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Everything posted by Snazzybacon

  1. a cool thing could be that if you shoot on a window ( in a car or something) it breaks around the bullet hole, like counter strike source. that would be a very nice thing to have insted of the one way breaking windows we have in the other gta´s
  2. the side of the bike looks a little plain like the others say, i mean its cool with the two tone collor but maybe some text on it or something? how about this? of course another collor (just made the D´s in paint) and maybe placed better but something like it would be great!
  3. yeah pilot is right alot of what you do in you vid is just jumps and stuff, its not real stunts, so a DD told you try to jump of buildings etc. etc.
  4. looks cool, though a litle empty how about writing fearles on the side or something? could be nice
  5. nice one though it looks like the first bike stunt have some gravity cheats in it...... might just be because its in slowmotion
  6. well i dont think there is a direct guide to changing the texture on the nrg but there is a download wich removes all the decals on it. you can find it in one of the stunting toturials in top of forum you´ll need txd editor img tool and some kind of photo editing program like photoshop or even paint
  7. cool mod though the collors seem a little simpson/ futurama ish ( too cartoony)
  8. none of the links work can you upload it somewhere else like rapidshare or something?
  9. actualy bigfoot is called a yeti it a old myth from the 16. century so whos stupid now dude? btw if anyone have ever played muonline they´ll know what a yeti is
  10. and you cant just rumble ind and comand ppl to make stuff for you give ppl time to answer
  11. Snazzybacon


    it might be beacuse you replace ex. phoenix.dff with a phoenix.txd or the other way around
  12. i think orges mean the andromeda.... but you cant drive your vehicle in to that
  13. didnt know you could do that so you can have for example 2 hydra the normal and a moded one?
  14. XgtaX doesnt make weapons he just looks for them so i dont think he´ll make you a remote controled lightning bomb or what ever you are talking about
  15. it might be because your game is v2 it cant be moded in anyway
  16. yeah that might be it.....
  17. it is only posible to replace cars, you cant add new vehicles
  18. dont think that it is posible because when you drive with a trailer on you truck the pedestrians just drive straight in to the trailer, so you´ll have to mod the whole game i think
  19. that sounds weird..... have you tried with other cars? i just "replace" when i change a car dont know if that has anything to do with it
  20. thx for the coments ill be fixing it a bit in some time and post new pics
  21. thx actualy just painted it blue and changed the already existing flames on it
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