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Everything posted by Bear

  1. Gamma, Alpha and Beta rays are everywhere. All over this planet, as there is an experiment to see their strengths.
  2. Im sorry Skyline, atleast your still friends. You had a great weekend then Spaz. Its nice you can spend all that time together and never get fed up of each other. Its really sweet as I know some couples that do get sick each other. I think you two must have something very special.
  3. Bear


    My favourite is: The voices are telling me to kill you. I would have that as my screensaver
  4. (My dad would kill you for saying the Cowboys suck ) I would walk around and see what has changed as I havent played it yet WWYDI you had Lance as a brother *shudder* (scary thought I know)
  5. Ive just finished the Disney Quest I have had fun as I have been able to avoid talking to people for three days. Pessemists annoy me and I have one nagging me to become one of them Im starting dance this week. I cant wait
  6. Cheer as most sports suck. WWYDI your favourite sport team went bankrupt and dispaeared forever.
  7. Cheer then put it in a high interesst account. (Got to think about university) WWYDI someone conned you and ran away to Mexico with your money.
  8. ^Must be joking <Likes college and looks forward to going everyday vThinks im stupid for liking college
  9. Thats stupid as I like to use all the time I have on the game and wouldnt want to keep saving just to do some stupid mission.
  10. What do you do on those missions?
  11. Are the beach patrol missions hard to complete?
  12. You shall be dead long before the earth will end. You wont need to commit suicide.
  13. Bear

    ps3 released

    I cannot afford £500 its not worth that price to be honest. I will wait for the price to fall or buy a XBox 360. I need to save for college espically as Im going Berlin with my performance class.
  14. They should have waited until all major bugs were sorted beofre shipping. If the game was going to be released on PS2 surely they would sort out the bugs then.
  15. Took me about two years to complete VC but that was because I was to busy running around to care about the missions.
  16. Bear


    This really contributes to global warming. The earth is more important then having a status symbol car. (Judging by neighbours here by the way)
  17. I considered making a comment like that, but you gotta realise we're all from different countries, we're all different ages, some schools may not even teach about her. I'm 18 and I've never learned about Anne Frank in school, I didn't choose to carry on with history at GCSE level, and certainly not at AS or A2 level, and have therefore never been educated on her, I only know from general knowledge. I did History GCSE but we didnt do anything about Anne Frank. As far as Im aware the A level doesnt do much about her either.
  18. Im not a push up person, I prefer going on the rowing machine. I talked to my stalker and he said he would leave me alone . Im spending my my weekend watching Disney movies yaaaayyyyy!!!!!
  19. Bear


    There is no need for them in Essex as its all flat land but my next door which is a family of four. Both kids are 18/20 and they have two 4x4s. Whats the point?
  20. Exactly as we cant really use the items so we might aswell buy what we want.
  21. Well I didnt hit him but I was very close. I now has a massive headache thanks to him. He would not shut up. I didnt hit him as I was in college and thats bad, shame as Spazs advice was great.
  22. I completed gta3 in June so I have just completed it really. I completed it in three days.
  23. Bear


    It sounds very entertaining . There has to be aliens somewhere in the univers I would find it harder to belive that there isnt.
  24. Dont put words in my mouth. Did I call Jamacans stupid? No.
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