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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Pathfinder is also a vehicle . I haven't seen any bu Norbit, and it was...odd.
  2. You birthday is the same as mine :o.

  3. Funny how you open the day I close my store aye .
  4. Yeah but you have a PS3, most expensive thing in the topic . Well maybe not more then my laptop, but you know what I mean.
  5. PSP PS1 PS2 Gamecube N64 Computer Laptop ...other stuffs.
  6. Gonna close for awhile folks, will be back come school holidays.
  7. No, it still requires a game CD as far as I know. If not it would be illegal.
  8. Type something. What would you do if you had 24 hours to live?
  9. Husband I would presume. I believe she's married.
  10. Nah it wouldn't be an inconvenience to anyway, it's rather easy and quick.
  11. Or request it be changed by a member of staff, I'm sure Chris would do it for you.
  12. I really can't wait for the game .
  13. 1700 post, hopefully 2000 soon.
  14. I'll add Jade and Bear to my list, where ever it is in this topic...
  15. It would be near impossible to make a demo due to the way the games coded, however maybe the RAGE engine is more flexible. Possible I guess.
  16. No 3D GTA has ever had one, and obviously they don't need one, everyone knows how good they are .
  17. Jared


    Moved to modding...
  18. If you focus on the black dot everything stops, I love that one, very old though.
  19. It's rather cheap when you compare it to other Adobe products, Photoshop and Dreamweaver are 500-1000 dollars depending what you buy them as. Also, keep this topic legal please guys. kThanks.
  20. WikiPedia basically explains it. It's not an insult however, so don't take it as that. Also, Chris has taken over most of the job at the moment as I have other things in the works as well as school to attend to. I will however be helping out in a few weeks, as well as coding the entire back end for moderation of downloads. Which most you you won't see, so I won't be playing as big a part in this as I was originally. Sadly time is always a problem for me.
  21. For future reference, I believe the short period is about 5-10 minutes.
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