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Everything posted by JROCK

  1. well i think Halo 3 is a great game and its going to come out Halo wars so GTA be careful =)
  2. well i have to agree that Gears of war 2 can be a contestant.
  3. I think we should do a contest to see who has the best signature and avatar
  4. well I played Saints Row and its quite cool.
  5. I think there isn t a cure because some disease are always mutating so when i find a cure it will mutate. Its a cycle we cure it and it appears so its a never lasting cycle
  6. well i play Frontline, WoW,Warhammer Mark of Chaos,Fifa manager 2007 and Rome total war
  7. well i have mine for sometime i think a year maybe and never caused a problem.
  8. I have Avira and Comodo firewall. Well I had Norton and it "destroyed" all my info and stuff. Norton sucks.
  9. well i think MGS 4 will be the winner of the poll
  10. well so you agree that GTA 3 is the harder.
  11. JROCK

    First MGS4 review

    well its difficult to compare they are very different. But i bet it will have more sails.
  12. Well i think it will come for PC. Why wouldnt it come.
  13. well i dont whats the price in there but in Portugal cod 4 is over 50e
  14. this is just a way of you getting posts
  15. JROCK


    well i was talking with Ivan alexandrov and he said it wasnt any good for psp
  16. Is it worth buying for PSP or it sucks.
  17. JROCK


    Well for what i saw of GTAIV its difficult to be bored.
  18. JROCK

    Bernardo tu es o maior


  19. Well i have a dog and i hate cats they are evil. And i bet u were never robbed with such a pet guarding your house
  20. this topic doesn t make much sense because theres GTAIV for xbox360.
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