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Everything posted by Pandora

  1. It's banhammer and modstick. There is no banstick Do mods have the banhammer? *Is a 'lil scared for Jared's banhammer*
  2. Wishlist is pinned Not a big prob though. Slow-mo wouldn't really fit GTA imo, though making the replay feature better is really needed. BTW, you don't need to press enter before the end of the box. It will auto-format
  3. Uh, it's highly annoying, immature, stupid, pointless ect. It just saying: "Hey guys, I've never been to school and and have no idea how to spell 'are' and 'you' and other things like 'too', 'for' ect." It's just annoying... First sexy time, then die I agree though, she's a bitch and should be banned of living, ha. Oh, and everyone on a Mac.. they can die too. Bunch of overpriced, bad looking crap.
  4. @GTAplayer: Can you please just try to spell out words.. Nothing personal, but it just gets a little bothersome and isn't all that nice to read. I'll probably just be getting money. I'll order all the parts for my PC and will buy myself SSB Brawl. I'll be pretty happy
  5. DP basically said what I mean. Couldn't say it right myself... Though shooting the animal and then using it as food is OK too IMO.
  6. I think the testing is ok. And killing for fun as long as you eat the animal afterwards is ok too. I'm a Christian and I think that as long as you actually make good use of it (so eating) killing an animal is ok. I have to agree on one thing, they kill them on a very cruel way.. (boil chickens alive so they die quickly). There's some vegetarian girl at school who wants me to become one too.. So when I see some cute animal I'll say stuff like "that'd go good with cranberry sauce" but it is actually pretty sad.. But then again, it tastes good.
  7. Oh shit. TM found the mod stick... Ok guys, quick! Hide the ban hammer!
  8. And Raichu was slow cause he didn't get that agility in his pikachu stage. Yeah, I remember that. Stupid Sinnoh.. I want the originals back.
  9. @TG: I mean, this Goldberg is suppossed to be some moron. And he's saying that this Goldberg is clearly based on him. That's why it's so funny
  10. Sex with old women can.. I'm sure.
  11. It may sound like some random bullshit, but yeah, you got me. Some proffesional looking logo. I'm going to use it for almost everything made for this 'ka-'. You may choose what's better. A good image logo, or design logo. With design I mean that it's more about.. the design then the colors.
  12. Chicken nuggets cheap? Tell you what: going to a good restaurant is cheaper then 30 Chicken nuggets. Really, they're damn expensive. And tasty too. I don't care what it's made of. It tastes good anyway. Oh, and they're actually made out of the remains of the chicken, not of it's fat meat.
  13. As long as the first letter is right, it should be easy to read. Regardless of the possition of the following letters.
  14. so tihs slouhd alltaucy be esya to rade. Rhgit?
  15. Woops. Edited that out. I really had no idea how to spell that.. But yeah, should have made the link with caution.. Wasn't he forbidden to do anything like that anymore?
  16. Something tells me you are not me...
  17. Basically admiting that he's a jerk I lol'd. I actually hope he will take those 'necesarry' precautions. Just to see how it will turn out.
  18. Nope. So was it just some cheap budget mobo, or just a good one with a defect? Must suck if it's one of those high-end ones.
  19. It's the root account. It's automatically set up when you start a IPB forum.

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