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Everything posted by insane_pyro28

  1. so sorry for the double post, but I just thought of this and it's hilarious Harry Penis and the Sorcerer's Bone lmao!
  2. T3: Rise of the Penises (T3: Rise of the Machines) Runaway Penis (Runaway Jury) The Penis Redemption (The Shawshank redemption) Short Penis (Short Circuit) Along Came Penis (Along Came Polly) Big Penis (Big Fish) The Penis Effcet (The Butterfly Effect) The Penis of the Caribbean (The Pirates of the Caribbean) House of 1000 Penises (House of 1000 Corpses) Penis of the Dead (House of the Dead) Penis Fever (Cabin Fever) 12 Penises (12 Monkeys) man I love this game
  3. well I didn't vote for myself cause that's dumb, so i voted for PaganGuru because he's cool. I can see somebody is tyring to suck up for voting for Chris, cause I dont see how anyone could vote for Chris seeing how he is barely active (no offense Chris)
  4. I wanna try and get the music for Future Cop LAPD but I dont have the right program for it
  5. The first one reminded me of graffiti at first and the second one all I recognized was the matrix font.
  6. I don't know who King Missle is but I've heard about Primus doing the opening theme for South Park before... I've never really heard either one before though I'll check 'em out sometime
  7. lmao for real? I thought you were being serious, but it didn't really seem like something you'd say though...
  8. I got almost 50K from interest, I had like 200K in my bank and let my money build up until I had around 250K an dthen of course Chris changed hosts and I lost everything...
  9. why are we still fighting in Iraq anyway??? didn't they already catch Saddam?
  10. *cough* bullshit *cough* sorry I just get really annoyed by people who say they have premonitions, coincidences, deja vu's, say they've visited hell or some gay shit like that, or say they eat cereal with water. That crap annoys me Well I for one think religion is pointless and dumb, but thats just my opinion. And as for me every now and then I have really quick deja-vu's where it feels like I've done or seen that already happen before...
  11. Spaz I think this topic was just meant for one quick pic of each member, I don't think it said "list your entire photo album" you've already submitted like 10 pics. I think now they know what you look like
  12. I loved the water effect they had in the Insomniac Museum, it would have been great if they could have fit that in the game. The rippling effect on the water looked very realistic
  13. Rammstein isn't like the crap on T.v. these days (whish is mostly rap anyway) their sound is pretty unique... to me at least
  14. yeah that was cool, that Electrolyzer puzzle to get to the Test Tower was a bitch! lol Did you find the cheat way to get to the Insomniac Museum from the grind rails onto the grass on planet Boldan? that was pretty sweet. Did you nlock everything in the game like all 30 skill points and things also? P.s. I thought R&C2 was funnier than the first one like the stupid lines like "ask yourself are you man enough, brave enough, insane enough to take on two of he galaxy's most feircest beasts? If you answered yes you're a big fat liar" and the test facilities commercials was good... The funniest part from R&C1 I thought though was when Drek said "of course by me extracting a big portion away from your planet, it will cause your planet to cycle and rotate and spin out of orbit but hey sacrifices must be made
  15. I'm pretty sure I saw a picture of a street light somewhere on ebaumsworld.com (Skyline787 claims that he is a street light...)
  16. lol that would suck, I say we should all cause anarchy and have huge outbreaks in the major cities like NYC and stuff...why you ask...I don't really know why, but it'd be fun
  17. yeah you didn't already know that? I hate that, if I've waited 23 hours to collect my interest and decide to deposit 50 bucks, I have to wait another 24 hours to collect interest...
  18. well I don't really acre who becomes president, I dont really care much about anything. I voted Ralph Nador because his name sounded cool
  19. Does anyone here listen to rammstein? they're a german metal/ other weird music sounds type band. I like listening to their music because it sounds funny to hear them speak german, plus they have a pretty cool sound
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