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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Yesterday there was some party at a friend's house and there was this big-ass screen with a beamer for Mario Kart Wii. Now IMO Mario Kart Wii is a step backwards and having it projected so big made it painfully obvious how the Wii really lacks power (very, very low resolution... and that was not because of the beamer), but damn. Tournament. That was loads of fun. 32 tracks and guess what... I won So I'm sort of happy about that. Not sure if I'm actually going to buy the game though... Actually I've got no games planned to buy for my Wii at all, while I've got loads for PC. Oh, wait. I do. Brawl. But I'm only going to get that when I buy myself my own TV for in my bedroom. 40", 42" like. On the wall and my dad is going to buy me either a sofa or a choach (probably spelt that wrong..), so that should be pretty awesome for weekends (evenings). Still have to wait a few months for that though. Will be in Q1 2009 I think.
  2. @Claude: Played both. Both have blurry textures IMO..
  3. Batter card would be 8x00 where x > 5 And I think all of ATi/AMD's HD cards are faster too. Which I think is R600 and higher, but I'm not sure. And I think you can play it with that card. Just with everything to its lowest settings.. I'd get a better card if you intend to play the game. Low settings never are fun..
  4. Crysis is 6.89 GB. They better have some high-res textures. RAM schould be fine for XP. Vista will need 3 GB though, I think... And their CPU and Graphic Card specifications mean practically jack if you ask me. But sounds pretty reasonable, with exception of the HDD space needed, but I don't care about that, just justifies buying that 1TB HDD I wanted and hopefully means they won't have those blurry textures this time 'round.
  5. Well.. Usually Europe gets raped. So I'll need to shell out quite a lot of cash. At the minimum 150 EUR. And yeah.. it's a genre I've never been into and I'm not really sure if it's worth it..
  6. Why... watercooling? I've got a ThermalRight Ultra-120 Extreme and that surely is enough for 4,4 GHz. But then you've got those cards that need like 700 Watt.. Though they're blowing out most of the heat, these cards get very hot and if the case isn't very 'airy', it's going to get a little hot inside. So in that case liquidcooling would make sense.
  7. 1. Go to Microsoft.com 2. Find page where you can buy a license. 3. Use the download link you get. 4. ?????? 5. PROFIT!
  8. So I'm at Arbiter's grounds now. That's the name of the dungeon, right? That one in Gerudo Desert. Love it (: Any news on Pikmin 3? Wii seems to be the perfect platform for such a game if you ask me. I really hope Nintendo is making or is making Pikmin 3. It's a shame Pikmin wasn't so succesful, it was a very good game.. sort of underrated.
  9. I don't like their games. They look awesome. Slick menu's and stuff, but I dont' like racing games in general. Might just be because I suck at them.. Maybe one day I'll buy one of those awesome steering wheels and get into those games, but ATM I consider them too expensive (like, 170 EUR..). But it sounds awesome. Grid looked amazing. But... aren't these games rather repetitive?
  10. Ok, what the fuck. Why did McCain have to talk about change? Yeah, ok, change. But he's trying to style Obama's "slogan" it seems. Meh, didn't really like McCain's speach of day before yesterday.. And Palin's a fuckin' MILF. That's AWESOME! That aside, I actually think McCain didn't make a bad choice for his running-mate. It's a pain though.. I prefer McCain over Obama, but I'm starting to dislike him. Well, like him less. Well, whatever.. lets just see. As of today I think this: Either way, you're fucked.
  11. Sort of outdated. Great price though, still. So if you're on a tight budget, this is a pretty good deal. If you've got a bit bigger budget I'd look at the R770 cards.
  12. No. I'm a 15 year old lad without a GF.
  13. Explain. Defective parts? Yeah, they've made that packaging suck, but that doesn't really matter for desktops. And they aren't even all that expensive. Just slightly more, but then you've got PhysX and nVidia's probably going to push it to their TWIMTBP program. Though there is no denying that the HD4850 is a great card. If you go for higher-end stuff, you'll be at a GTX270. Just slightly more than HD4870, but it is faster and got PhysX. Going to be announced this week, probably. But most bang-for-buck comes from DAAMIT, true. X2 is crap though. Too expensive, too slow.. Doesn't justify buying that over 2x 4870. Unless you've got a low end board (in which case you shouldn't be having that card in the first place), or a SLI board, but then SLI 260 would be better just slightly more expensive. More like notifying him that his mobo isn't really going to make anything faster (yeah, ok, benchmarks. But for real, not really), cause I had the feeling he thought it would. Just enables you to have more bandwidth for your hardware and stuff. Getting up to date or more energy effecient. Those type of things.
  14. Oh fuck you. Now I'm feeling sad, shitty and depressed again True though. Even the GF part.

    You being one of the people here I sort of admire, based on what posts I've seen.

    And what YJ said cheered me up, sort of :P

  16. SOMETHING! I don't know actually. Someone told me in my profile and I still had 10 posts to go a few days ago and I'm sure I've reached that. I'll post this and look at my postcount and then will edit this post. Edit: 6007! But consider this the post for my 6000 milestone (: And to hell with increments of thousand. I'm going to try my best to have 6666 in this topic, but I'll probably forget...
  17. The idea of having a GF. Which I do not have.... But one can always dream and imagine...
  18. Pentium? WTF? It's a QX, how could that be a pentium? It's a quad core, yeah. There are no quad pentiums It's a very expensive, high-end CPU.
  19. Rockstar is funding them...? I think you mean Take2. Probably... I don't know.. since when has Sony stopped?
  20. So I was playing TP today after a long time. I like the graphics again (: Just very blurry textures..
  21. Uh, well some few weeks ago they came with a new driver that solved quite some of their 64bit probs. Might have been just before you switched, cause not all that long ago they didn't have support for it. *checks* Uh, turns out that was already solved in March.
  22. Forgive me, they do. Didn't know of that one at the time QX9750. Pretty stupid buy to be very honest. I mean, it's a great CPU, it really is. But looking at the rest of his config, he isn't a die-hard computer enthusiast at all, so having that CPU just doesn't make sense. If you're not going to do extreme overclocking, why buy one of Intel's Extreme CPU's. Just go for their normal Core 2's
  23. It's PS3 exclusive from what I've heard. Sony payed up or something like that.
  24. Still warm for our standards :P

    My uncle is pretty exited it seems. First time being there in like 10 years. And 10 years ago was just a quick stop from Brunei to Europe.

    This might be a weird question, but are cold drinks normal in India? Cause as far as I can remember, everything I had there was always hot/pretty warm.

    And I'll ask if he's planing to go to.

  25. @Alkaline: He doesn't have a console... yeah, cause he's got a system with a much higher potential. Now we can agrue about that potential being unleased or not, but a mid-range/high-end PC technically is superior, that's a fact. About controls: I love using a keyboard. With exeption of platform games and things like flight sim and a few other genres, it does great. I had bought a gamepad for my PC, but the only game I ever used it for was SA. For all others using a keyboard + mouse just worked better. Oh, and those arrows suck. I once had some game from EA that had to be controlled with the arrows and that sucked hardcore. That was keyboard only though. So left hand to arrows and right hand on spacebar and the keys around it. But I didn't like it at all. As Chris said, WASD is MUCH more efficient.
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