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Everything posted by Charger

  1. Where I live is right above South Central, which is 3 main Blocks up. Where I am located its mostly controlled by the Bloods, "BPS", the next block, is by HPS13, and 18st are hated a lot, mostly by the Bloods, and the X3 Gangs... They do get a long with Crips. There isn't any mentioning of Latin Kingz Here. I don't really see it that dangerous here, maybe in the 90's it was. But here where I live its pretty quite, it just gets annoying when the bloods hit you up and call you an 18st, they think all Hispanics are from 18st..
  2. I don't watch it, I only have about 4 times.. It isn't that entertaining. They had Christian as one of their Top wrestlers, in WWE he wasn't even great..
  3. This 1st Video is just a joke, and seriously should stop. If you compare those 3 Videos with the other 2, you can see the originality.. Asian Gangs can be crazy if your alone, but they usually don't mess with the real gangs.. I had some friends that got stopped by them in an alley with shotguns... MS13 and 18st are really crazy mostly in El Salvador, I went there a couple of years ago and I can't go to the north because people from the south can get shot.. Because in the north is the 18st gangs.. and south MS13. The last video is kinda crazy, but they just fight and doesn't look like they have shoot outs.. when they broke in the mans car now that was nuts, usually that doesn't happen to the media. I think the best would be to try and stop gangs, L.A is doing something about it, I wouldn't join a gang either cuz its stupid. There isn't any Woman gangs, just crews. Usually if girls want to get in a gang they have to get fucked in.
  4. I guess its GTA2, I did remove the game of my PC... Didn't need it.
  5. They are original, there the most original Gangs out there, Crips, Bloods, MS13,SURX3? You don't hear about gangs from those places.. There is even movies about them. Rappers come out from their, take a look at the Game, WC, Mac 10, 2pac, Snoop Dogg, etc. Gangs in L.A have been around the 1950's.. Even the mob, before that. Asian Gangs are even coming up, and they are some crazy fuckers too.
  6. lol, I tried playing CTF on SAMP but no one gets on, hopefully R* can make it a better experience. CTF is always good to have.
  7. WWE Smackdown is coming out right now.. its Kane & Undertaker vs Matt and some other guy.... Good match.
  8. 16 Players seems to small for online, 32 would have been good . Thanks to downthrough from GTAForums. / Gamingexellence.com Heh, I guess you don't play as much online games as I do. Believe, listening to more than 10 prebuescent fuckers cursing like sailors and bitching about how much they suck at the game will drive you insane. Good news, though. Bring back the modes from the PSP versions of GTA, I heard they were good! Yes I do play Online a lot, PS3 and the PC. Theres a mute option........ Not all the times theres bitching going around either, and yeah I agree with OGTAM.
  9. Well I live right near South Central, and all my life I have seen one drive By, and it was both scary and exiting... My cousin was the one I my family almost killed, after the gang 18st came out of nowhere in a van with AK's and shot, luckily she wasn't hit. This one time I was really shocked, it was at a party and I decided to go and Tag in the streets with friends, and this Crips are robbing the store and in there way out, they still had time to stop me and my friends, they hit us up "where we from" but they did say something nice, when they got in their car,"Stay safe" and took off.
  10. Today we got some small multiplayer info from Gamingexcellence.com. A R* employer at the PlayStation Holiday Preview Event in Toronto, gave Gamingexcellence.com some details on the multiplayer in GTA IV. Quote: 16 Players seems to small for online, 32 would have been good . Thanks to downthrough from GTAForums. / Gamingexellence.com
  11. Looks like BS to me, That could have been anything.. I don't know how the Idea of a planet comes out.
  12. Whats this Planet X thing? It suppose to kill us?
  13. Charger

    simpsons game

    I played the PS3 Demo, and its fun, I might get it..
  14. Get some help at school, not teachers, like Counselors. Or any other Help lines..
  15. Anything that sounds good I will get. But mostly its: Rap/Hip Hop "mostly 90's-2001" Old Rock Reggeaton Some Spanish songs..
  16. With Ladders, and Tables. That will make the WWE even more interesting...
  17. “network.http.pipelining.maxrequests” Is currently at 8, and I can't reset?
  18. I also have been having problems, every time when I go to a search Engine site, like Google, Yahoo, and click one of the results, instead of taking me to the correct site, it takes me to an affiliate site like this one: Right now I just searched GTA IV on Google, and clicked on the Rockstargames.com/IV and got this instead: http://findogo.com/index.php?search=gta%20...liate=and1-1596 Any answers?
  19. Yeah some of the new rap can be kinda crappy, 80-90's Rap is much better. I mostly have that kind of music..
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