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Everything posted by TM™

  1. Hey and welcome Laura to TGTAP! Please make sure to read the Rules, and if you have any problems regarding this place, post in the Website Suggestions & Problems forum. Well other than that, see ya' later!
  2. I just upgraded to FireFox 3 and I've got like 5 tabs open, with a lot of heavy graphics in each page. It's probably your internet. But print screen the problem, please.
  3. Ah, I see what you mean, you're talking about the layout. Well, I've actually made a fuck load of templates before, but I don't really know how to explain it. Well, I'll start it off, You need a banner. Banners are like the face of each website. If you at least make a decent looking banner, or logo, then that's one of part of the website done. You should also add Side Navigations, so visitors can surf around your website. At some point, you might need to make a nice design, so designing even the side navigations, it will make your website a lot better. Then comes the content, that's the most important part of your website. Make sure it's not small so only 6 letters fit in one sentence. You should also think about what font you're going to use e.g. The nicest font which everyone can read is Verdena, Tahoma, Arial and MS San Serif (But that font makes it too "baby-ish"). For Colour Scheme, well it's up to you. If you're designing a GTA Fan-Based Gaming website, you got a lot of colours to choose from, but the colours I would use would be dull colours (Grey, black etc.). Make sure that it's also unique as well.
  4. Bitch, you're a month older than me (Well, sort of). Anyways, happy birhtday man. Enjoy owning those n00bs out there (If there are any )!
  5. School's finished for me a week ago (That's like FTW), but I sort of miss all the teachers who really thought I was a good pupil to them, including my form tutor (Who's like fucking awesome), whose been my form tutor for the last 5 years. It's sort of sad saying bye as well to other friends, which I probably won't see again. But in a few days is Prom Night 08'. Gonna be fucking awesome, and I'm hopefully gonna dance with my hot French Teacher (That's like FTW +55555555) as well, along with getting stuffed up with some food. But yeah, it's gonna be a nice night.
  6. Yesterday night, I tried getting onto the forums, but it didn't let me at all. In fact, it just showed the dark grey background for the forum. I couldn't get onto it after that, but I'm on a different PC right now, and it seems to be running at a decent speed. I'm not sure whether it's my home internet connection, but I was able to go onto other websites. I guess I don't need to blame my own internet connection.
  7. Well, whenever someone leaves for a reason, it's usually because they want to move away from virtual reality and want to live life for a better cause. I mean, yes, you can enjoy being on a forum, but most people won't stay here for ever will they? I understand what you mean though, I mean, sometimes it's sad to see them go, but it's better for them as they want to have a better quality of life, some people can also balance their lifestyle as well, which isn't difficult, but it all depends on time.
  8. Nice showcase mate. Love the nice unique sigs, especially Don's Avatar.
  9. Mega Bumpz. Made one a week ago: Gonna make some more soon.
  10. How can both of you guys say MTA owns SA:MP, and then say SA:MP owns MTA? Both are good.
  11. Dilated Peoples - Worst Comes To Worst.
  12. Yeah, but does he need help on it? I don't think so. He's just showing it as a video, and this forum is a suitable place for it. Got that, mate?
  13. Guys remember, this is the Forum Fun & Games forum, you can make topics like these in this forum. I should make up one myself.
  14. If you ask me, Italy never tried their best in that game. Holland were pretty awesome, but I never got to watch the full match, and neither the highlights.
  15. Nice Idea mate. I think this will be alot of help to the newbs, atleast I hope so. I also was wondering Wtf happened when the pinned row was yellow... I thought it was IE7 since I'm using it (Don't ask me why, I don't know myself). Other than that, this all seems to be going well, Chris.
  16. OH SHI- Sorry about calling you "She". Well, since I'm here anyways, I'll help out. I'll extend on the text a little more actually. The text won't look good enough unless you change it about, add outlines to it, emboss it etc. So if you go into blending options, play around with the overlays, you'll see a big improvement. Once that's done, you should have a nice neat text, with some nice effects. The "IV" looks dark. I'm not sure whether it's suppose to be dark or not, but try to lighten it up. Oh and DH, Grunge isn't overdone unless you know how to make it look perfect (I do actually go a little crazy with it in my sigs, but yeah ).
  17. Speak English, please.

  18. No they shouldn't. I think if they're going to make another GTA, they should make it similar to GTA 3, that way, you could do alot of missions based on what their culture is (e.g. Yakuza, Mafia, Cartel etc.). It's also alot more fun as you play a character which at some point is neutral.
  19. Probably you (coffin dealer) need to head straight to rehab. I think you need to understand that it would be a bitch if you had a brother that takes shit like this. Imagine what Vic Vance was feeling like when Lance took all that coke in Vice City Stories... So basically, if you're that type of guy who thinks drugs is cool, GTFO. Thank you.
  20. All I can say is, if you're wanting Photoshop, buy it. If not, try GIMP. It's free, but I'm not sure if it's a good program or not.
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