I've got some French homework and I was wondering if anyone who speaks French could look at it, just to check that it makes sense. The assignment is to write about an ethnic food. I tried to make it a little bit funny, but in French class they don't teach us how to make french people laugh, and it would suck to try and be funny, only to realize that the "funny" thing you're saying doesn't make sense.
Je présente, le taco! Le taco est un met traditionnelle de Mexico. Les mexicains adore le taco! Le taco est fait avec poivrons, salsa, crème, fromage et boeuf haché, enveloppé dans un tortilla. Le taco est mangé avec les mains. Dans Mexico, le personne qui ne mange pas un taco, est le personne qui décède. Je ne sais pas qui inventé le taco. J’assume il été un mexicaine.