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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Lol he looks ugly as fuck there. In pictures I've seen where it's not a mega close up on his face he looks like a fairly normal person, albeit with typical pretty-boy looks. I'm willing to bet he appeals more to the gay community than the female one.
  2. Rockstar Toronto have confirmed that patch is now available for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV. To download, sign into Windows LIVE next time you play the game and you'll be prompted to download. Manual install links will be up shortly. Below is a summary of what the patch includes. You may have spotted that R* has now added detection for modders in multiplayer, hopefully this should provide massive improvements for those of you affected by people cheating their way through multiplayer matches. Link: Patch, Download mirror
  3. Haha, mvi is back, awesome. He has a hidden agenda though, not very well hidden actually, which is to promote his new website. Oh well, at least you made me lol today.
  4. Oh yeah I saw a clip of Infamous, it looked pretty cool. @Ivan: I only played MGS once, fucking loved MGS2 but it's been so long since I played it I hardly remember the story, I'm sure it'll come back to me though. Never got round to playing MGS3, though was that even in the same storyline? I'll definitely be getting MGS4 anyway. HDMI-DVI cable came today so I'm actually online etc. Been playing GT5:P all day but am tired of that now so moving on to MotorStorm, once I get bored of that I'll move on to some FPS games. BTW, why the hell is the download speed so slow when doing game updates? It's crap, on 360 they're always well quick but this is ridiculous. When I was downloading GT5:P yesterday it seemed to be capped at around 130-140Kb/s, so as you can imagine it took hours to finish downloading. Sony really need to get some faster servers like MS have. Never usually hear people say positive things about MS but their servers are amazingly quick. Also, GT5:P took ages to install, it's only 2GB and it's not even a proper full game. Just seems a bit slow to me considering the raw power this console has.
  5. Yeah it seems it'll be pretty awesome. A friend of mine set up a fansite for it a while ago which is linked on the homepage, on the bottom left menu, in case you're interested.
  6. ToM FTW. I hate it when people I actually like leave the internet
  7. Yeah fuck actually buying in-game stuff. Home was already on the hard drive so I guess the guy I bought it off had tried it out. As soon as this damn HDMI -> DVI cable gets here I'll actually be able to play stuff. Oh and yeah my friend said to get Uncharted, saw him play once and it looked pretty cool. I'll look into it. There's a sequel coming out for that this year isn't there?
  8. Today I received an updated version of the ad codes to put on the site. This should fix all those popups that fly in all the time. If you do still get any, they should be restricted to a maximum of one per day. We apologise for the inconvenience this was causing.
  9. Already ordered Killzone 2 and Resistance 1 and 2. Will get MGS4 too. And yeah actually I'll probably also end up getting LBP I actually play more just to chill out rather than regularly get into online sessions, but yeah the fact it's free is great. I can't be bothered to renew my Xbox Live gold account since there's no new games out for ages that are any good. At least PS3 has GT5 coming up... still ages away but it's gonna own. Finished downloading GT5 Prologue earlier. I'm kinda late to the whole PS3 scene But understandably so, it's only now that it's worth getting IMO, some pretty good games out. Was absolute shit when it launched. Still not sure which console I prefer, both have their flaws and both have some really strong points too. One thing I LOVE about the PS3 though is the BluRay. Gonna be using that a hell of a lot. I'm an HD freak now. Any movie I like I have to get in HD.
  10. So I have a PS3 now. My PSN ID is in my profile if anyone wants to add me, but let me know who you are if you do, if your ID is different to your username here anyway I haven't followed much of the PS3's development so don't know a whole lot about HOME. Seems kinda pointless to me. So do you get your own home or something? That you can do what you want with? Can you go in other people's homes? It would be kinda lulzy to have a TGTAP hangout But that's about all.
  11. How am I being a troll? Every fucking day this happens lol. He didn't mean you, he meant the original poster of the thread in question, was trolling the SA forums.
  12. SomethingAwful has some awesome stories posted by the users though. Of course you never know if they're true but it doesn't matter. I remember one guy talking about some porn star he quite liked, and cutting a long but very funny story short, it turns out it's his Dad's daughter from a previous marriage, making her his step-sister. Things took an awkward turn when his Dad randomly arranged a small family reunion. Obviously I can't tell it in a funny way since I don't remember the details but yeah. I dunno why I just said all that either. I've seen this before though, it's probably on ED somewhere.
  13. Mine's custom built, and I just copied chris82 and put all the specs in my profile, so you can see them there. Seems with my recent upgrades I have one of the best on the forums now
  14. One much loved feature making it's return to the GTA series is the rampage! R* just gave us a heads up on a new video on the Chinatown Wars website, check it out below.
  15. The major gaming websites have all begun posting their reviews of Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars. The game has so far received excellent review scores. Three new screenshots have also been released alongside the reviews. IGN (9.2/10) EuroGamer (10/10) GamePro (5/5) ComputerAndVideoGames (9.2/10) 1UP (A-)
  16. The latest topic for you to all post your ugly mugs here I don't have any new pics to start us off so hopefully someone else can do the honours. It's about time for a new thread anyway, the old one was filling with pages of broken links and there were arguments forming on so many pages. Hopefully we'll have none of that this time. I'm sure you all heard your mothers' says "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" - we won't be strictly enforcing it but please be nice. The thread is just a bit of fun for everyone to see what each other really looks like. Comments/discussion is of course allowed. But please contribute something rather than descending into argument If you have no new pics but wanna get some from the old threads: v1 March '04 - December '05 v2 January '06 - March '09 EDIT: Ok never mind, I'll start with a couple of relatively recent pics:
  17. Assuming you have a CD with Windows on it... Insert the disc Restart your PC, press Del or F8 key at the POST screen (the first screen you see when you start your computer, loads of text on it etc.) (usually says at the bottom of the screen to change boot order, or enter the BIOS, you need to do one of those, doesn't matter which) Look for a menu specifying the boot order... move your DVD ROM drive (or whatever you put the Windows disc in) to the top so it boots from it first. Save and exit It'll reboot and ask you to press any key to boot from disc. So press something. Go through the install process. You'll probably get stuck on step 3 though so we'll wait for your reply
  18. No I wasn't. The map posted by that noob is clearly a cropped pigeon location map from GTA IV, it has all the green dots on it. That's allI was saying. The actual map itself is correct in the way that it shows the lack of Alderney, I didn't say it was wrong... we've known the map for months anyway. The noob who posted it was just incredibly late. Remember I played this game in Rockstar's offices last month, I obviously knew what the map looked like already Once again you didn't read my post(s) correctly :/
  19. Yeah, I don't really like the idea of using them as a signature, but it's a nicer way to show a quick profile in like an about page or something, as opposed to just putting your name in plain text. I'll have a PS3 later in the week hopefully, trying to think up a PSN ID right now
  20. In response to all your points: I thought the handling was fine, the cars auto-center to the road so unless you keep tapping left/right or there's heavy traffic then you're just a bad driver I loved smashing cop cars out the way to lose them, thought it was a great new way of doing things. I didn't play it for long but I guess it could get annoying. On the DS at least I'd rather be doing that than evading them. Don't really mind about the cutscenes, it's not a game I'll play to keep me captivated for long periods of time, it's a game I'll play in short stints. Not sure how you got the game a whole week ahead of release but nice one, I won't be able to play it for another 3 weeks but I'm looking forward to it.
  21. Well you're an idiot for joining that gang then aren't you. You're also an idiot for stealing my CW hands-on preview image and writing your name on it in a position where it's hard to read. You're also a PBM so this account is getting banned too. Goodbye.
  22. People actually eat that shit? Those are all some of the most unappealing, unappetising foods I have ever seen in my life. They all look fucking disgusting. Also, the second half of the pictures are of foods made in such a way that they're physically impossible to eat without looking like a spastic. Don't you get laughed at while eating it?
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