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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. 1- You didn't answer. 2- As for as I know rich people never act 'mafia'. 3- Yeah, rich people can have problems too. Just cause they're rich doesn't mean their personal life is going smooth.
  2. I am. It really is forbidden. You'll get a huge fine and the dog will of course be taken away. If it's an agressive dog and has attempted to or has attacked someone they mostly get killed.
  3. Lol, actually sounds pretty fun. Usually all the spoilt brats do fall out later. Like this kid who said he was very intelligent. Guess what? Yeah, he failed and has to do the year over. His parents are too protective and thinks everything will happen without him doing anything. Other then that, he's 14 and behaves like a 8 year old. That makes no sense at all. "Oh shit, what if people realise that I'm a wealty rich person. Damn it, no. I'll act like some poor dude". Yeah, that makes no sense. Again, it doesn't fall into their laps and being modest is the best thing to do. I don't think people would be impressed if I'd run around school yelling "I've got a Mercedes!". Nobody. Cares. For our vacation we went to some 5+ star hotel. Again, you don't tell that to everyone and don't downgrade people who go with the car to France (about 600 km drive). People will hate you. Being modest is the best thing to do. Just because my dad is succesfull doesn't mean I'd be some spoilt brat. As if I'll just get anything I want. No. If I want something he'll tell me to buy it myself. Work for it. That's why I deliver papers as a little job.
  4. So chat language is suppossed to be forumulated on such a way that nobody can read it? Really, I can't. Things like 'w8' 'me 2' '2day' 'bcz' is only when you SMS. It's kinda stupid for forums where you have enough time to come up with something and you don't need to pay for the message.
  5. Quite some chance I'm going to get their Mercedes. I'll buy it from my parents. It's a win-win situation. I'll pay them more then Mercedes would give them, and less then it would cost if I bought it from the Mercedes dealer (second hand). In quite a lot of things I'm privalaged because of my dad's succes. I don't get all that much now cause then later (when he's gone) I'll have more and would use it for more important things then stuff like games. I'll probably do the same for my son/daughter (would prefer son though. I think a girl would spend it on useless stuff like clothes). I do have to work for it though. He uses it as a motivation. Like if you achive some specific goal you'll get something. My dad said that if I go to Gymnasium (highest middle-school education here + Latin and Greek (the school before uni)) he'd take me to Cedar Point, that's all the way in Cleveland, USA (and I live in Holland). Also, my dads mom didn't even finish primary school and his dad was a sailor and carpenter. Not exactly the highest in society. He's done it all on his own and I quete respect that.
  6. He still had paws, but all shriveled up. Didn't look like a wound. Just born like that I think. He had 3 little dogs with him, one of them being this one.
  7. Removed. I'm kinda backing off. TGTAP reaaaally boring lately.. I'm just checking back until someones told me what game to get first, then I'm leaving.

    I'll be back when there's more GTA news and something cool is actually going on. Now it's just n00b invested.

  8. License/tax. Just some extra fee cause the dog is using the streets (or something like that). Pittbuls are forbidden here cause it's said that the kill babies when they see one. But I guess it's just a precaution for the ones who get raised that way then. Oh, I looked and read the page. For some pictures I really was like "Holy fuck!". Like that dog that missed half a face and hand wounds through out his body and the dog that had a paw that was half broken and just hanging on a lose piece of flesh. I saw some dog on street today. He was in some small contraption to lift the back part of his body cause he didn't have any back-legs (They never grew on I think, cause I saw some little things at the back that looked like miniature legs). It's like a wheel-chair for the back-legs. Doesn't have anything to do with abuse, but that guy must have payed quite a lot to get such thing made for his dog. There are quete a few who do care (like that man), so saying that we all fail is incorrect. As a whole we do though.
  9. Ok, read the last thing I said. I've had a change of heart.
  10. For the ones not following the news: Sonic is confirmed for Brawl. He can also go to Super Sonic. Brawl ownz and has stolen the souls of the people at IGN who got a hands-on. It's looking far better then I ever imagined. And just as I wanted to look for a pre-order the game gets delayed. US release is now somewhere in Februari. Leaving me with a little problem. I was planing to get Brawl for Christmas and still insist in getting some new game. I'm not really sure which one though. Shall I go for Tenkaichi 3 or Galaxy? Very next game is going to be Brawl. Oh, and Nintendo is working on 2 new channels. Some arcade type of thing, and a expansion for the everybody votes channel. Also some online portal is coming.
  11. Pit Bulls... I can't see why anyone would even want one. They kill children and attack their bosses sometimes too. Not exactly an affectionate animal. And buying one just to torchure is it kinda sadistic. And I kinda have had a change of hear... Mainly because of some dream that I was an animal who got tested on.. That wasn't fun...
  12. Yeeeees. And you're using IE. Welcome to my world, where IE somehow is permanataly fucked. Only on my account.
  13. For all I know the Sims isn't actually a recourse hog. I think you'd be fine.
  14. Uhm, why would anyone ever abuse their own pets. People who buy pets usually like animals.. I think I've annoyed my hamster a few times though, but not on purpose. Just things like ruening his sleep to clean the cage.
  15. Legal: Gimp Illegal: the 'alternative'. I've never used Gimp but I've heard that it's pretty good. So I'd try that first if I were you.
  16. For your first vids it's pretty good. Kinda long though, and a bit to much grinds. But overall pretty good.
  17. The EVGA 7300 GS is best out of those cards.
  18. I think it's Kann ich ein Auto haben.

    I'd say mochte instead of kann though. Mochte means may. So may I have a car. Germans are pretty polite people.

  19. Well you're not going to have sex everyday. Just to fill those spaces and give you good ideas for the next time.
  20. Oh, that. No, we've got them here. Can get them for free I think. Sometimes you'll get the stuff to go with it for free too. And if my dad would've let me, I would have gotten one, years ago. I've had pets (died a month ago) and threat them good and with respect. I'm not some hearthless person or something.. just can't really express what I want to say right. Reading back, yes, I am being very arrogant and it actually shouldn't happen. But for lots of things we are dependant of those tests cause I just can't see it ever happen to humands. Not even if they're on deathrow. It does pretty much sound as if I'm defending those who do these tests, but that's not my intention. All I want to say is that we are dependant on these tests. Even for small stuff like drinking cola. It's not justifying it, but as I said I can't see any other method they could use. You're making it sound as if I just go outside and start killing all kinds of animals (though I have to admit, I used to kill quite a lot of insects when I was small...). OH, and about the bible. One of the 'big' rules is "Do not kill" later on it's said to be with exeption of food, of course. So yeah, you're right about that.
  21. You're fogetting that it's really small. It doesn't have to be perfect. If it's not possible to just the Walther, then just a gold colt would do too.
  22. @GTANinja: Uh, how did you suddenly get so much? Last time I looked you where well under de 100k. Edit: Disregard that. You already replied.
  23. Oh, I forgot to to mention this in the PM. Could you send me the psd's, too?
  24. Just noticed the cash level under the post of some guy called "Hellhole". It's incedibly high, especially for some guy who just joined hours ago. Same goes for Manticore. Hellhole has 980,968,118 and Manticore has 2,147,201,672. So I think there's something wrong with the system...
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