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Everything posted by insane_pyro28

  1. Jak II is alright because of the hovering cars plus the big city and it does have an okay storyline, plus they added ONE gun WOOO! compared to Ratchet & Clank's 40 something weapons, hoverbike and Spacecraft which you can upgrade!
  2. I haven't really thought about anything... I'll just take whatever comes along my path I guess, but I do wanna try and get into Full Sail or another one of thos etypes of colleges.
  3. uh was that supposed to be funny? cause I don't get it
  4. all I got was a "404 Error Site Not Responding" man that site is pretty funny LOL
  5. I have cable 2meg. My internet is like zooom zoooom zooooom, ROAR!!!
  6. your face looks all weird in that picture like you're mad or something...
  7. no they're not I already seen screenshots and stuff. It isn't gonna be like Jak 2 Jak and Daxter is no where near as fun as Ratchet & Clank...
  8. well you all should know that NIN is my favorite band, in fact if I'm not mistaken I think I was the one who got Spas interested in them... well Trent Reznor is awesome... my favorite songs are Closer, Head Like a Hole, Down in it, Something I can never have, Sin, Were in this Together, Into the Void, etc. IMO his best albums were Pretty Hate Machine, The Downward Spiral and The Fragile
  9. yeah I know where the tape was I just didn't bother trying to get it. It was in the air suspended above one of the glass domes.
  10. it looks okay, the font sucks you need to fix it. 6.4/10
  11. haha Spas got all his hair cut off! lol I hate haircuts ... Maybe I'll post my picture when I feel like it... and Spas seriously please don't post my pic this time.
  12. I kinda want it to come, just imagine all the destruction...that would look way too cool! This movie is from the same director as Independance Day so its bound to be awesome.
  13. uh...no I can't really say we are good fellow I like the soundtrack for Britney's Dance Beat
  14. that poker game is easy, I had about 17000 and I bet all of it and I lost I was so mad cause I sat there forever clicking and clicking and clicking
  15. nope, I don't think it looks very good...I've heard it's pretty good though P.s. Are you Green Lizard from the old boards?
  16. you should download the Matrix font for your name. pretty nice 9/10
  17. The words are fine. 8.5/10 If anything I think you should change the color from blue too red or dark green or black maybe.
  18. I also like the music from Future Cop LAPD and Quake kinda too
  19. yeah I want to know where my score of 30,000 points went too. It says my highest score on Monkey Punch is only 7,000 something...
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