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Everything posted by chris82

  1. Really? The controller's a copy, huh? Ok, there's the PS2 controller. And there's the 360 controller. Notice any differences? 1. Analog stick/D-Pad positions 2. The 360 controller has a center "X" button 3. They're different colors And most importantly 4. The 360 controller's "L2/R2" buttons are triggers, whereas the PS2's aren't. Now, you say the Microsoft copied the PS2 design, right? Well look at the PS3 controller. Notice how it has L2/R2 triggers and has a center button now? And it was released after the 360. Yeah, Microsoft is the one who copies designs.
  2. I know it can. Sony isn't stupid enough to not include DVD playback. But you did say HD-DVD...
  3. No, I'm serious. MPG is a wigger who wishes he lived in the ghetto and wears baggy clothes, listens to shitty rap music, and has shitty grammar. Dar-el doesn't ever give a fucking reason why the Xbox 360 sucks, he just says it does. Why? Because he's a fanboy. The PS3 can't play HD-DVD, never has been able to, and will never officially support it. The human brain can see the difference between high-definition and SD, why do you think it looks better? If you have a computer game, play it at 640x480 then increase the resolution to 1280x1024 and tell me it doesn't look better. :/
  4. Wigger. Fanboy. Retard. Retard #2.
  5. I think he meant that Vista works fine overall for him, and that it doesn't suck, like awesome thinks. I disagree. Anyway, cool, I'll mess with this sometime, I built my PC so that area is blank.
  6. Oh shnapps, I think I need to change my preorder...
  7. Yes you do. Anyway, what are the thoughts about GTA4 on the Wii? I personally think it would be difficult not only graphically for the system, but also hard to control.
  8. I agree with you there, love playing FIFA on a PS3 and PSP, *coughs* Graphics and Gameplay *coughs* LMAO, FU** GRAPHICS, I want gameplay. And when I sya gameplay I don't mean your type of gameplay like you said which sounds like button mashing considering you say FIFA and Pro Evo is "teh b3st" or whatever. And the FIFa & Pro Evo is the only thing you guys attack on my first post? Not saying that weird, just acknowledging the fact. Oops, edit: So graphics is better than innovation, I see. Graphics are not better than gameplay, but it's still nice to see a game that has both.
  9. Yeah, but I guess that isn't likely for PS3 users since Nintendo DS: 471,000 Wii: 360,000 PlayStation 2: 194,000 PlayStation Portable: 183,000 Xbox 360: 174,000 GameBoy Advance: 84,000 PlayStation 3: 82,000 GameCube: 13,000 Now Sony, you know you fail when a six year old handheld system outsells your own next generation console. Saucery
  10. Hey, evabin? Thanks. No, seriously, stop. You are so ignorant and immature it's not even funny anymore. You're saying "don't be talkin" to somebody who you claim is in grade school, which would imply that you think they aren't as smart as you. Yet you can even talk in proper English, let alone use correct grammar and spelling. Also, she didn't say you didn't use the strap. She said you didn't use it correctly, and I'm willing to bet that she's right. And you also don't have to be active to play the Wii, since the remote senses what your hand does. Fall down a flight of stairs and die. Thanks.
  11. 1. Get a new computer and use better software OR 2. Use Windows Movie Maker
  12. Yeah, PS3 is really original, fun, and exciting because of the 'Home' thing. I mean, being able to create your own character and build a house, along with an online feature is totally new and has never been done before by anyone, anywhere. LOL, even I have to disagree with that. I mean, I'm not a big Wii person, nor a console person in general, but the Wii is better in that department. With the Wiimote, it's like you're actually holding what you are in the game. With the PS3...it's still just a controller, albeit a fancier one. Let me attempt to comprehend this...
  13. Of course I've preordered. Back in October '06.
  14. Cool, I actually like what Rockstar is doing with this. I already can't wait to play this single player. Now all we need is a confirmation of online multiplayer and every part of my keyboard will be sticky.
  15. I think you'll find this funny.
  16. What? The same rule applies to him. You have the right to make a game like that. The problem is that nobody cares.
  17. Ok. Free speech (Where the creator of the game lives) I agree. People can say whatever they want and offend the shit out of you, and you can't stop them. But you don't HAVE to listen to them. BTW Columbine game So? Steve Irwin fucked with animals. What happens when you fuck with animals? You get killed. Steve Irwin may have suffered a tragedy, but he took that risk.
  18. Winamp is better than everything else for music, it takes up virtually no resources unlike itunes and windows media player which slow you down in a game. Plus it has features like iPod support and global hotkeys so you can control it from ingame and don't need iShit for your iPod.
  19. All of those fucking blow, especially Norton, it slows your system to a crawl. Do yourself a favor and get Kaspersky. It's a piece of software actually worth paying for and you should get it because it owns all other AV programs in virus detection rate and can even get most adware/spyware. Funny how you all think Norton or Avast is the best when Norton is #22 and Avast is #16 on that list.
  20. 1. Well, sure, he never would have said that. I mean, Official Playstation Magazine isn't a good publication. They don't really interview people and they slander folks all the time. [/sarcasm] 2. You don't know anything, shut up. No, the link that says "Sauce" isn't an anglicization of the word "source" that leads to the source where Mr. Houser said such information. It's a link to animal porn. My God people are retarded. 1. They both create the game. They both direct. They both produce. They both "make." 2. Blu-ray is not necessarily better. While it has more storage space, blu-ray is much more expensive per disk, so until a game needs a certain amount of space, blu-ray isn't cost effective against DVD. And I really don't think GTA4 will be more than 9 gigabytes.
  21. Xbox 360, exclusive downloadable content and Xbox Live, bitches. PS3 fails. $600 waste of fucking money. Sauce
  22. Putting it in game wouldn't be that hard. Just get the GTA I/O script for 3DS Max, make the .dff and .txd, and use Steve-M's COL maker. If you can't do that, I'll get 3DS Max and try.
  23. He's right, if you have an electronic device such as a TV or phone near your computer it can cause this.
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