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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Oh God you're making me wet :blush:

  2. I do it just out of habit (Mum and Sister always complained etc.) and it's kinda like tradition I suppose. Similarly, I always hold doors for women too even though they're perfectly capable of opening it themselves. This always brings up the argument though... if men put the seat down for women after they've pissed, then why don't women put the seat up for men when they've finished? No woman has ever offered me an acceptable answer to this question. In fairness, I've never asked, but the point is it's never done and I've no idea why. Kinda shits all over the equal rights shite that women wanted back in the olden days... yet they still expect this fairly random courtesy. Admittedly it's probably one of the few, but yeah, kinda weird. :/ I lol'd at falling in. How fucking small would you need to be to do that... I mean unless you're a small child this is never applicable. Interesting topic But yeah, guess it's all just a part of being a gentleman.
  3. Haha that website is a fucking joke. They actually have a theory for something already proven otherwise, wtf is up with that? So yeah this is one forum that deserves shit. Hate ignorant people.
  4. Oh right, well maybe MGS2 did have that then. Must've got used to it back then and just completely forgot. Oh yeah I added you on PSN last week when I posted I did here, but I noticed you aren't on my friends list now... might have fucked up after the 2.70 update? Add me next time you go on or something, or I'll add you again if I'm on later.
  5. Who here has been banned from TGTAP before? Apart from Scott who I don't remember banning (why was that?).
  6. VERY long. Took 45 minutes just to get through all the cutscenes up to where you retrieve your backpack from the tree right in the beginning of the game. Though I'm not sure if it counts the time you've had the game paused Got a completely different problem now anyway, and this time it IS because I'm using a monitor and not a TV. Monitor is 1920x1200, PS3 obviously 1920x1080. PS3 automatically stretches the vertical resolution to 1200 so it fits on my screen. However, the PS2 upscaling only takes it up to 1080, but doesn't go further to 1200 for 16:10 resolutions... so every 60 seconds my monitor displays a stupid "Not Optimum Resolution/Mode" message on the screen, then after another 60 seconds goes to a black screen. I can get it back by switching source or turning off/on... but that's too much hassle to do it every 60 seconds. It's so fucking stupid. I know so many people who play their games on monitors rather than TV's and can't believe Sony haven't tested little things like this more thoroughly. Clearly a really small oversight when the PS3 itself is fine, and PS2 emulation isn't. I can't find any way to stop this message from appearing, nor are there any options for PS2 upscaling aside from "normal" or "full", both of which make no difference to the problem.
  7. You replied while I was editing my post above but yeah, how long's is gonna take me to complete it roughly? Gonna start playing right now.
  8. Alright so I just started up San Andreas on it and it did the exact same thing. Intro video etc. all played fine, then when the game itself actually started the screen went completely black. So I changed some settings on my monitor to do with image size, went back to the game and it was actually there on the screen. Seems to have fixed it. Put MGS3 back in and tried that. Still fucked up though. The disc is fine. I will try it in my PS2 later. If it's fucked up in that then I know it's a problem with the disc. If not then I'll try my PS3 on a TV rather than a monitor and try to determine if it's a screen resolution problem. Can't think why it would matter though. Really strange. EDIT: FUCK ME. I feel semi-retarded now, however, why I thought it wasn't working is understandable since I'm NOT JAPANESE. I dunno how many of you are aware but you know how we're all used to pressing X as the "start" or "continue" button on menu screens to go forward to the next screen? Well, the Japanese use the O button to do this. On some Japanese games, Gran Turismo games prior to the third one were like this, except Sony were clever and made it so you could press X or O to continue, and Square or Triangle to go back. No such joy on MGS3 (or at least my copy, and I checked the SLES code, it's a normal UK copy). Konami seem to have made it so you can ONLY press O to go forward, not X. Of course I've been pressing X all the time like a normal UK gamer which was going backwards a screen rather than forward. Oh well. At least I know how the fuck to work the game now... I'm glad I managed to figure it out for myself actually I swear MGS2 was never like this. So, how long can I expect completing MGS3 to take me? If I recall, they're fairly long games aren't they?
  9. Normal. 60GB of course. Only EU version that has backwards compatibility. Full or Normal? I tried both and neither had an effect. Maybe, it's not very scratched though. I could hook it up to a TV instead of monitor and see if for some weird reason that actually makes a difference. First I'm going to try some other PS2 games and see what happens with them.
  10. Never even received a warning anywhere. But apart from TGTAP, I only ever used to be active on web design/development forums where it's not the sort of forum you fuck around on. I like to have a good reputation everywhere in the GTA community. WTF sort of things do all you guys do to get banned on GTAF?
  11. Working fine for me, most my contacts are online too so it sounds like the problem's your end.
  12. Chris

    Yeah you did :)

    I actually have nothing else to say so I'm going to end my comment without even asking a question. It's up to you whether you reply or not... :P

  13. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok so I got MGS3 since you guys said I should and now when I start it up in my PS3 it gets to the main screen. I press Start. I press New Game... then it returns me to the start screen. In fact, whichever option I choose, it always returns me to the start screen. FUCK. So I googled and most places say it's fully backwards compatible which is good. Only found one other instance of someone having the same problem and that was way back when firmware 1.70 was the latest.... obviously years ago. Only thing I can think of is that I'm playing on a monitor rather than a TV, i.e., 1920x1200... so perhaps the 1080p isn't upscaling the height properly for PS2 games and it's throwing an error and sending me to the start screen again...fuck knows though. Anyone got any ideas? All my PS3 games are fine obviously. Haven't tried any other PS2 games but yeah. Someone help or everyone who's posted in here recently gets banned!! Well you won't but yeah I really want to play this game etc. EDIT: tried changing display down to 720p... still same problem... then down to standard PAL resolution of 576i... nope, same problem. So I've ruled out resolution. Fucking hell. Can't be arsed finding my PS2 and setting it up just for this. Why does no one else have problems with MGS3
  14. Why is it that big? What exactly is the mod?
  15. This game is going to fucking own.
  16. Nice generalization, if you really think EVERY kid is like that, maybe you're the one who needs to grow up. Dude, that pretty much IS today's youth. Are you part of it? No, but just because we're exceptions doesn't mean the majority of our "peers" aren't fucking idiots. Also the fact that that particular sentence in YJ's post was obvious sarcasm. I agree with it for the most part though in the UK at least. Most of my friends are exceptions because I choose my friends wisely. I don't hang around with the dickheads. This is why I have few friends IRL, but it's great because none are pricks. Anyway does this topic really need to remain open? Doesn't look like it's going anywhere following on from the last page...
  17. Pointless topic of the year award winner right here.
  18. Chris


    Unless you know a programming language it doesn't matter, you won't get it and you won't understand why it's meant to be funny. Just carry on looking at pictures of lolcats like Chestnut is doing
  19. Exactly my point. FileFront is for gamers... I don't see why you're trying to compare the two.
  20. Contrary to the deceptive username, she is not a bear, and is in fact a human being disguised as a polar bear.
  21. Never mind. I was talking about when we did GTA Chicago, but I remember now I did it in the 1930's and claimed further additions would cover the 70's... so disregard my above post. And I was referring to IGN Australia's April Fools that steveplayer posted a link to.
  22. It's 2nd April guys. Do you see taking the layout down? Nope.... I like how everyone thought this was our April Fools joke. This design is here to stay
  23. So it wasn't an April Fools. They genuinely were closing down but the founders bought it back from Ziff Davis. Apparently, according to their updated message which they themselves claim is also not an April Fools. LOL at how empty their footer is now though. Ziff Davis had a shitload of links to their network sites there. Fucking stupid timing though. A lot of people are going to assume they did close down from their earlier announcement and never visit the site again. The founders now have a nice job on their hands to get traffic back. @azn: That's such a stupid statement. MediaFire is better? How? How can you compare a gaming downloads portal like FileFront, to a general file-sharing website like MediaFire? There's no directories, no searching etc. Have you even ever been on FileFront or know what it is?
  24. Well it's Wolverhampton yeah which is fairly near Birmingham. It's the offices of his ISP that are located in Manchester. His ISP btw, is tailored for small businesses. His parents must run a business from home or something. But yeah my point is, abusing a business broadband package usually has worse consequences.
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