What the bible says does not determine one's sexuality. I know a few very strong Christians that are gay, it's quite the internal struggle they have.
To quote one of my favorite songs "When I die I may not go to heaven" ... "let me go to Texas Cause Texas is as close as I've been"
I guess it depends on a number of things. Do you think that God made everyone? To be honest, I think it is some sort of population control. Just like in the animal population, there are different diseases that come around, or foreign speceis sometimes come in to control it or we go hunting to control certain populations of animals.
We have had diseases thrown at us (cancer, diabetes, etcetera) and for the most part we have been able to beat them. How - by using our mind. If our mind does not want to reproduce, we will not reproduce.
As I said earlier, genetics determine sexuality not the bible.
Before the catholics (and after them, the protestants) got ahold of the bible, there are a lot of references to homosexuality. The original, non translated versions of the bible have a lot of references, but they were either changed or taken out. Wish I could find that link.