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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. I mean, compared to OEM PC's with about the same specs. Of course building the system witht the same hardware yourself will (almost) always be cheaper. You have to know that having a high-end OEM built system in Europe (only the system. No speakers, monitor, mouse, keyboard ect.) will set you back 2800 USD and then you won't have 2 of those harpertowns. So in a sense, Mac's aren't all that expensive (at least, their high-end models). Edit: Saw Chris' post. Apple charges 100 EUR for just 1 effin GB of RAM. The must be out of their minds. You can get 2GB for just 40 these days. It really just shows how much knowledge an average Mac user has.. if Apple can just quote them those prices and they actually buy it.. Edit 2, one day later: Ok, forget about what I said before.
  2. Perfect example is your third topic. What do you expect me ,or anyone else for that matter, to say? I looked at the clip and to be honest, I found it pretty boring.. So instead of being a dick and saying that, I just decided not to post anything.
  3. I'm pretty sure there is no such mod. Sorry to disappoint you..
  4. Came across some drunk chick yesterday evening. I mean, chicks. 6 of them. So, I rescued a hedgehog (he was about to get run over by a van! Can't let that happen now can I ..) en then those chicks come by wanting.. sex. And I have to say, they were pretty hot. However, I'm 15 and didn't really feel comfortable having my firsttimer with some drunk girl I found on the street and I said the most stupid thing imaginable.... "Oh, I was actually going home to game, Bioshock probably, sorry." Really, I should have just gotten that BJ... But then I guess it's a good thing to not have done it too.... Meh, I don't know.
  5. PC controls are superior.... except for driving. Graphics will be superior too. Hopefully no more blurry textures.
  6. Go into your BIOS and disable that Realtech thing if you want your card to take over (if it's possible..)
  7. Red Devil. Never thought I'd ever want to for good purposes, but really.. he does seem pretty cool after all.. And Radion, dude, I thought I put you on my list ages ago. As I just say who I add. Can't be bothered to create the full list at every post. Rockstarrem and Mishom too. I don't think I had mentioned them earlier..
  8. Uh, was it... Ah, crap... He really was the only one (and van Nistelrooy once...) we cheered for that saturday. He really is the only person who ALWAYS plays exellent. The rest has their days and stuff, but Van Der Sar.. I haven't actually ever see him play bad. Has always done a great job as far as I can remember. Anyway, Germany VS Turkey now. Still 0-0 at the moment.
  9. I was taling about the poul rounds. Russia really wasn't interesting then. Netherlands was. Basten was stupid and didn't change his tactics and the Hidding made good use of his failure. Saturday the Netherlands did play crap. Pretty amazed at how Russia played when comparing it to how they played in their poul. Seriously, have you even seen all of Russia's and Holland's matches? Cause then I think you would agree that during the poul matches, the Dutch played much, much better. But hey, when it actually came to it they failed. Better luck next time. Only saw the penalties. Was at someones birthday party during the rest of the match. Hoping Spain wins the tournament now.
  10. I found myself hugging a tree day before yesterday... Took some time until I realised what I was doing. Imagining it was some chick I don't dare talk with. It was a nice tree though.
  11. Brawl to be added to my collection next week? Not sure.. I've been spending to much lately and I'm not all that keen in shelling out another 78 USD (50 EUR). Could also buy Assassins Creed, the Orange Box or COD4. But then it is Brawl....
  12. If you watched their previous matches you'd have seen that they just messed up. They thought they could use their exact same tactics again, and obviously that wouldn't work with Russia's tight defences. I've also seen all of Russia's poul matches and I can say that they didn't play great at all. As I said, without Hidding they wouldn't have been able to do it. He did a very good job. Germany VS Spain? Not sure, but that'd seem most likely to happen. Edit: To the "big teams". I thought Holland would get completely raped in their poul. To my big surprise they defeated Italy and even France and after seeing those matches I thought they actually stood a fair chance if they'd continue at the level of footbal they performed during those matches. But as I said, they didn't. They did pretty much mess up. Van Basten should have known that he couldn't keep the same arrangement (right word?). Or he should have at least kept his mouth shut about it... Oh, and when I say they messed up, I do mean that they played bad, but could have done much better. Hubris as I said.
  13. one would be in my top 10. too.Though I'm quite a metal and hardrock fan (not a specific form. Grunge, Nu Metal, Death metal (some). I like most of them.) there's just one of them in my top 10. Most of the hardcore metal fans would hate it, but I absolutely love Smells like teen spirit.
  14. I had a long comment. But then effin FireFox failed me.. Anyhow, in short: Van Basten failed again. It seemed they thought they'd own with ease again, just like they did in the match against Italy, France and Romania. He didn't have Robben in and waited far to long with van Persie, thinking they'd get it in the second half. Russia relied a lot on a counter. Hiddink, being a traitor, knows how 'we' play and has, unfortunately, done great. Hubris... Looking at the previous matches, I'd say Holland deserved it (much) more than Russia. But yesterday they just messed up. Just looking at yesterdays match, yeah, then Russia certainly deserved it. Would have been great though. Winning the EC after 20 years. But hey, had a great time yesterday. We (5 friends and I) went to Delft. None of you probably know what it is though... it's a small 'city'. Anyway, went to see the match there. Got sort of drunk.. today they said that I walked... well... y'know. With a huge arc towards my cycle. Guess just having it for these occasions doesn't do any real harm.. Is it normal it other countries to go to these places and watch the match with a big crowd? Just curious.
  15. Model? Get Rivatuner. Try adjusting fanspeed. Stock fan speed of mine gets my card to idle at 60. Upping the fan speed slightly will get it down to 48. 8800 GT from XFX is very loud, but it keeps the card cool. Anyway, 46 isn't bad. You'll want to keep it under the 80 on load though for most chips. Use Rivatuner's Hardware monitor to view the GPU temp over a longer period of time.
  16. I'm quiting. Drinking has made me fucking sick and dizzy and ruined my sleep. Being a 15 year old, I'm not even supposed to, but it gives some sort of excitement to buy it from shops that have a strict age policy. Though it does taste nice, of course.
  17. Llama... Mine sucks I'll try though
  18. I'm looking forword to Russia's match. Get ownd you ex-commies!
  19. I wouldn't start OC'ing if it's reaching 58 at stock. I've never come above the 50, and that's with my CPU running at 3,8 GHz. You're using Intel's stock cooler, right? You might want to replace that if you want to start overclocking. Artic Cooling has some good coolers for very prices, I'd check that out if I was you.
  20. 1 - I absolutely HATE Mac-fags. Mac world article about the GTX 2x0: Oh, god, those people annoy me. A friend of mine is slightly a Apple fanboy. Asked him why he thinks Mac's are superior. He's got no idea.. Just believes all of Apple's Ad's (which in essence are true actually. But heavily exaggerated). His dad got an iMac. Pretty new and it's sloooow. Annoying in use too IMO. I'd prefer Windows to Mac OS any day. 2 - Most of their products are, but the computers themselves are actually fairly priced IMO (not the Air of course). But then they still don't really have superior hardware or anything.. 3 - Uhm, yeah. 4 - Haven't used the OS long enough to really say anything about crashes in Mac OS. I've been using Vista for 2 months now though. And I only experience problems when getting out of sleep mode. IMO sleep mode is just a very, very crappy version of stand by. pros: 1 - Matter of taste. I, for one, think their designs aren't nice at all. I don't like the iMac, the MacBook's and the power Macs are awful. The Air looks pretty good, but it's got far to much flaws to even consider buying. Their iPhone is sexy, and the iPod's too (except for the chrome. They spoilt the design by adding chrome). 2 - Maybe, I've got no idea TBH..
  21. We Italians hate the French But I cant believe Italy lost! Omfg! Dammit Dio! Italia Best vincere la prossima volta! Just to have it in this thread... So, Portugal vs Germany now. Me watching. I'm guessing a 3-2 for Portugal. Edit: Forget that. 2-1 for Germany..
  22. I'd want to fuck Rihanna too. She's pretty cute Obsession? Not really... I like some girl actually, but fuck, out of reach. Y'know... Isabelle.. Very nice name IMO. I'll probably change my mind in two weeks time though. It isn't really loving someone, more just liking.
  23. Gycu got his ass kicked. Kokane too. sorry guis, you lozt teh matsh. So, the Netherlands haven't lost any match until now and only France managed to even score (once). 9 (3-4-2) for the Netherlands. 1 for the rest. Pretty good IMO.
  24. 33? I doubt it dude. As you're probably using Intel's stock cooler, that shouldn't be the actual temp. Use realtemp and stress your CPU for 10 minutes with Orthos. Check temp while Orthos is running. I've got a ThermalRight Ultra Extreme 120 and that's the best air cooler on the market. Better than many watercooling solutions and I'm at 39 with a wolfdale and stock voltage. Undervolted it now actually, so then it's about 36 stressed. 26 at idle (my room is 24 C thanks to the damn hot graphic card...) Clockspeeds can be changed in the BIOS if your mobo supports it. You'll have to be a bit more specific about what mobo you have for me to give any advice. Edit: BTW, I'll get a picture of my case tomorrow. Personally I don't think it's that big, but my friends and parents think different... I actually never really liked the looks of this case in pictures (bought it because it's exellent for overclocking), but in real life it actually does look pretty awesome IMO. Just.... not in pictures.
  25. It's legitimate now. Today was it's official release. I, however, had it three days ago. It's pretty cool. Just would have like an option to define it's front and back..
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