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Everything posted by TM™

  1. The site looks like it hasn't even finsihed, maybe a better template could do.
  2. Oh, Ok, well i thought you were a Male, Man My head begining to hurt.
  3. TM™


    Yeah Ok, well you could be hullecinating.
  4. I can't wiat, getting mines tommorow, i can't believe they have Flash FM still, there still going...
  5. I'd Like the First Mission to be like CJ's Mission, only on a motorbike.
  6. TM™


    Errrm, well... To me thats your imagination, or your Drunk, LOL.
  7. TM™


    Well to me, have you seen anything like a UFO? you know in your life? cause if you have they won't be aliens.
  8. I am saving, but there's not to much in my account.
  9. Well Loads of guys having a shag..? with anything..? LOL, its just funny.
  10. TM™


    Yeah there good.
  11. It's Ok, needs a bit more stuff on it.
  12. I am Going to but soon, maybe tommorow.
  13. Yeah same here, but you eventually complete it.
  14. because hes under peer pressure Well actually he was one of my friends, that threw eggs at my house, so i threw it at his Genitial Area, LOL that was the best.
  15. TM™


    Well i suggest people who believe in it, and had a experience, are obvisously.... Crazy, but just like spaz said LOADS of times, it doesn't man they are aliens.
  16. You have to stay away from the train, but make sure your not far away from the train.
  17. I hope VCS comes on PC... i don't mind PS2.
  18. Well, i think gta graphics are crap, but it will be improved.
  19. TM™


    No point for this since, we don't even know..... That video could be shit..
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