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Everything posted by Righty

  1. Yeah, the V6 of nowadays are catching up to the V8s of 10 years ago. Not surprising though. A simple cast iron v8 isn't going to be able to put out as much power per cubic inch as an aluminum DOHC V6 with variable valve timing. And now that we can get power out of v6 engines, v8s aren't really needed much anymore. Although, I'd rather have a slightly underpowered v8 that is much simpler than a complex v6. More to go wrong with the more complex engine.
  2. I can't say anything about the graphics, I have only played it on my TV tuner for computer and that ... isn't the greatest quality. But I like the game.
  3. I have too many pics of mine .... but I'll post em just the same @Skyline, are those BF Goodrich Traction T/A? They look just like the T/As I wanted to buy.
  4. Cute little puppy. I like dogs.
  5. We kinda missed most of winter here in the USofA.
  6. Righty


    I believe in abstinence ... or at least commitment before sex. Anal and oral sex are wrong. And I'm in no hurry.
  7. I could deal with a kid that's five or older ... babies and toddlers no.
  8. I threw out an X360 controller today. But PS3 isn't it for me - too much for me. I threw out an X360 controller today. But PS3 isn't it for me - too much for me.
  9. There are a few things that can do that. I know one of them is called Vista Transformation Pack. I used it and it irritated me. I guess I don't like the GUI in Vista then.
  10. Physics cards haven't been around long enough.
  11. Righty

    Pimped van..

    Kenny Brown Windstar > any Caravan.
  12. If I were her, I'd be freaking out.
  13. If you can't play San Andreas, there isn't a whole lot you can play.
  14. I have the game and it's kind of a simple game IMO. I found the first mission very boring ... shoot, shoot, shoot. Worse than that, it's auto aim.
  15. I believe on the old gtaboards I was up to 10000 at least.
  16. Your Driving Is is: 79% Male, 21% Female According to studies, you generally drive like a typical male. You're confident in your driving skills, and hardly any situation gets the better of you. And while you may have a few tickets under your belt, you're still a very good driver. Do You Drive Like a Guy or a Girl? http://www.blogthings.com/doyoudrivelikeaguyoragirlquiz/ I am the most conservative aggressive driver you'll ever meet.
  17. You Are 50% Weird Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/howweirdareyouquiz/ Not bad
  18. I take it wheelman got caught looking at the pr0n?
  19. A day off! 12 hour days have been killing me. Toolbox Axe Stuff Boot Socks $100 gift card to Target Notebook light Jeff Foxworthy's Redneck Email 2 Long Sleeve Shirts Weather.com sweat shirt Aeropostale long sleeve shirt
  20. Well, I hate wrapping paper. I spent 30 minutes today stocking wrapping paper. /kinda related but kinda off topic.
  21. Did you like disable a bunch of startup stuff? What else is missing?
  22. I believe the quad cores are a dual core with HT for each one. 2 physical cores and 2 logical cores for each physical core.
  23. Awesome sites! I love jeeps, ford trucks and I6 engines!
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