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Everything posted by insane_pyro28

  1. w00t It's official now there in production of Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal. I saw some of the screens already, pretty good graphics. This time the game is gonna have online capability (which sucks for me since I don't have anetwork adapter ) and multiplayer deathmatches and stuff... I love the Ratchet & Clank series! I beat R&C2 3 times and unlocked EVERYTHING in the game
  2. oh crap, my house really isn't that huge and I already have Spasmod and Tony Montana as roomates...but what the hell you can come too!
  3. everyone should just use dollars... because I heard the 20 dollars bill has crack in it LOL
  4. I just name the songs I listened to around the same time...
  5. Well peronally I think the best music in any game I've seen is probably from Einhander (an old not well known Ps1 game) It's cool background techno music composed by some Japanese dude who has a long name with a bunch of words which I don't know
  6. my deck sucks...I need a new one, I have have an extra Blind deck but I don't really like it. I just got new hardware about a month ago though, I have black 50mm CCS wheels, tensor mids trucks and Flip HKD abec7 bearings and Lucky Hardware I like practicing doing flatland tricks for fun, I can almost do Caspers. And I can land railflips, once I almost did a kickflip to truckstand it was psycho!
  7. I'm better at doing nose manuals then I am at regular manuals I can't manual very far, but I can nose manual pretty far
  8. default0004 002 and default0014 011 hey that is the name of the song
  9. lol, I'm still trying to perfect my 360 flips...I come so close SO CLOSE!!
  10. Limp Bizkit - Nookie Basement Jaxx - Where's Your Head At BT - Firewater
  11. I still don't know why anyone was even calling in Sin City in the first place... It would make no sense to name it Sin City
  12. I want to pre-order it but at the moment I have mor eimportant things to spend my money on. Some of my games are pirated too...
  13. that would be awesome! I love MMO games, I'm currently playing the sims online I wanna play Star Wars: Galaxies too
  14. why is no one posting in this topic anymore? :'( does skating mean nothing anymore??? anyway I just wanna say that I can do a nollie heelflip now... but it's weird cause I get into position for a nollieflip but I do a heelflip instead. I can't even do a nollieflip
  15. i've never heard of the gold edition
  16. Linkin Park - Lying From You SlipKnot - Liberate SlipKnot - Iowa
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