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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. Try stripping him down as is. His Boxers are transperant too! To have a complete mod you will have to make the arms at the T-shirts transparent to. And his boxer should be normal. CJ is a ghost, not his clothes. If you would edit that and all other clothes I'm almost sure Chris will host it.
  2. Damn, I'm bored. And I'm not alloud Internet usage for 2 weeks But look, I'm using it anyways
  3. You may won't to try replacing all other clothes to. So he'd really be a ghost. Or even more fun fully invisible exempt for his boxer, so you'l have a floating boxer shooting at you
  4. If you only bought it half a year a go you are sure to be able to run it. Don't think Dell would make any PC that can't run a simple game like Vice so don't whorry. I got a 3 year old PC and it can run most games and Vice City on maximum.
  5. I have difficulty's with this to. First I have to disconnect the joystick before San Andreas picks up the joypad. So first disconnect then start up and do what TG said.
  6. Don't make multiple topic and/or doublepost within such short time range.
  7. I need a new system anyway. So getting Vista with it is just a plus. Vista ultimate to be more specific. Atleast, that's my plan. BTW the realese of Vista was tomorrow, wasn't it.
  8. I to. I'm a bit fed up with the windows logo going over my screen...
  9. Cool, I put it in my game. Real fun to see someone on it
  10. You can see it far above San Andreas if your a mapper. I made some map mod and while doing it I looked up and saw Liberty city. If you fall from Liberty City you fall somewhere in the occian or die in mid air. At least, that happens to me.
  11. But it must have an origin. Like the chiken and the egg. Where did the egg come from? From the Chiken. Where did the Chiken come from? Out of the egg? ect. will you come to 1 celled organisims. How can life suddenly come on to a planet just because it has water. Life can't just automatically start out of nothing than plain water and stone..
  12. Don't get a target. You will tend to spam alot to achive it. Just post when you feel like entering a discussion or just want to say something. Not for the sake of your post count.
  13. Wow, you play 3 games at the same time I'm playing NFS carbon. The graphics of Most Wanted are actually better..
  14. 1 more thing about the 360. Can you record tv on the hard disk with it like you can with a real DVD player?
  15. Nothing special about it sixaxis controller. It's hard to play with it and I prefer rumble above that. And it's like the Veyron and the DB9. Sure Veyron is much more powerfull and stuff, but it's just not worth it and the DB9 is great to and more resonably priced. If they where bought the same price I still don't know since I like the DB9 still and would probably buy them bough cause you can buy 2 360's for the price of 1 ps3. Get my point
  16. lol. Now I want to play sa-mp, who wants to play with me
  17. X gta X, if you don't want to get baned I'd pay a little attention if I was you and read the topic + date trough before posting. How do you find these old topics anyway..
  18. We'l see about that... I highly doubt it. It lacks something the 360 does have.
  19. Dude, it's in forum fun and games so your post count doesn't go up.
  20. Thinking about the Universe somehow always gives me a had ake. It's just above our understanding. And what's a fourth dimension? You only have X,Y and Z. How would you want to have a fourth. It's almost certain it happend. But it's weird though. I mean, the Big Bang was the begin. But how can their be nothing and then suddenly something... How can their be something without an origin... *get's a head ake.*
  21. How does bawls tast? Just like Red bull or totally different.
  22. Like, Damn.. I just installed it for a friend
  23. Why would that make FF safer? and the file didn't have any install thing. It was a . [3 numbers here]
  24. I'v gotto go to school my self now.. Sorry, can't help ya
  25. I tryed for like 3 minutes to install a skin but couldn't figure it out. Never bothered to look up what you should do though.. I didn't really care cause I found IE just easier to use and it has never ever given me any problems. And so long it doesn't I don't have any reason to switch to FF.
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