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Everything posted by insane_pyro28

  1. once again more Einhander music and The Darkness - A thing called love
  2. its okay? maybe? I guess? 5.369? / 10? ??
  3. spasmod no wait i didn't mean it that way OMG
  4. me and SpasMod have it... were roomates together imagine that me and spasmod in the same house i forgot how big it is and i'm too lazy to check so...
  5. i'm sure you won't mind if I just but into the argument but biggamer aren't you the one who made that gay ass sopranos avatar with the two guns? cause if you are then that avatar is a complete piece of crap, all you did was cut and paste... P.s. There's no need to say that I suck at making graphics and you're better than me because I don't make or even attempt to make graphics and anybody could make better graphics then me. so you don't need to say I suck because I already know I do
  6. what do u know....I'm listening to more techno music from Einhander
  7. NoS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. great job, I read the first two sentences and I was just too shocked to read the rest!
  9. I have all the exapansion packs too...except Makin Magic cause it's "bad" I thought all the expansions were pretty good except for Vacation, I just thought it was kinda lame... I used to download tons of skins and objects for the game though, I had a T.V. as big as an entire wall and exotic cars...it was cool (except my Jaguar caught up in flames andb urned down my entire garage, which by the way posed as a really cool picture!) I wish TSO had the move_objects on code. good times good times...
  10. yeah I do that alot...I mean it can't be considered as spamming so... I'm pretty good at Asteroids so I'll just keep getting high scores on that! lol
  11. the playstation isn't a dvd player/game console.. but the Playtsation 2 is
  12. well I didn't read the rules anyway and even if I would have I still would've made these forums...
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