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Everything posted by zimoo

  1. I'm not going to pre-order it but i will buy it as soon as possible after it comes out(or get my mum to, because I'm not 18 )
  2. Yeah the Haitians are stupid, they walk right inside a rival gangs property(Kaufman Cabs) and the wonder why you start throwing grenades at them
  3. Yeah I got that email too, all it said was GTA San Andreas - October 2004
  4. While online play would be cool it would also be really slow because of the hundreds of people wanting to play
  5. PS2, the controls are easy to learn and its got all my favourite games on
  6. That site doesn't work because you can't have spaces in website addresses. Is it a dash or an underscore in the middle?
  7. Good job again crazy, I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter.
  8. I don't partictularily like Darkness but then again I'm only into 80s rock at the moment
  9. I think this is a good idea but I think it should be closed if people start to spam in it loads like at the old forums Anyway, match
  10. 15? You can get these and another game for £10 at Game because they're part of that 3 for £10 deal on sold out games and gta and GTA london are in the same box
  11. Well VC for PC came out several months after the the PS2 one as did the Xbox one. Anyway, cool news about SA and I'm now going to be counting down the days until its out
  12. I've heard of the open the tunnel mod but I've never heard off the second one, where do you get it from?
  13. In The Navy from GTA3 because when ever someone says it i usually get out my m16 and start a mini-rampage From VC, Can't you see I'm blind. Lol, that blind guy cracks me up and hes a bit stupid too because just a minute ago I attacked his car with a chainsaw and then he got out and started punching me while i was still they're wrecking his car with my chainsaw
  14. Yeah the hack sounds cool but you shouldn't have any police bribes
  15. GTA2 - it had cool gangs, the respect system and the electric gun, it also had more of a storyline than the previous ones
  16. You need either a video camera or a webcam and then you just plug them into your computer i think
  17. I stopped watching wrestling ages ago but my fave wrestler was RVD and when I first got into wrestling I really liked the Hardy Boys
  18. Yeah I'm pretty sire its behind the blocked off tunnel up near by the dam so try flying over that
  19. My name glow still isn't working, unless its my computer
  20. When does he drive the limo? The only person I've seen driving the limo is Fido. The limo was at Joeys but he never actually drove it
  21. He's not the driver is he? Cause I've played that game through a few times and I've never seen him drive a car
  22. Are GTA3 characters appearing in it? Thats another thing I didn't notice, I thought Luigi was just because all of the Vercetti Gang seem to be called Mario
  23. Lol, anyway that auto collect interest thing seems cool but will the 24 hours start over again when you deposit money?
  24. Yeah i had a name glow aswell and are we going to switch to IB Shop 2 when the mods are compatible with cause I don't like the fact that you have to collect your own interest and you have to wait 24 hours after depositing money before you can collect again
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