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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I know. I even mentioned her RE collection in posts before :/
  2. ROFL. I just read what he wrote. "Lurk before you leap". So basically, hang around for a bit then randomly leap into it.
  3. maybe perhaps unsure uncertain slightly doubtful unknown.

  4. This is not the future my mother warned me about
  5. Well, you did come to a site filled with horny teenage boys. Judging by some of the comments here, am I to anticipate a large petition to keep the theme on here past April 1st?
  6. I like how they used the exact same timeframe for their fake GTA as ours, except, we did ours 3 years before...
  7. Yeah it's cool and all but I don't think we have anywhere to use it. This design doesn't suit custom made artwork really. GTA-Series.com is a site that is designed around his custom artwork and the whole site is like it so it looks good. If we used it here I think it'd be a bit out of place.
  8. Yeah I already had a screen of it, not because it said "Gay" though, I just tend to screenshot/scan anytime I'm featured in a magazine or professional website.
  9. NineMSN just changed the caption from Gay Theft Auto to Girl Theft Auto... Some up-tight gay guy must've got offended or something :/ That or they realised we targeted girls anyway, not gay guys And yeah Joe you aren't the only one. On a slightly related note, my Mum saw this and loves the design!
  10. Lulz I r famous. I lol'd at their description too. To be fair I would assume they simple keep an eye on http://aprilfoolsdayontheweb.com/ and just post their faves. We got submitted there fairly early on in the day. We were within the first 60-70 sites on there this year. Back in 2006, we made #7 in their featured websites list which was pretty impressive. Still pretty cool we randomly get featured on NineMSN.com.au though. Pretty big news site in Australia is it not?
  11. But why would you want your current one deleted?
  12. Why would you want another one?
  13. I lol'd. Nice one ;)

  14. Jesus Christ guys. Please remember we DO have a website as well as these forums! http://www.thegtaplace.com/
  15. Oh don't be such a party pooper. You know you love it.
  16. UPDATE: April Fools is over now so we're back to normal. Hope you got a bit of a laugh from the temporary redesign! Didn't get a chance to see it? Look here. After spending a while here at TGTAP, you'll realise what a masculine place it is. Guns, vehicles, crime, and a whole lot of adolescent males. Well, we've made a few changes to help counter this awfully skewed demographic we've gotten ourselves into. Over the past few years, TGTAP staff members have spent months researching ways in which we can make the site appeal to the fairer sex. After much deliberation, the conclusion was made that we should have a very pink layout incorporating typical female likes, including flowers, rainbows and unicorns. Apparently women love that stuff, so with that knowledge firmly engrained in our skulls, we committed to improving our design! We hope you enjoy the changes we made, and in addition to that, the influx of female members who should now be clamouring to join the forums! And don't you worry, we'll still be doing our best to bring you excellent coverage of Grand Theft Auto for years to come. At the moment just the default theme has changed on the homepage, but we should soon have the forums reskinned to match. Comments, feedback and any constructive criticism would be much appreciated.
  17. Ha! Nope it's not actually. And tbh my 360 list isn't that big either. Probably 70-80 people on that. Haven't been on the PS3 for a few days but there's only like 4 or 5 people I've added. I'll go and add you now actually while I'm here. Most people here haven't added me, either because they don't know or don't care. I guess when I actually start playing multiplayer stuff people will start adding and I'll have a stupidly long friends list full of people I don't know and never play with In many ways it's better being less popular. So many people on 360 add me and like, most I don't even know who they are. Hardly ever play on it now either Good to hear you're getting a PS3 too TM!
  18. ROFL. If this really was just a ruse then it's possibly the worst April Fools ever. Several reasons: 1. Announced over a week early 2. Though getting a lot of free publicity, majority of comments across gaming sites are negative so it's a hell of a lot of negative publicity for them. Good one.
  19. Was born a noodle, and his mother didn't even give him a name. Poor thing.
  20. Not anymore. Boxxy can suck my cock.
  21. Are you sure it's an April Fools? This was announced last week that they were closing down. FileFront is indeed shit now. But it was great back in the dialup days of the Internet, for getting game demos and shit.
  22. Iron Man was awesome! And so is Robert Downey Jr! Seriously, Robert Pattinson. Fuck is up with the side of his mouth, has he had a stroke or something, he looks awfully retarded like that, maybe it's just a bad pic.
  23. Nope, you just type them in while playing the game (don't pause it).
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