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Everything posted by Jared

  1. His review of the game yeah, so it's from his perspective.
  2. Welcome to the site mate. Enjoy :).

  3. Howdy mate, awesome name by the way. Not sure what it means, but it sounds cool. Welcome to hell the site.
  4. Would make the gang forums more secure too, they could only be seen by the gang members rather then have a password.
  5. Awesome idea, we need more stuff like this. Top job .
  6. Jared


    We just had a thing her about Fights at a local school that were be published on YouTube. Caused a lot of controversy. They blambed Google of course, idiotic journalists.
  7. I use to get it on Fridays for school, until the Queensland banned it, apparently any fast food that gets brang into schools is bad for you, thus they throw it out. Even Subway :/. So I take a spare at lunch on Firday's and go over the road to Subway .
  8. Damn, time to install SA quick smart!
  9. 1595, not to far from 2000 now.
  10. Ah okay, well I was referring to files, not the exe, just so you know,
  11. The Code Breakers site has some I believe. Check http://us.codejunkies.com/saves.asp?c=US&a...amp;r=0&l=1 out.
  12. We could work on that, the way I planned it when an author's contributions are requested it would go by the authors name, which would use what your saying anyway. But yeah, I'll work on that if it doesn't.
  13. 7 F words, yes, I counted. Boring I know. Anyway, my life, hmm, were to start. Busy defines it in one word. Between school, sociality (I can't believe thats a word), friends, family and normal life I am just tired as hell. Seems I never stop. Maths assignment on the go currently, so I better get back to it.
  14. Not what I meant, I meant contact to insure any files could be distributed (except as I stated, audio and .exe's) as backups was in fact legal. They don't so in plain English that it is. I wasn't suggesting the game was for free download, thats stupid, how did you get that from my post?
  15. Hehe, now thats funny . Awesome job too, you cause the light just right.
  16. Well it's creativity, so I guess it comes into here somewhere. Not a bad idea, however I say if your gonna go to that much effort make people, don't use dolls .
  17. As far as legalities go, the only files that are technically not allowed to be distributed as backups are the executables that run the game. However, to be safe it's recommended you don't share large files, such as the gta3.img file. Distribution of one or two .txd files when someone forgets them is fine, same as a data folder backup. But audio and .exe's are a no go. Rockstar may feel differently, and I would personally contact them for their opinion before going through with it.
  18. VCS was great, the music and game setting was perfect, graphics were amazing and features, well don't get me started, I'll be here all day. You are forgetting VCS same as LCS was made to fill the gap between GTA San Andreas and GTA IV, they weren't meant to be amazing new ideas, features and gameplay. They were to fill the gap, and I feel they did that amazingly well.
  19. Avatar: 50/10 (Rockstar deserves better ratings ) Signature: 6/10 (never been a fan of userbars, but still not bad ) Person: Obviously awesome, don't show off, and communicates well.
  20. lol Awesome site, banner needs some work, and the table - as a rule of thumb, never have table borders 3D, they look terrible, go for a standard one through CSS.
  21. Subway for sure. Can't stand that grease fatty crap, gross!
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