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Everything posted by insane_pyro28

  1. thats pretty good. Max Payne 2...
  2. my trial ends this sunday... and Skyline I suggest not talking to Tony, he doesn't know anything...about anything. He said he was gonna pay my dad to come over and help him install it! he's a real dumass when it comes to computers.
  3. I can't stand True Crimes, that game gets on my fuc*in nerves...
  4. I just don't like any fighting games period, I think they all suck.
  5. I don't like Ewoks, Wookies are cool though maybe I'd be a Trandoshian or whatever those things are called, the ones with the bug eyes, those are pretty cool too...
  6. I love Jawas, there so short and they wear those brown coats and have those black faces with brigh yellow eyes, and they talk so weird it's hilarious Those things are awesome I wonder who would win between the Ewoks and Jawas...
  7. Sw means Star Wars in case your slow. Anyway I'd of course be Jango or Boba Fett because they're my favorite characters, if not that then I'd be R2-D2 or a Jawa
  8. yeah what the hell is up with that? that's "bad"
  9. Oh yeah sorry, here are two of them The Better One The Not Better One I think the first trailer is better IMO, you can see em both though
  10. Have you guys heard of this movie? It looks really good IMO. I can't wait to see it on May 28th It's about a second ice age hits the earth, and on the trailer for it, it has some kick ass special effects!
  11. yeah I know Mars Rover is crap, but either way that's dumb that I can't even see the whole screen. And my monitor is 19"
  12. Vice City came out 1 year after GTAIII I don't like Wrestling Games, or fighting games, I think they're boring :'(
  13. yeah and anyways the police won't hunt you down for just downloading files from Kazaa, the people they're after are the people who share the files. If you don't share then you pretty much have a safe chance of not getting caught. Okay so now my warning level is about to raise another 10% , which leaves me with... 70% left until I'm banned!
  14. Half Life 2 and Doom3 both look really awesome. I can't get over how good the graphics look on Doom3! Like w00t man
  15. yous need to get that [removed]Ressurection No warez discussion- Biggie
  16. I just got FarCry and Unreal Tournament 2004. stop asking me how I got them , you don't need to know
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