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Everything posted by Charger

  1. I tried Photoshop, but the font size is soooooo small. I tried the max size and its still not that big..
  2. Yeah I have Vista too, and this is the only thing that bothers me, but theres a quick way take those pop ups out. When they come out, just hold enter and its gone, real easy. Vista is real good, just get use to it..
  3. I bought a flat panel from my friend for 20$, the problem is I don't have the power cord to turn it on, so I'm just wondering are all Flat Panel Monitor power cables the same?
  4. I used longhorn.. for my old PC. Its much simple, and doesn't change everything in XP.
  5. I have one of those, but its in a regular white blue pen, nothing fancy.
  6. Trust me you'll have a great time, I played in Hard mode, and its one hell of a game. Gets real hard in some parts. Yeah, like the one where you're by the ferris wheel and you have to secure the area while waiting for a helicopter. That one sucked so bad. Yes thats one of the 3, It took me about 20 times, and what really got me pissed off, was when the helicopter actually came , and I went in it, it then asked me to carry the other guy again, so I went for him, and got killed, and had to start all over.. But the game is still cool.
  7. I usually don't get caught.. I have lookouts, that time was because damm security saw others hitting up the walls from the 3rd floor..

  8. Trust me you'll have a great time, I played in Hard mode, and its one hell of a game. Gets real hard in some parts.
  9. For those who want to read the rest: Gta4.net Gtagaming: PlanetGrandTheftauto.Gamespy.com/GTA4/
  10. I got the magazine yesterday, I would scan it, but my HP Scanner wont work with my HP PC It mentions GTA4.net Gtagaming Planet GTA TGTAP TGTAP Edit: I will connect my Old PC with the scanner, for the image..
  11. Yes it is... Amazing! The Storyline is very Entertaining. A must have for PS3 Owners, Controls are very confusing at first. Online is great.
  12. Charger


    It was just something tha came up. I didn't expect Youtube to make it as a joke, and Gerard, no It just depends on how you use the word.. duh. I guess it just came to me, because of the Frederick Douglass Book I'm reading at school. So I apologize, I guess I saw what Youtube did as a bad thing.
  13. Theres a demo out? Was it not released in the U.S? btw I will be getting COD4 Today..
  14. Charger


    Why would they find it rasict?? because they said monkeys.....don't think so. Yeah, I seen black people get offended when called monkeys, but anyways it was just a thought, doesn't necessarily need to be racist against anyone.
  15. Charger


    Wouldn't black people find that racist???
  16. Mad TV-Coach Hines and all of his other Videos
  17. Can I still downgrade if I have FW 3.73?
  18. Did Halo ever make it? Well its possible, GTA is mostly everywhere now.
  19. Wheres that at? I also agree spending around 400$ for Exclusive DLC, isn't a good Idea.
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