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Everything posted by chris82

  1. You are only correct about #2. Then again, Rockstar never said shooting and moving at the same time would be in the game. You don't know if snow is not in the game yet, maybe it is in a certain mission as Xenon said. Also, about #3-you can enter buildings besides those-I've been able to also get into that cargo ship at the docks to play the minigame.
  2. That's because you don't have them in the right place. They need to be in Grand Theft Auto Vice City/Audio.
  3. I have LCS in my hands. I hope to play tonight as long as I can, but my PSP is at my Dad's so I have to wait about an hour from now. Also, I'll post a multiplayer review once Xlink/XBConnect update to support the game.
  4. Word. I hate new rap but will occasionally listen to old skool stuff like Sir Mix-a-Lot or The Godfather. I like Rock and Techno.
  5. I have the game but can't play it until tonight. However, a friend released a gameplay video and PanLantic has more property in Portland now. (I saw the lot where you took Diablo missions had a blue wall saying PanLantic on it)
  6. The Story: First, I was happily watching TV. Then, I saw 10 people throw up next to the president on TV. After I threw up, I was laughing at a radio ad in GTA about Liberty City. That reminded me about the teaser site Rockstar was putting out. So I tried to hack their website only to be knocked out by the computer. I woke up in a daze drinking with some guy. I called him stupid, he left, and I felt bad. He did too, so he came back and gave me a hug. Now I'm happy again.
  7. No, they don't, but people know what it means anyway. Also, I added my favorite emoticon to your list.
  8. Calm down. And it's not proper English unless you Capitalize and Punctuate.?!, when needed!
  9. Wow, Spaz. Sure is lot. Good job! I reached 700 a few nights ago. Next time I post here it'll be the big 1000!
  10. Screw you. That's only your opinion you idiot. By the way, I have the Sims 2. It's awesome, thank you very much, and Driver 3 sucked. Also, about the impound lot. I wasn't talking about when you're arrested, I was saying when it mysteriously disappears. They said if your car dissappears, you can pick it up at an impound lot. I never found a fricken impound lot. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Watch it and relax. Also, when a car disappears it's because the system didn't have enough ram to keep the location of your car. So if you're whining about your car disappearing in San Andreas, get the PC version. And if cars still disappear, buy more memory. Also, traffic violations in Driv3r are why the Driver series itself is GTA's bitch. Finally, police did grab youe car in SanAn, play "Reuniting the Families" again. Oh, and by the way, I colored all of your English mistakes in red.
  11. Hmm...this is really cool. I like the car salesmen thing. Jack a banshee and make $100000 off of it. However, I think the first two new minigames are old games with new names. Karmageddon: Bloodring in SA Noodle Punk: SA Courier missions The Car Salesmen reminds me of a mission in Midtown Madness 3. This game is sounding better and better as the clock ticks closer to the 25th. By the way you forgot Trashmaster.
  12. chris82


    First of all, you might try posting this in the correct forum. Next, if that happens, and you didn't mod default or vehicle.ide, then the game probably wont render because it knows it can't because you didn't install it right. However, the game wont even render at normal spawns, so try to use a garage editor to make one appear. If the game freezes or the garage just wont open, you didn't install it correctly or the mod is bitched. Reinstall the game and reinstall the mods.
  13. An article confirmed no pushbikes. (It said Maibatsu got a petition to ban those and now they are heading for motorbikes) I doubt flying but I think there might be swimming because the ferry boat ability sort of goes along with it.
  14. First of all, there is no CD version of the game. People still just call it a noCD because they are lazy. Also, you won't retrograde your OS. SP2 makes startup 3x longer and the overall OS load is a lot more for a PC to handle, thereby slowing your game. I guarentee you if you take away the noCD and reinstall the game it will work fine with the regular exe.
  15. There is mansion. I hate people who buy GTA, don't play the missions, and think they've beat the game. The mansion in SA is better than the Vercetti Estate. I'm speaking of Madd Dogg's mansion. Cool vehicle and weapon spawns, wonderful interior, etc...
  16. It is the no-cd patch. You should use Rockstar's 1.0 exe for the best performance. Also SP2 slows down the game some. Use SP1.
  17. Wish I could read the info about the memory stick and multiplayer in the bottom right though. Hopefully a bigger one will appear soon.
  18. Yes, I said Ad-Hoc, but hope it is Infastructure or XLink supports it. That way Spaz and I will gang up on all of you! It's going to be hell going to school the day the game comes out. (Oh, and btw, I warned you twice tyler because you bumped old topics on two different occasions. Next time, if you have a concern about your warning level, PM the moderator)
  19. chris82


    They disabled memory hacking because it was needed to run hot coffee. Second Edition basically patches the exe and locks all the files. This is why I buy the PC versions right when they come out.
  20. Yeah, there are probably more gang outfits. (i.e. Triad and South Side Hood) There is also likely to be another casual, another suit, another jump suit, and a "Frankie" similer shirt to that of Vice City. BTW, 'tis amazing Rockstar fits all of this + 10 radio stations on 1.8GB. Also, I hope there is an article soon comfirming custom skins and MP3s.
  21. Ugh...reminds me of these CounterStrike admins. You see, when an admin kicks me for that reason in CS, I just come back in and start talking about his mom, or the fact that he sucks and has become drunk with power. Either one works fine on asshole FPS admins.
  22. Amen Spaz. I like the buying clothes and entering tons of buildings, but I didn't like going on 12,000 dates with some skank in San Andreas just to get some clothes. The girlfriend perks and rewards should have been given to you with the events that are similer in game. For example, for completing the paramedic missions, you should get health, no wasted weapon loss, and the medic suit. That would be better. The Getaway prefers realism to fun. Tell me that just because GTA is not realistic that it is not better than The Getaway. If you can't answer that, then GTA is not for you.
  23. Yeah it is worth that much. It plays MP3s, MP4 Videos, pictures, UMD movies and music, PS2-quality games, plays over the internet with WiFi, and lets you browse the internet. Not worth 250? (By the way, it's £250 for the value pack and two games, therefore, the value pack alone is less) Also, getting a boner when thinking about GTA is...well hard even with hot coffee. Finally, I still play GTA3 and love all GTA games. You should too, not just like the newest ones.
  24. Pretty good jumps and turns. although there were parts where you just drove up and down the runway and didn't hit the jumps. Overall it was a nice video.
  25. I'd want all of the poll choices in the next GTA. There's not a part of San Andreas I don't like to visit. I think GTA4 should have 5 or 6 cities, twice the amount of desert and countryside of SA, along with a new rural terrain; arctic tundra. Using a snow mobile would rock.
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