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Everything posted by Snazzybacon

  1. anyways it has been confirmed a long time ago that girlfriend will apear in the game and for the ever lasting sprint i doubt it i even think that niko will get tired of runing normaly for a while (i mean who can keep running and still dont lose their breath?)
  2. will do have been busy so havent done it yet but ill post when i do
  3. i now cant move the car i can hear the engine but it doesnt move
  4. yesterday i changed a cars handling line so it could drift but now i cant get in to archangels, only transfenders so i cant get skirts and stuff to it so what part of the handling line decides what mod shop the car can enter? here the line if anyoe can change it to archangel it will be great: SULTAN 1600.0 4166.4 2.0 0.0 0.0 -0.2 70 0.57 0.98 0.54 5 340.0 70.0 2.0 R P 8.17 0.52 1 52.0 1.2 0.15 0.0 0.30 -0.10 0.45 0.25 0.3 0.52 19000 40000000 4 0 0 0
  5. im not sure about the vehicle placing but if its only one type of car why dont you just get a trainer? its much easyer than changing the files
  6. here a link with real carnames and pics
  7. have you installed any mods? might be why remember to delete everything! sometime the game doesnt get completely uninstalled so remember to remove all
  8. you can only connect one trailer on a truck however there is a mod making it able to have more here
  9. you cant load anything in to it however there is a mod making the cargo bay accesable cant remember where i found it though
  10. no problem. hovever it would be nice if you could find me some good drifting cars, i can only find the nissan silvia and thats not very good in my opinion btw the flatout may not work corectly so try this: here
  11. took the liberty to help out Radion (he seems stressed out with all the vehicles ppl want...) heres some flatout cars
  12. hopefuly you can use taxi to go somewhere that would be a cool feature to avoid geting arested for stealing cars or something sucks when in a trafic jam though. what about real trafic accidents like a headon colision with a truck and a little car. then the medics and firedepartment comes to help the ppl out in the smashed cars or something
  13. so when he stops the bike and takes the helmet of? what about when he jump of it will he then take it of in the air and throw it back to the bike in the air? nahhh dont think so. there will be no fancy things about taking on a helmet and taking it of when not using bikes. maybe you can buy one to wear hopefuly the comet will be in the game i hope so
  14. well not only having weapons in the trunk the whole story line of vice city is a copycat of the scarface movie so dont come here and say R* isnt copying anyways like the idea about buying stuff to safe houses like a huge plasma screen and a pc with a gta´ish internet
  15. if it was up to me i would change that you can store almost all weapons at the same time (rockets, guns grenades rifles etc. etc.) its just not very realistic. if you could buy a bag or something to put guns in it would be more usefull (like the hitman game weapons menu) but if there is no bags you should only be able to cary 2 rifles (big weapons) and 2-3 guns
  16. well clustering mean (what i understand of it) that the same cars keep showing up in the same area so that maybe only 2-3 cars drive in that area (as seen on the pics)
  17. snow is hard to make (the pshysics) but if it´s in the game there would be snowplows and tratcors with salt and thats just a waste of time to make ( would´nt mind plowing ppl down) so i dont think there will be snow....
  18. would be a nice feature to mod weapons like buying better scopes for snipers
  19. hopefully the girlfriend will be better they wasnt very good in sa oh and the savegame site is here: http://www.gtasavegames.com/savegames/San_Andreas
  20. i would love smashing ppl in the head with a meatl pole what about being able to strangulate ppl? that would be a nice feature! if say a cop saw you doing something ilegal you could run into an alley and hide behind a container etc. etc. when he then walked by you could strangulate him to avoid other cops chasing you
  21. how about sneaking up behind some person, then kicking him in the back so he falls down.
  22. the 50. cal. could be in a mission too! you culd assasinate some mafia boss or something without being seen (this is not likely because of the extrme sound the riffel makes) from some building far away or something. but yeah the gun may only be shot stationary or else it isnt realistic
  23. what about a very fat lady/man get thrown of a skyscraper and hits a car!!! the whole front of the car get totaly smashed and the windscreen brakes shadering all over the ppl around the car now that would be a nice pic.
  24. well i would´nt mind seeing a 50.cal in the game! could be nice plocking down pedestrians and cops from some building 1000 feet away if you dont know what weap im talking about heres a pic:
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