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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Err...how can it look like the REAL GTA IV if we don't have any screenshots nor a trailer yet? . I think you mean it's what you imagine it would be like, right?
  2. Welcome Nate, saw you register up on our fine forums earlier. Have a great time, I know you will .
  3. Jared

    Sound Editor

    oh...sorry, i didnt know that, ill try to dont use it...sorry... That was a joke mate . Nope, game versions shouldn't interfere I wouldn't think. GTA 3 only had v1.0 and v1.1. The only difference, to my knowledge, was the .0 being changed to .1. Not sure if bugs we're fixed or not, but as far as I know it was just a version change, not game or file changes. Don't quote me on that though.
  4. Do you have San Andreas v2.0? If so, memory addresses were moved around, so normal functions will screw up and have weird effects.
  5. Yeah, that section is a little dark, but I think thats intentional. Also, did Slim Trashman actually make this himself? It's just, on the page on dA he lists the creators of the sections of the image, he must of just placed them together I think. Still neat, but yeah, thought I might point that out.
  6. Just to butt in and put in my 2 cents worth, they've been doing that with a lot of Television shows here in Australia too, due to people downloading them from overseas because they don't wanna wait a year or several months until the show continues, it's a good idea I guess. Really, it's something that should be done all the time anyway, countries shouldn't be revoked from showing a television show because the US is seeing it at the current time and told to wait several months or something. Equality is the key. Ahh, damn Economics, it's eating my brain, my apologizes .
  7. Well the closer you are to the access point the better. I use to know a guy who lived close to the Stock Exchange, got internet speeds that we're out of this world.
  8. Jared


    You don't need to know PHP, I'll do that PHP & HTML. Yeah, start it, I'll mention it to Chris later on, for the moment we're fine to start. Good luck .
  9. Well yes thats true, I wasn't talking about a rush though .
  10. Oh lol, what an idiot, the hole time I was saying Sabra when I meant Phoenix. Someone hit me, please.
  11. Grand Theft Auto 4 series and LANoire not good enough for ya?
  12. Yeah, nobody has ever been able to get those black lines 100% correct.
  13. I dunno, unless my PSP's backlight was turned down, I found the game very dark at stages. Not as bad as LCS was for the darkness, but it wasn't as bright as those screens look. In my opinion anyway.
  14. Jared


    You'll have the files on your computer, you just edit them if you need to and send them to me. Chris may set up an FTP account for you, but for the moment we'll see how we do without it.
  15. Well Manhunt 2 start development after Manhunt 1 was banned in a few countries, so the PS3 was not known at that time I think would probably be the explanation for this. Also, Chris I believe it right, the only country to out-rightly ban it was us here in Australia, typically. Manhunt 1 is awesome, but the storyline itself wasn't the best, but it was diffenetly one of the bets games I've ever played.
  16. tilly your harsh posts are getting very VERY annoying. Can you try and get your point across without being an arse about it? Thanks.
  17. Jared


    I was planning on make it on the main websites San Andreas sections. It would make it a lot easier, believe me.
  18. 1) This is in the GTA San Andreas General Chat, not the Stunting forums. 2) How would you know? 3) Keep up that attitude and you'll be in trouble. 4) Anyone can reply, your not the only member here.
  19. Jared


    No deadline mate, were not a newspaper . Well your wanting to put it onto the site aren't you? Oh good, lets see how we go then, the guy I e-mailed has his site containing them here. Sure, extra modifications are always a good thing.
  20. Nice, he would have used real people and images and vectorized them. Nice, not easy, but for someone with experience like him, it wouldn't have taken that long. The women on there for example is from TV show 24 I believe. Not sure about the rest, never the less, very nice and pretty darn amazing. Nice find Chris.
  21. Nope, Wii, Playstation 2 and Playstation Portable mate. .
  22. No, not possible, the RAGE engine is only made for the new gaming systems. Locked.
  23. The game looks a lot brighter compared to the PSP version. Nice .
  24. Yes, lots of new things from Rockstar Games on this fine Tuesday: http://www.rockstargames.com/manhunt2/ Manhunt Official Site Launched: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Warriors Released For Playstation Portable: http://www.rockstargames.com/thewarriors/warriors.html --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEW Bully Contest: http://www.rockstargames.com/bully/contest/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RSS Friendly... www.rockstargames.com/news --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cover your desktop with Rockstarness... http://www.rockstargames.com/desktops/
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