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Everything posted by Righty

  1. Admiration for someone or something has nothing to do with any sort of sexual preference - that's where alot of people get confused. Or people that don't want to have sex don't have to be asexual. Some people have certain things they believe. Myself, I think sex (between a man and a woman) is immoral if the two are not married.
  2. Defensive being we will not fire our missles until there are missiles headed at us. You can't really blame the US for going after Iran for missiles, can you ... I know I would try to disarm someone that hates me and wouldn't hesitate to get rid of me.
  3. Quite a bit in this thread. The US sides with Israel becuase it's Politically Correct, even though, economically it isn't the best idea. Now, alot of people our age don't like Bush becuase of the war ... and ... myself I didn't either. I got reading into it more (both left and right news sources) and found that there was, infact, a purpose for the war in Iraq - but it wasn't what Bush said. What the libearal biased media in America won't tell you is we did find WMD's (WMD can be nuclear, chemical or biological) in Syria that came from Iraq ... but no Nuclear weapons - I will agree with everyone there. The real purpose in Iraq was not to find weapons (Yes Righty ... right politcally) said that, but it was to establish a base of operations in the Middle East and to remove Saddam from Power. The problem is, we're fighting the war completely wrong. If we were fighting the war right, Iraq wouldn't be in shambles right now (everyone would have power and water) and there wouldn't be such a negative opinion of the war - I am against the way they are fighting it. Removing Saddam from power was a good thing for one religious group, but made the other (can't remember the names of any of them) extremely mad. And that leads us to where we are up to now - Iraq is headed for a civil war. In my opinion, what's ultimately going to happen, is Iraq is going to be two or three separate nations, each being their own theocracy and heavily dependent on the United States. I hope, by saying this that I didn't make anyone mad at me - we all have our own views and beliefs on this type of stuff. Iran is full of extremeists, hates the US because we support Israel, and the US has done quite a bit to the nation in the past, most recent being helping Iraq in the Iraq-Iran War ... Yes, the US supported Iraq at one time against Iran ... it was an oil war. Now, Iran is getting Nuclear weapons and I'd be surprised if they would actually use them against the US, it would be more of a stalemate than a war where someone would win - as soon as Iran fired, the US would fire back and then it would be the end. Yes, the US does have alot of Nuclear weapons, but they are only for defensive purposes, Since the Cold War, specifically SALT, we have alot less Nuclear weapnos than we used to have. I would also like to say, Bill Clinton, whom many people reguard as a great President, had the power to avoid everything that is going on in the Middle East involving Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan ... he had the opportunity to get Bin Laden on multiple occasions, except he was too much of a politician and too much of a poor president and did nothing, instead he did what he could to make himself look good.
  4. The best thing about the war is the fact that US people are paying for it even though it doesn't directly involve them.
  5. Kinda dumb, but I think goingto jail for doing stuff wrong would be kinda cool, but dumb.
  6. 17'' LCD - computer tv and 13'' crt tv. Both work fine for me.
  7. I'm sure if you upload the savegame someone would do the mission for you. I would, but I don't have SA for PC
  8. I don't think there's anything you can do that's legal. Most stores won't take back games that have already been used for fear that people are copying it and returning it to get their money back. Do yourself a favor and don't try to download it p2p, becuase one, you are breaking the law, two, you will most likely get some sort of virus, three it won't work and four you will make the price of games in the future go up.
  9. You mean the lights on top of the police cars and the street lights or stoplights?
  10. Kinda looks like a memory address ... that's all I can say about it.
  11. Happy 13th birthday ... even though I'm a few days early.
  12. GTAIII had the least things that I didn't like. Unrealistic car physics - it appears that all GTA games have that No Swimming - I hated trying to jump on a boat and getting killed becuase I missed by an inch
  13. I'll move it to a stunting forum
  14. Maybe you start in a prison and have to work your way out by doing certain missions ... maybe you get a bunch of people mad at you and you have to leave or be killed.
  15. I see drunk people occasionally, I guess I'll see more drunk people when I go to one of the biggest party colleges around.
  16. This little conflict is kind of an extension from World War II.
  17. Pickpocketing would be a cool idea. Although it would make alot of anti-gta people mad.
  18. First thing I would do is try to clean them with rubbing alcohol. Then try a mildly abbrasive car polish.
  19. I'd hate to see ferries again - it would be too much of a cliche (first time ever using that word). A very cool idea, nonetheless, but I don't see rockstar doing it. Unless the isand were to magically instantly rebuild itself there would be a slow process and the models would take up alot of space.
  20. I like the Mafia theme, although they do need to do something to it to make it different. Maybe they should come up with a completely different storyline?
  21. Are there any error messages? Does the computer still work after it halts?
  22. Well, I am going to have to blame Israel for the problem. It's not that I don't like Jews, but sticking a Jewish countryin the middle of an Islamic desert was a terrible idea back in the day. We can't change what happened 60 years ago and I normally take sides with western countries, but I think Israel is totally out of line. They are attacking their neighboring countries that don't like them to begin with - very bad idea right there. Same with Palestine and Egypt, they tried to take over more area than what was given to them. Now, I do feel bad for the Jewish people. They really don't have a homeland where they are welcome. For a while it was Europe, but Saddam's Uncle and Hitler worked together to get them out of Europe, but Hussein's plan to keep them out of the Middle East didn't work too well.
  23. LCS now. But I never thought I'd have to throw the controller. If I hit it hard enough, I can get it to work right.
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