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Everything posted by 888ball

  1. Blurgh!! The skin on it now is horrible, i hate the colours and it has nothing to do with GTA I prefered the original one
  2. nah that would be crap, your really lazy if you need that
  3. Very lucky child, stupid, but lucky I just wish i could have a father who worked like that, i really wouldn't show it off like that though
  4. looks a bit nicer now, I guess ill use it for a bit
  5. 888ball

    IPB 2.1

    wow now that rules, when we gonna upgrade, i cant wait
  6. There was something about that in the LCS preview in OP2M Yeah its believable, my dad says the game fries my brain, yeah right, well maybe just a bit...
  7. Yeah they look good, not so sure about the skin though, i would join but i know i wont post
  8. its in the research lab, according to the official stradegy guide its at the rear of the installation
  9. Tre read the rules, don't double post, just use the edit button
  10. Yeah thanks couldn't of asked for a better explaination So thats why my level was rounded up to 20
  11. wow, now that would be cool, dammit, i need SA PC
  12. Hi welcome, im new to Photoshop so you wont appriciate anything i make, post some more and maybe someone else will make you one
  13. thats just wrong, this wasn't a "special" school for "special" kids was it
  14. lol 40 times, if thats true which i really doubt, you need to get a life
  15. Av: 8/10 PINK RULES Sig: you gettin one or what? Personality: 7/10-I think i remember you
  16. I prefered MVI, more simple Xenon wtf is Forum Security?
  17. we get the point anyways hes done it now damn if i was a mod i would close this, awww well, wish i was
  18. ambience rules! this is pretty gud but yeah the banner better be temp
  19. shit thats bloody amazing its still playin now for like the 18th time
  20. yes... wierdo Sex city would be banned and Japan would suck
  21. happy birthday MVI love the skin, not as good as ambience but ill use it for a while anyways
  22. very cool, he should definately be in the next one
  23. those aren't of the game, hold on, *gets mag*, its of a "Tech Demo" It says, "To demonstrate PS3's ability to do detail, Sony's Gteaways map was shown in next-gen glory. No game yet, ..."
  24. The hot coffee mod isn't gonna go down well with the polititions, now you only need a simple code!
  25. ok thanks everyone just doing it now
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