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Everything posted by Nate10

  1. Ya.nd since you sound shy around her just talk to her when she's alone if she's ever alone.Say hi,and then it jsut goes on if she's interested.
  2. OK,so I got my images for my sig and I got them hosted on Image Shack but IDK which one i'm supposed to use for this website.Thanks guys for tha help.
  3. Ya.Jus like you didn't rush on this one.And you're still new..And I am still technically new.
  4. Ya.The Simpsons is almost stupid now.FAMILY GUY is "taking" over but I hate it.That CASED CLOSED sounds funny and fun to watch though.-Japanese stufff is always interesting...
  5. Nate10

    ps3 released

    Ya.It still pisses me off that XBox got the downloadable episodes To Playstation and me,R* got "bought" out.
  6. I'm still wondering isn't this your fav. GTA3 character.
  7. I'd give it like 6/10.7/10 at most.I've not seen that much stunt videos but that was sorta bad.Alot of the stunts i've done and not counted as a stunt(at least I thought they weren't stunts).IDK,the stnts just didn't really catch me.
  8. I see you're new Striker but try to type in a READABLE well fashioned way please.
  9. Nate10

    ps3 released

    This is at 6:00 though with three hours of coverage.Plus Playstaion won't be stupid with no coverage like XBox.(I do not like XBox.Period.)
  10. Yo momma's so stupid she stared at a orange juice container for a day cause it said CONCENTRATE. Stupid excuse to make a joke BTW.Sorry.
  11. Avatar:8/10(Representin ) Signature:7/10(Blackout was good.) Person:Cool.Turned elite,good guy.
  12. Nothin but watch in "front row seats" WWYDI you had a time travel machine?
  13. ^Likes his stunt video. <Trying to find a certain stunt video. vDoesn't like stunt videos.
  14. GJ wheelman.And ya,the quoting is cause of massive speeches as you may of seen.
  15. That'd bring bad things to the site.
  16. Ya.I'm what people would call off balanced under pressure lol.
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