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Everything posted by Jared

  1. Chris likes the idea so far, were brainstorming how we're gonna do it. We don't wanna have it as a navigation menu to the left as obviously, many others do that.
  2. Simply put, no, as the method used for doing so is illegal in some countries. Well a majority of countries actually.
  3. Glad your enjoying the site GTAPlayer. It's great to have you here.
  4. Yeah, it wouldn't be to difficult to do. Once I find the forums trigger in the IPB source that is...
  5. Eh? How did I insult you? I was telling you we didn't need to know what you were doing to get the product. As it is classified as warez. I think you need to re-read what I typed.
  6. Not bad, nice and smooth and well patterned. Well done .
  7. Being the GTA Advance forums, I'm sure it's quiet easy to do that though. But lets just be more careful next time can we?
  8. Yeah, the gang wars did get a wee bit annoying at times, I admit that. They had the same problem in the Scarface game too. Maybe an advancement of it, not sure how, but it could work.
  9. Aye, keep it legal thanks DJ X. We don't need to know what you do.
  10. They might argue they need to click the arrow and scroll though a list to find it then .
  11. In San Andreas you can edit it through the Games in-game menu, not sure about Vice City though.
  12. http://www.adobe.com/products/illustrator/
  13. Jared


    Should post it here mate
  14. You don't do it in Photoshop, you do it in Illustrator.
  15. We could have it as a banner with each parent cat a drop-down menu. But it may not look as good. I'll try with the Left Nav first, and see what Chris thinks.
  16. Yeah, the untransparent logo, and main characters from Scarface: The World Is Yours and Driv3r don't give it away at all. User warned, topic locked.
  17. I was thinking myself, of doing a forum navigation bar to the left of the board, where it lists all category forums the sub forums. Would that help you?
  18. Jared


    Ask again when your ready to NOT post stupid images with your post. Thanks. Locked.
  19. Jared


    THAT is personal preferance my f®iend lol I prefer the auto installer because its faster. But thats only for FULL mods not just TXDs Did I miss the point of the topic? I thought the point was to put forward your personal opinion. My mistake
  20. just wondering but wouldnt the downgrader do the same thing? The downgrader is fr San Andreas v2.0 to convert it to 1.0. As far as I know, it only works for version 2.0. GTAmarshal - Sorry, but we can't help you any further if you got the game illegally. Locked.
  21. Nice, must be an easter egg or secret aye, never noticed it before myself. Nice find!
  22. Thats an odd question, and one that I can't answer as I never looked nor gave a crap about it. Being the suits just an overlay, I doubt it does anything, as it uses the same player model.
  23. There is only 100, the games script can't lie, and it only lists 100.
  24. Correct. Topic locked, first post merged to Wishlist topic.
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