONLY in multiplayer. Sony really need to sort shit like that out, so simple.
  2. Sorry I'm just skipping over these Filipino posts and was thinking it's quite a phonetic language, but I keep coming across this word "ng". Now how the hell does one pronounce that? ing? nig? ung? Impossible in English without a vowel at the beginning, and I thought you guys had the same letter pronunciation as us?
  3. Ooh, Speedtest redesigned! To be fair, you were testing that against a server in another country that's over 1500 miles from you. Of course you'll get shitty results. Test it against a more local server. I presume there is one.
  4. Superbad was kind of fucking stupid, actually. And I laugh at pretty stupid shit. However, this is just not funny. "LOLOLOL I DREW PENIS GAIZ!!!".... Really? Haha Superbad. I actually laughed quite a lot at the penis drawings, some of them were pretty imaginative. Also, we used to draw cocks over random pages in school books back in secondary school. It was funnier though when you got a book someone had already drawn cocks and other funny shit in though Especially all the religious shit. Pictures of random religious characters that had been defaced are somehow really funny at that age. Really immature. Also, looking back on it, actually kinda gay the amount of cocks we drew :/
  5. That's what we've just been talking about, because someone said Toronto earlier. But yeah, it's Vancouver doing it, not Remedy this time. AFAIK, the only game they've done so far is the PS2 version of Bully, which I'm led to believe is actually a really decent game, so with that in mind I kinda trust them to do a good job with this. BTW, that article also confirms the PC release in addition to the consoles, which is good. Some of us thought it was just a console game before which would be weird. BTW, check out all the job listings on http://www.rockstarvancouver.com/ Gives you an idea of what sort of things they're expecting to do in the game. The Network Programmer position confirms the online capabilities for the game, it asks for experience with PLAYSTATION Network, Xbox LIVE and/or GameSpy. GameSpy servers are used by the PC version of GTA IV for those who aren't aware. I'd quite like to know more about where they're going with this. I guess the standard deathmatch mode will be there but what else? Co-op campaign perhaps?
  6. lolz. That wouldn't fit in any underwear. Very abnormal. Well my penis is just under 1.5 metres long. I just wrap it around my waist so it's concealed under my t-shirt. Kinda like a belt really.
  7. Oh it's more than that... I share his abilities too
  8. Holy shit YJ, your Res collection is beginning to rival my GTA stuff! Nice @Spaz: What? I didn't shave for a few days?
  9. LOL I love how quickly you turned this into a Mac vs PC debate. Rem, what do you Mac stole unix kernel? That's one of the reasons why OS X is so good because it's based off Unix, just like Linux is. And yeah Mac's are more expensive, they can get away with it though due to their amazingly good design and all that stuff. Also, chances are a Mac isn't suitable for you if you use this forum, because chances are, you're a gamer. OS X owns for video/image processing/manipulation etc. and also website management
  10. Actually we are affiliates with GTA-Junkies and GTAJunkies... though the former is the site in question here. Yeah Franswurst has an account here. His profile - you can PM/Email him from there. Do you know if they were performing upgrades to the forum, or if they were installing/uninstalling a mod? It's likely that's what would have caused the error anyway. Other than that I suppose it could be the database has become corrupted somehow. Presumably you're just a member there and not staff?
  11. If this is about what I think it's about then it's not Take2, it's YouTube. They can't allow songs in video because they couldn't reach an agreement with the record companies, who were too greedy for their own good. But because of this YT has no right to allow the streaming of music off their site so they have to prevent it being used in videos. It's in their rules so if you break them then you can expect your account banned. YouTube is a shitty website anyway. I guess it's cool to get low quality clips of game stuff or watch a music video or something, but everything else on there is bullshit. It's a shame most game videos now somehow break some random rules but there we go.
  12. Chris


    Yeah kinda sucks. I WANT all my shit on my OWN hard disks etc., not some online service. Besides, that'll use up my Internet connection whilst I'm trying to acquire more materials
  13. He did it to get on Google Maps. Which has been done literally hundreds of times before it's getting less and less funny now. Shitty BBC not reporting the entire story once again. Shitty BBC using imperial measurements once again. That's 18 metres for everyone who is not American.
  14. I wasn't on about the fact they're Canadian, just that they did a horrible port of GTA IV to the PC... and are now thankfully finally getting round to adequately patching it up. I've not played any games made by Vancouver so I don't know what they're like. I heard Bully was a great game but once again received horrible ports to the Xbox 360 or something like that. I don't know if they were responsible for that though.
  15. They're pretty rare, did you get it from Amazon or something? When I get the cash, I probably will buy all the MGS games because I never fully understood the story of MGS4. Godfather II actually looks pretty good, only downside is the graphics and plot for me. Chris, you might not have it but I would definitely recommend Killzone 2. Superb game. Lol you skipped the whole previous page of this topic didn't you. I got it off ebay. And yes, I've already completed Killzone 2 (single player obviously) and it's pretty awesome. Once I've finished all my other games I'll try and get into the multiplayer. One thing I hate about Killzone 2 are the controls... completely different to any other FPS I've played on a console, which is very few... but CoD 3, GoW and GoW 2... just seems weird that's all. Because R2 isn't shoot I kept accidentally throwing grenades :/ Also, Mafia II is looking better than Godfather II. GTA Don: Was gonna add you next time I sign in but you removed your PSN ID from your profile?
  16. After Effects (yes it is two words, not sure why everyone has concatenated it) as Huck said is used mainly for post-production in movies and TV, and for people like huck to fuck around in ImageReady, doesn't exist anymore. It was discontinued several years ago after all its features became encompassed in Photoshop - there was no need for it to exist.
  17. From III onwards yes. Come to think of it I haven't tried GTA1 or 2. Can't really be bothered to install them right now but if I ever get round to it I'll post results here.
  18. Err... Rockstar Toronto are doing it? Meh, hope they do a better job than the PC port of GTA IV then...
  19. Holy shit this is fucking awesome. If Remedy isn't behind it (are they really that busy with Alan Wake) then who is, a R* studio. When rem sees this he will ejaculate so much I'm betting he's gonna pass out! How about we start Max Payne Place?
  20. Mitch isn't even gay is he? I swear I read he had a girlfriend, which kinda shocked me because from his portrayal of Maxxie on Skins (a gay character for those not familiar with the TV show) I would seriously not think he was straight in real life. EDIT: Yeah he's straight lol. Excellent acting I must say.
  21. I have found absolutely no software or hardware that is incompatible. Software should be no problem anyway, hardware won't be either so long as there are drivers available. Unless you buy shitty unknown brands then there most likely is a driver available for your hardware. Like Chris I also have my PC specs listed in my profile so you can see them there.
  22. -Soure: http://www.popcrunch.com/vanessa-hudgens-s...with-zac-efron/ Haha what a fucking loser. I don't really give a shit about any of this but sounds like Vanessa really shouldn't be with him. She's pretty hot and could easily find someone equally as famous, rich, and attractive great a personality.
  23. Looks like I'll need to get MGS3 then! Good job I got a 60GB PS3 so it's actually backwards compatible
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