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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I just noticed your profile page is is making me out to be some sort of gay icon here. I'm flattered but... I'm not gay. But seriously though there's probably a funny quote you can put instead of a gay one :)

  2. Closer and closer to making terminators... FUCK YEAH!
  3. No one's correctly guessed yet either. I'm considering not ever revealing the answer just to annoy everyone :P

  4. "caught"? Like it's illegal... lol.
  5. @Nate: Lol, well I'd like to see you stay up all night waiting for it to finish defragging just so you could turn it off. @Butters: No reason to defrag everyday. Do you know what defragmenting the hard drive actually does. If you did then you'd know you'd only need to do it at the very most once a month.
  6. Lucky you then. But also, I don't hang out with anyone who wears skinny jeans so I'd look like an outcast of the group Either way I still find them uncomfortable. I'm eagerly awaiting Llama's shoop of me. Well actually I'm dreading it, I knew this would happen one day. Every GTA webmaster who posts his pic generally ends up with himself getting shooped everywhere, some of you may remember the infamous Zidane shoops around the pre-release time of SA... good times.
  7. Skinny jeans... If I had a smaller cock I'd probably wear them... but no, way too uncomfortable, and cock buldge appeals more to gay men than it does to women so it wouldn't even work for that reason
  8. My left arm once when I was like 2 or 3 or something so I don't remember it. I didn't break my thumb but did displace the bones (at the base of it) once, that hurt like a bitch and I wasn't able to write for about a week due to immense swelling Obviously the bone itself breaking isn't what hurts, it's the internal bruising and muscle tear/damage it causes that canes.
  9. Oh yeah completely forgot about RDR, could be that too.
  10. Stop trying to evade bans you tool.
  11. Would of thought at this stage it will more likely be Max Payne 3, seeing as that's out this Winter. In terms of GTA, R* still have another downloadable ep for IV to release yet. He clearly states he can't say what it is then immediately says it MIGHT have been GTA V... obviously just kicking up a shitstorm of rumour and speculation to provoke a response from R*, which he won't get. He'll have been under an NDA.
  12. I personally don't like the idea of a poll-based decision, which Nate kinda hit on there. If someone has made enemies here but is actually a fairly decent member it's going to ruin their chances of getting in. Likewise, if someone is a bit of a dick but has a lot of friends they could get in easily. Could make a mockery of the group's status. Ultimately staff could have the final say so it's one way of doing it. I still think having staff solely be the ones choosing elites is good enough at the moment. I'm all for making the Elite group bigger but I've no idea on how to encourage more use of the private forum. Also, what privileges would you like if you were elite?
  13. The Elite group was/is kinda for that purpose. But the Elite forum is rarely used. Hence the unofficial abandonment of it :/
  14. Why do you people bother trying to sign up so many more times after you get banned? Obviously you aren't liked there so what's going to change? I certainly wouldn't want to sign up again to a site I got banned from.
  15. Kind of ironic how long he managed to survive without being banned when we're talking about the supposed unfairness of the mods. No one here has had that many warnings and not been banned. That example is several years old though. I think people here are referring to more recent times, say the last 2 years. I'm not asking you to post more warn logs I'm just saying, a year on the internet is a very long time. Things change. I'm not even going to bother defending some of the members here because loads of them are in fact idiots and when you hear about why they got banned it's not in the least bit surprising. I hasten to add I think a lot of what has been said in this topic is no doubt coming at least in part from hearsay, with regards to GTAF. Kinda funny how it turned to that when originally this topic was referring to any forum in the world.
  16. Yeah there's a lot of fans of the Greater Toronto Area on the internet these days.
  17. Well I've seen warn logs posted by some GTAF members and some of the reasons that get written there are absolutely ridiculous. I personally don't have a problem with any of the mods there simply because I don't really have anything to do with them and I'm not an active member on their forums. The staff from GTANet that I've met in real life in NY seemed pretty decent people so I can vouch for them. I think it's more to do with the section mods and possibly super mods where abuse comes in. But I don't know enough about it I guess, I've only seen and heard things.
  18. Ok I'll get to work on it right now. I'll release the game in about 9001 hours time. Is this acceptable?
  19. Like Timothy Olyphant in Hitman (the movie). Minus the bar-coded neck. But no I'm not bald, I just have short hair right now. Not a shaven head, just short. I look pretty much the same as the pic I posted on the first page of this topic, but with maybe a a couple of cm shorter hair than that, that's all.
  20. I'd like to take my life back a decade, to 1999, when I was 11 years old. In 1999 I finished primary school and of course you have to go through the decision of what secondary school to attend. I'd choose what was then my second choice. Not to say the choice I did make was wrong, it's just in hindsight I don't think it was the best one. I recently read up on the Butterfly effect (no not the film, the actual theory) and I believe this is the small change that would drastically change my life for the better. Again, not to say I currently have, or have had a bad life, I just think it could be a lot better. I went through secondary school with a small circle of friends, some really good ones though, though we are no longer in contact aside from being friends on Facebook. The only downside to not taking that choice is never meeting them, but I believe if I went to my second choice of school, I would have had a much larger circle of friends, a circle that would actually include girls this time. I'd have a lot more confidence and would have made different decisions on subjects to take for my A levels, which in turn would cause me to probably choose a different subject to study at university. Good thing about this choice is that in all likelihood, I'd still create a website called The GTA Place 2 years later. By 11 I was already heavily into computers and videogames, I'd been around them and even using them since I was just 4 or 5 years old (thanks Dad!), yeah, that young, Windows 3.11 for Workgroups FTW! So yeah chances are I still would have picked up the GTA games. The friend who first let me play GTA3 on his PS2 I've known since I was born, so that wouldn't have changed. So you see, I'd still have all the nice things I like about my life now, but additionally I'd have a lot more friends, probably even a girlfriend, probably have a better career path ahead of me too, rather than the shitty one I have right now. All that changed was my choice of secondary school. That's why I'd like to go back to 1999 and replay that year, so I could make that choice. I think my answer was deeper than anyone else in this topic, so yay for me!
  21. Most people wouldn't I just thought that when Thomas said that in his post it was a pretty strange thing to say.
  22. I never understood why people WANT to join GTAF. The only advantage of a forum that size is generally quick answers to your topics. Apart from that it's bullshit. Legendary threads are lost after just one day in a mass of shitty topics started by shitty members.
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