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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I think it's going to definetly be Upstate Liberty along with possibly Carcer City (possibility theory I'm working on with King 2003). I like seeing that someone is using the "Future IV Player" Userbar I made.
  2. I already made a topic for this....here. I just had some info to back it up. Whatever.
  3. LOL, I saw that movie earlier too. I would probably give him a better name and then attempt to get off instead of wait for 4 years. What would you do if you were Wilson?
  4. Oh yeah, I remember now, but I could have sworn he said the same thing when he got pulled over in "Cheech and Chong, Up In Smoke". Ehh whatever.
  5. I'm going to do the "50 Things To Do In A Mall" next time I go to the mall with my friends.
  6. ...I'd say hi. What would you do if you suddenly exploded?
  7. Yeah, I think that was "Cheech and Chong, Up In Smoke". Great movies.
  8. ...It takes a lot of knowledge to space travel and...Why would we give them such a privilege?
  9. So...is that what you want? If so, that'll be $100.
  10. Sorry for the double post, but I made my own imitation of the VRock "Home of the Vulture" Bumper Stick. Just incase you guys wanted something like this for a signature or something.
  11. Well here you go, let me know what you think. That'll be $100.
  12. Do i get my two cents? Carcer City could be in IV, but not as it was in Munhunt, it would have to be GTAisd. But we dont know if Moscow will be in IV ethier. I would say not, cos we havent ever had it in a GTA game. But London could but as others would say, it would be to much of a Getaway sort of game. Neither has Carcer City... Dude, they already have it on there. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyways, King 2003 and I decided to set our differences aside and put our heads together and we're currently thinking of, not so much a theory, but a possibility. Once we have enough info to back it up, we might post a topic about it.
  13. Need a little more info. Do you want a GIF Image or just still one?
  14. You could always use my old Confirmed Outfits topic that I made before the release of Vice City Stories. The pictures are a little more appealing. You should put all of the info in a table to make it look more appealing. NOTE: I don't have all the outfits in that topic or the correct names due to the fact I made it months before the release of VCS.
  15. ^Member on GTA Real Estate <Watched the same episode of That 70's Show as 2003 yesterday (Very odd how you were some what right) \/ Thought about being gay.
  16. Well I think he should have had the whole thing done before he posted it. "Under Construction" topics usually don't get finished and people tend to stop looking for updates. Have i stoped updating it yet? I just updated it. And tend to add pics of the characters OGM. I know that, but like I said "he(you) should have had the whole thing done before he(you) posted it."
  17. Well I think he should have had the whole thing done before he posted it. "Under Construction" topics usually don't get finished and people tend to stop looking for updates.
  18. Yeah, I don't get why people find this so special. ^ass kissing anyone? Vehicle stats, maybe order charachters in order of appearancem, or views or w/e, a pic of each car's be nice, plus the full artworks |(again) OGTAM, if you don't like the way someone's posted a list, either suggest how to make it better, ior just ignore it. Dont be moron and just sit there ripping the piss out of it. I said that before he came on here and said it again because someone finally agreed with me and that person just so happened to be Chris. EDIT: "OGTAM, if you don't like the way someone's posted a list, either suggest how to make it better, ior just ignore it. Dont be moron and just sit there ripping the piss out of it. " I wanted to know why people thought it was so great first before I started to help him out. No one answered. All King 2003 said was "stfu"...that doesn't help much.
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