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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. It would help if you told us what graphiccard you're using. 256mb says absolutely nothing.
  2. The serial killer?

    Welcome ;)

  3. I just read this and I'm so darned jealous. Also, I might have to buy a 360 for this. Last game that got a 10 was Ocarina of Time I think, and IV looks absolutely awesome. I should have never doubted Rockstar, ever.
  4. Topic removed. Good work on the moderation (that's no sarcasm) .
  5. Woops... Well I removed the link I posted within 2 minutes (because I saw the title of this sticky). And it's only fair towards Rockstar though.
  6. @Dazza: Have you actually ever used Vista? I just bought it 2 weeks ago and it works great. With exeption of one, I have to problems at all. I won't be switching back. They've been working on SP3 for a long time already, so what's the 'giving up on Vista' bullshit.
  7. Did you get Asus PCProbe II with that mobo? Try running that and check the temp of the NB, SB and CPU.
  8. Because I was talking to Radi0n ;)

    And yes, I do know I could post in their profile. But I think it's easier to just do it here actually.

  9. Firefox standard page: google.
  10. Pandora

    Mario is real!

    Proof that photo realistic graphics aren't always the best solution.
  11. COD 5 hasn't been announced (yet)
  12. Newfag. Pedobear has already been shot by EFG, he can't rape anymore anyway. Pedo bear, his long lost brother, however, can.
  13. ………………….._,,-~'''¯¯¯''~-,, ………………..,-'' ; ; ;_,,---,,_ ; ;''-,…………………………….._,,,---,,_……………… ……………….,' ; ; ;,-' , , , , , '-, ; ;'-,,,,---~~''''''~--,,,_…..,,-~'' ; ; ; ;__;'-,…………… ……………….| ; ; ;,' , , , _,,-~'' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ¯''~'-,,_ ,,-~'' , , ', ;', ………… ……………….', ; ; '-, ,-~'' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;''-, , , , , ,' ; |………… …………………', ; ;,'' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;'-, , ,-' ;,-'………… ………………….,'-' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;''-' ;,,-'………….. ………………..,' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;__ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; '-,'…………….. ………………,-' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;,-''¯: : ''-, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; _ ; ; ; ; ;',…………….. ……………..,' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;| : : : : : :| ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ,-''¯: ¯''-, ; ; ;',……………. …………….,' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; '-,_: : _,-' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; | : : : : : :| ; ; ; |…………… ……………,' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ¯¯ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;'-,,_ : :,-' ; ; ; ;|…………… …………,-' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;,' , , , , , , ,( : : : : , , , ,''-, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;|…………… ……….,-' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;', , , , , , , , ,'~---~'' , , , , , ,' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;',………….. …….,-'' ; _, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ''~-,,,,--~~'''¯'''~-,,_ , ,_,-' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ',…………. ….,-''-~'',-' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; | ; ; | . . . . . . ,'; ,''¯ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ,_ ; '-,……….. ……….,' ; ;,-, ; ;, ; ; ;, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ', ; ;', . . . . .,' ;,' ; ; ; ;, ; ; ;,'-, ; ;,' ''~--'''……… ………,'-~' ,-'-~'' ', ,-' ', ,,- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ', ; ; '~-,,,-'' ; ,' ; ; ; ; ', ;,-'' ; ', ,-',…………….. ……….,-'' ; ; ; ; ; '' ; ; ;'' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ''-,,_ ; ; ; _,-' ; ; ; ; ; ;'-'' ; ; ; '' ; ;'-,………….. ……..,-' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;¯¯''¯ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; , ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;''-,………. ……,-' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ,, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; |, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; '-,……. …..,' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;,' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;|..'-,_ ; ; ; , ; ; ; ; ; ',….. I'm on it.
  14. Alucard is my butler. Now god damn it get me some Cola. Or I'll send him.
  15. Original mods, every time again. Nice work Switch Hope you'll be able to make these type of things for GTA IV PC (please, PC release). *starts up SAMI* (yeah, I'm too lazy to do it the manual way).
  16. Silverio is back? Hi, I'm Jace. I'm back too, sort of. But I'm leaving at the same time, so I don't know what I'm doing.. Nighty time, bye bye.
  17. Epic win if it comes to PC. They should NOT desert the PC community. Good trailer, does anyone know the name of the song used?
  18. Hey dude, how's everything going?

  19. Calm down dude. We call this type of talk "sarcasm". To me it has never felt like it was left out. It's only better without them actually. Teenagers would be fine though.
  20. Why? You want to perform a head-shot on a kid? Connor/Cat licker (WTF?) basically answered this question already. R* would get big problems if they'd include kids I think. To think of it, I can't recall any shooter (or game in which you have to ability to really (so not jump on their heads. Though that is fun) kill other beings) that contained kids. If you do, please tell me.
  21. Wooohoooo! I'm happy. Why you ask? Well, I just ordered a 9800 GTX from XFX. Should arrive in a weeks time. But then I STILL have to wait for the CPU.... 8th of April... I'm getting there slowly. I posted a picture of that thing not all that long ago, I'll try to find that post again. Edit: found. Hopefully that'll be a bye bye to the 3870X2 since these cards rival each other when it comes to the price. I'm afraid it'll be just slightly slower though..
  22. If you give advice, then give something useful. Reinstall your windows is NOT really useful advice, Jake. Nothing personal, it's just rather stupid to tell someone to reinstall their FULL OS. Usually that's just the last resource. And can you give a screenshot of the message. I'm sure it didn't say the exact same that you've quoted.
  23. Rofl That'd be a newfag then. The thought that there is a physical bridge between ours and the Pokemon world (if it does indeed exist) seems absolutely ludicrous. What sort of technology would be required to make an inter-universe gateway? How did we get to the other side to make an exit point in the first place? And it doesn’t make since that an Asian nation would be the first to do it based off of consistencies in culture. [...] Finally, culturally, Japan doesn’t seem like the place that would be the first to create a portal. In the past, Asian countries (especially Japan) have had the tendency to improve on western technology, but without really coming up with the ideas themselves. For example, there is the bullet train. The train first originated in western countries, but Japan took the idea and improved on it until they had the Bullet Train, which is far better than any train in western nations. Another example is video games. We created Pong, the first arcade game. Japan created Nintendo. Notice a pattern? I would think a Western (or Slavic) nation would be the first to create a “portal” to the Pokemon world, but an Asian nation would be the one that increased the safety of travel, or improved on it in a different way. The only way to the Pokemon world that I think is possible would be through meditation and mental focus. This, interestingly, is something that Asian nations traditionally have a better grasp on than Western nations. oh my G you are such a n00b obvi there is a portal you fool, how else does mew2 get back and forth to give nintendo ideas on how to make the games better and more realistic? PWNED mew2 is the admin of the forum or something. Shit. Also, guy who calles others n00b doesn't know what 'a' 4chan is and what 'lawl' means. People there think the world doesn't count more than 16 million people. More like 300 000. Wikipedia says it's 6,7 billion. Reply: And a huge LMFAO for this: And there is a god damned SHORTAGE! Edit: BRILLIANT!
  24. Dude, pokemon exist. I've got evidence. Leaked from the US government: Well, how do you explain that? Huh? They exist alright. Every now and then seakings pop up and leave a devastating trail of their appearance. We are not alone.
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