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Everything posted by juggalo

  1. beign able to have 2 guns dosent deffinatly make you tough, but it helps
  2. is it even in rotation now, on adult swim?
  3. i didnt mean it made him more dangerous, i juts complety forgot he couldnt swim
  4. sure, thats the boring way to do it
  5. i didnt even think about that fact that tommy couldnt swim
  6. i remeber that guy jace is talking about, but i cant remember his name, i know he helps you in sector x, but i havent played it in a couple of years
  7. care to explain how woozie is anything but a lesser character
  8. thats look real bad, most of it is from san andreas anyway, i dont even think there has been a real screenshot from gta4 yet
  9. im sure theres a store out there that has it, if not, ebay is your new friend
  10. i said there were exceptions, but the fact still remains, that most asians are small and pysically not as strong as other races of people, its not being racist, im just stating a fact
  11. i know that it was a joke, but even if he spoke perfect english, i still woudnt want an asian, because asiains arent that tough, there are exceptions of course, but as a whole, the asain community is weak
  12. manhunt is awesome, the most violent game ive ever played, really detailed execution scenes, good stuff, u should pick it up
  13. theres a cheat that makes you jump a couple of hundered feet in the air when on a bike
  14. your right, but it dosent matter cause those kinds of people arent going to change
  15. no hydrolics on the cars, it ruins whaever car there on
  16. i havent had an n64 for about 3 years, but srat fox was one of my favorite games
  17. why is this in the gta4 section?, anyway my favorite is san andreas cause of all the new features, but i like gta3s story the best
  18. the way to do it is to fly a chopper into the base then get in the hunter, so you dont have to go throught the front and deal with the soldiers
  19. lifes ok at the moment, wish i had a job though, but at least i never have to go to a day of school again, after all those years, its finally over
  20. oh, i havent played vice city in a while, so im a little out of touch, its just sitting somewhere in my room, once i finish 100% of san an, imma get 100% of vc
  21. i havent seen anything other than fish, turtles, dolphins, and jellyfish in the waters of san andreas
  22. it would look stupid as hell having an asian guy running around killing people, and then taking their blood stained clothes back to his laundrymat, and if he talked like kenji from gta3, i wouldnt even buy the damn thing
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