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Everything posted by maj212

  1. oh yeah deffo gta vice city although it wasnt the first gta game i played it was gta1 when i was really little and went to the hospital lol they let me play it and i was real happy running over people but yeah i didnt even know it was gta1 at the time lol vice city is awesome much more cheerfull and eighties in my eyes
  2. definately cubans lol i can run over them much more than the haitians but they dont care lol
  3. Yeah by default its C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto Vice City\skins just copy paste to there
  4. my youngest cousin is 6 now and sooo annoying when he doesnt get what he want he isnt loud or anything just annoying like if me and his 10 year old player are lets say playing a game on my ps2 hell stand before the tv and hell keep doing that untill you get up and throw him out of the romm ofcourse lock it and then he is there in front of the door and is like: "can i come back in please ill behave" ya right although i have faith in him his brother was like that but now hes great does whatever i say mwahaha
  5. Rofl somehow i think he thought im a girl but i played along lol funny You: hi Stranger: hey You: how r u Stranger: wanna send me nudes? You: ...no Stranger: y not You: i have meh reasons Stranger: wat reasoons r those? You: you see if i asked u if you wanna hang yourself what would u say Stranger: well actually im suicidal so i would say yes You: exactl...i mean i still have meh reasons Stranger: like wat? please tell me/ You: and im sure my mummy said not to send meh nude pics over the internet :3 Stranger: wat she dont know dont hurt her You: unless i stab her everytime she doesnt kno something You: ...that would hurt Stranger: well maybe she deserved it You: maybe You: but lets leave that at that Stranger: so ur gonna send em to me? You: ...i didnt say that Stranger: y dont u just give me a good reason y not/ You: i got burned alive and my private parts didnt take it well thus leading to horribleness Stranger: thats hot You: no a lighter is hot Stranger: touche lol You: well i cant really rost a marshmallow next to my private parts can i? Stranger: no i guess u couldnt i would really like to see them because i am a doctor i may beable to reconstruct ur privates You: ...so? You: what if i dont want u to seee them Stranger: then i cant help u Stranger: sorry good bye You: did i come asking for help?
  6. I dont use mod manager yes its the correct folder are u sure you unchecked read only go to gta3.img right click properties and uncheck read only
  7. hmm lamburghini counta.... oh the unmodded i would pick the sabre turbo or the infernus theyre both
  8. meh i usually stick to the old games neway but if i decided on getting new games id get a ps3 or xbox360 its just so easyer pop the disc in and there you go but one downsite no modding bah
  9. meh i wouldnt even watch a movie if it would come out game inspired movies tend to suck
  10. yes its crammed with stuff i dun need zomgcandy.bmp
  11. hmm nokia 6120 classic orbit watermellon chewing gum pocket knife change thats it
  12. hmm let me see eureka(lol) my avatar folder
  13. yo whazzap im some random 13 year old male person from slovenia i mod vice city (mainly car mods(death to vice city mod installer )) also umm some building textures and all kind of stuff but yeh mostly experienced in installing car mods not actually making em....i gotta try that though well enough blablablaing ill get back to searching the forums
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