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Everything posted by Precision

  1. Hi! I think everybody knows who I am. Just wanted to say how odd it was that no one has the name Tommy Vercetti, or am I wrong or something? PrecisionBass
  2. I always use Altavista, but I don't really care. I've heard alot of people talking about Google so I thought: Maybe a poll would be fun. Have fun, PrecisionBass
  3. How did you colour your text? Please don't.
  4. Drinks Is my signature too big? PrecisionBass
  5. How does it end? I don't feel like seeing it. PrecisionBass
  6. Hey Sate, wich country are you from? PrecisionBass
  7. That's odd. Listening to more then 1 song at a time.
  8. I think you got me wrong here, what I meant was: Yes, on the contrary, you can blame them for that. Just wanted to set the things straight.
  9. I've had the idea for this topic for a long time on my mind but I forgot it, so I didn't stole it from Pyro. My question is: Which game has the best soundtrack? I would say Agressive Inline and Tony Hawk 3, but alot of Tony Hawk games have a good soudtrack, right? (Don't answer that)
  10. Ok, thanx. But why was Spazmod banned? He wasn't that bad, this anther dumb question? I've probably been away too long. PrecisionBass
  11. This is kind off a double negative, because he had more upgraded weapons, while that was more then 15 years (I guess) before GTA 3. But still you have a point even though that wasn't the question. My opinion is: Tommy has more character then 'Fido' because he can speak. I like 'Fido' too, because he is silent, but that doesn't give him a attitude. (Not an atitude like Tommy) So I'll choose Tommy. PrecisionBass
  12. I didn't know they're would be more cars. PrecisionBass
  13. Is it me, or are alot of people, like The Fear, getting banned? What I see is: GROUP: Banned. Do they make this for fun, or am I missing something, because I didn't see a text underneath him, something like: I was banned due to noobish behavior, or something. Is this new? Just checking. (Don't blame me, just look at the topic title) PrecisionBass
  14. They aren't that hard to make, really. PrecisionBass
  15. No money, no funny bunny, honey. I couldn't find it, just now. PrecisionBass
  16. This happened a long time ago, but I just rememberd it. (This has something to do with it:) I also had this in GTA 3, when I got on top of a car, when I had 1 star, the Police were too lazy to get on top of the car where I was at, and instead of bashing at the car, he shot me, probably because he couldn't get up the car, while I didn't even had 2 or more stars. But now the funny story: I was sailing in my boat, I don't know wich one, but however, I crashed on the Golfers Islands and for some reason my boat was laying upside down. So I got of the boat, (It didn't explode) and started walking aroud. I found a group of golfers, so I smacked one. The whole gang came (As expected) after me, and I ran to my upside down-boat wich still was laying there. I jumped on it, and the golfers didn't smack me with their golf-clubs, all of the sudden they had guns, and shot me like in GTA 3!? This REALLY happend, and I would like know if this ever happend to you guys.
  17. Flies, or is it flys? I don't know, all I can say they are those stupid little flying bug - like creatures. PrecisionBass
  18. Mafia rules, but why do they betray you, I didn't really get that part? PrecisionBass
  19. I hope this is not off topic, if it is, I apologize, because I don't know where to post this: Is there a mod that turns newspapers in to money? P.s. Is there something wich you can make photos on your PS2?
  20. I would like: - Bullet holes in everything you shoot. - Some heavy skidmarks on the road, but not too much, because that would take hours to load. - Very large city. - No more army after you, the tank is so fake. You drive against a car and it explodes Or make it realistic. - More damage to cars and stuff. - Cars don't make skidmarks on the road to fast. Just look at True Crime: Streets of LA, you make a wee turn and your car makes smoke and a huge skidmark. This is not really realistic. - More interaction with the surrounding, I don't know yet what, but I'll see. - See the rest in the other topics. PrecisionBass
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