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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. When she was starting to become "normal" like every other mom, she was the whole time in those papparazzi papper's. Because she was being like every other person. Why did she suddenly go crazy?
  2. So she now is "possesed" by the devil.... She's lost it
  3. Things like the big community thread can be bumped. Normally, try to stick to the first page. And withing 2 weeks should be fine. This is NOT the case for help topics in the GTA forum. Cause usually they only get left alone when the problem has been already been solved. Hope that that made it clear
  4. I'm just closing down the shop for 2 days. Don't whorry, I'll add 1000$ when checking your credit. For compensation
  5. What about 2 gay people (male or female) addopting child. Personally, I'd say no. A child nees a father and mother. It's not natural for a child to have 2 fathers or 2 morthers. Discuss..
  6. Why would I talk about your odder Mine... ofcourse.
  7. I never said it wasn't save And I must have done something wrong then.. I only try'ed 1 file, and everytime ended up with the same weird 3 kb file.. It was suppossed to be a skin.
  8. hmmm, I think I'll just google it in that case...
  9. The retail prices in shops for a double layer Blu-Ray disc. That's 50 Gig. This is kindda, major off-topic... :|
  10. It's even nicer to have a off topic convo that can be interupted when wanted
  11. I'm sorry, but don't you think this topic is a little stupid. Just because people aren't that active today doesn't make this a real big deal. Perhaps if it was for a week I'd agree with you, but not just 1 day. Like Gerard said, I currently can't find a topic I really want to reply to. Perhaps you could make a nice topic what would interest people so it would be active. And usually it's a bit more active here in the evening..
  12. Guess what, a dual layer Blu-Ray disc costs 65$. At least, here. That just for ONE disc! How does R* want to get any profit's with that. But that prices will drop soon though.. That's what I think that is. Sorry to interupt but your totally wrong I think in the UK it will be £40 because I havel alread spoke to GAME and GAME STATION and they said that would be the price at first but some games could be £35 anyway it is cheaper than the 360 games which are £50 here - what a rip off!!!! Well I'm not totally wrong, cause those ARE the RETAIL prices HERE. IN THE SHOP'S. Surely not the price R* is paying for it, but it's extreemly expensive never the less.
  13. Don't you think 3 is a little short. Maybe 8 months
  14. Avi 4/5 Sig 5/5 SUPER GIRL!! Perso: Great person and also a DS gang member
  15. You did that in Paint? That's quite good you know. Although, you might consider buying CS2 or CS3 You'll be able to make the 3 hour one in just under 10 minutes.
  16. Air fox Thanks for the money BTW
  17. Ok. Someone else also said to me that the E6600 is good overclockable, to at least 3GHz. BTW, here's my list Ignore the little Dutch though. And I'm getting Ultimate for just 130 EUR if I'm not mistaken Edit: do not all prices are without the 19% tax given there. So that still add-up to the price.
  18. I know, but look how expensive! That's more then the price of a PC game ATM.
  19. Pandora


    Ow, ok. Here they Call is SOA. But it has the exact same meaning, only different language. I strongly believe you should be loyal and not go with anyone else if you are in a relation. But I'm sure people will disagree with me about that. I would hate to be cheated if I would ever be in a relation. And even worse would be if I got a STD because the other/my partner/what ever you want to call it- went with an other guy.
  20. Air Fox, aiski (or something like that, that low graphic ski game), Simon *get's idea* No! Scratch those Donkey Kong Flatout Yetisports 6 Bigwave Yetisports 7 Freeride
  21. Pandora


    What does STD mean? Some sexual virus?
  22. Guess what, a dual layer Blu-Ray disc costs 65$. At least, here. That just for ONE disc! How does R* want to get any profit's with that. But that prices will drop soon though.. That's what I think that is.
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