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Everything posted by 888ball

  1. Which will be by the time you and I are dead so we don't have to bother about the IPB logos if we wont see them
  2. Hell yeah right on bruh, I guess it would be cool if we had Tommy as a rival
  3. You lucky bitch, how come you got that?
  4. Even though im usin Windows, Mac because its just plain sexy
  5. Me too, Im downloadin loads of stunt vids for inspiration
  6. We did have Radio X, maybe that will make a return
  7. Oh ok it was still a great video, i liked your bump off that big thing (forgotton the name) onto the bridge thing above
  8. Great video, but it was all a bit dark, how about the sunshine 24/7 cheat?
  9. It works for me, if it dont work for you just dont use it
  10. If he escaped on my game i would have still kept him alive, im too moral to kill him
  11. Isn't Gtagaming all crapshack now? Welcome, I hope more make that smart move
  12. It is used in a mission so it will definitely make a return
  13. Wow, thats a great list, there were loads ive never seen before
  14. You mean he could not die, damn, I was quite sad because he did on my game
  15. Now that looks cool, wouldn't it be great do do some missions side by side with Ray
  16. I knew about new cars but will there be new motorbikes? Wow
  17. I remember you, if you miss us why not stay for a bit
  18. I thought it was original, had great stunts, a really good editing job and it so was cool
  19. Damn thats huge, but with my latest obsession with stunt vids i guess ill download it EDIT: Yeah that was amazin but it really did lack something
  20. Thats a great find Chris, ive already got it in my small excuse for a sig
  21. Yay it's finally out, ive been waiting to see Ghostchild in action, ive never actually seen any of his videos, downloading now
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