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Everything posted by Noru

  1. I usually switch between PC and Xbox 360. Mostly use my PC for the older games that I own and my 360 for everything else. Gamertag is Noru122 on Xbox Live.
  2. Happy 9th Birthday TGTAP. Hope it remains for many more years to come, would hate to see it go.
  3. I hope they do, I like to explore and find little things that people would probably miss. San Andreas had a lot of stuff hidden all over the map while GTA IV didn't have to much. Biggest thing I remember in that one is just the beating heart in the Statue of Happiness.
  4. Just went back to playing GTA IV to see if I can get some of the achievements that I missed.
  5. I'm sure there will be a Los Santos version of Compton but like you said, it won't be the same. I'm just saying people shouldn't expect Grove Street families and so on to return just because its set in Los Santos.
  6. Grove Street probably won't be making a return as with anything else that was in San Andreas Story. Maybe just in a form of an Easter Egg but that's just about it.
  7. I've been looking forward to this game for awhile now but I might just wait until the end of the month to pick it up. Damn, why do so many good games have to come out this month .
  8. I have also been busy but I usually try to come on once in a awhile to see whats new. Since I got laid off from work due to cut backs to save money, I have found some extra free time on my hands.
  9. Awesome trailer, looking forward to playing this one. By the looks of it, if it ends up being just Los Santos, it may be possible that they may using those mountains in the background as the boundary instead of just using the Ocean to surround the whole place.
  10. RIP Jack Layton, NDP Leader

  11. I just recently got laid off from work with a few others. Things started to slow down and so they decided to make a few cut backs.

  12. Some cheats you use will block you from gaining certain achievements. When you use them, just make sure you don't save your game after. If did save with some cheats still active, you'll need to start a new game to get certain achievements that they may of blocked. Might also be a good idea to turn off the auto save feature when planning on using cheat codes.
  13. I'll have to agree with Evo, I never really noticed it until now but it is a little too bright on the white background.
  14. Noru

    GTA 5 Wishlist

    I agree on more options for clothing and all that for your character. Also, when putting on a hat/glasses, you shouldn't lose them because you get knocked down. If the hat/glasses are knocked off, maybe you can press a button to pick them up and put them back on when you stand over them. I know this has been said before by many people but I think a female protagonist would be kinda neat but then again, if its not done right, it could end up hurting the GTA Series.
  15. I'm hoping to become more active when I get a few things in my life settled. Hopefully after Christmas I will be around more. Anyways, as others have said. The gang system did seem to keep people around and when it died, people seemed to have interest with posting at all on the forums. I'm thinking a new design, site features and new types of interest may help. I have noticed that a lot of people seem to have been playing/talking Minecraft lately on several forums. Maybe creating a Minecraft server? Even if it's just a Classic Minecraft server so anyone can play without having to pay for Alpha.
  16. I have been busy for the past month do to family and personal reasons but I should be around a lot more come the end of October. That Idea Gerard posted sounds like it could really help this place, I'm interested in to how it turns out if you can get Chris to agree.
  17. Noru


    Noticed that there's a new Driver game coming out and seems like it will pick up after where Driv3r ended.
  18. Yeah, Both Episodes were great, I found the story to be better in Lost and Damned and connected better with GTA IV. Ballad of Gay Tony had the Fun Gameplay and Missions but didn't like the story as much. One thing I was disappointed with was the Diamond deal mission in Gay Tony, Felt like the mission was rushed when they made it.
  19. If I remember, I think you'll have better luck looking around Dukes for one. I remember seeing them spawn there more then anywhere else. Try looking around The East Borough Bridge, its the bridge that has the Toll Both on it. The Bridge goes over top Charge Island and also connects to Bohan and Algonquin.
  20. I like the Subforum Changes, makes everything look a little more organized then what it looked like before. Anyways, I noticed the two forums I had were merged. Ballad of Gay Tony got merged with Lost and Damn and Gameplay was merged with GTA IV Discussion and Help. The last thing to those wanting to view their private gang forums, You can get into them if you have the direct link to it. I had the LCF forum bookmarked so I can still access it that way.
  21. Like Huckleberry Pie said, Please reinstall your game since your not going to get the file you want here.
  22. Another one... Either he's doing this on purpose or he is indeed an idiot... A Wish List topic already pinned at the top...
  23. There probably isn't that many PC saves for the game yet. Any you do find will more then likely be 100% save games. If your having troubles with the Party's Over mission, You can search for a video walkthrough of the mission on youtube to help you complete it. I would upload you a save my self but I do not own TBOGT on PC. Here's the first search result I found for a walkthrough of the mission.
  24. With the normal game without touching/changing any files. The only weapons you can get on TBOGT are the weapons that came with the episode and all of the weapons Niko could use. The only weapon Luis can use that came from Lost and Damned is the Grenade Launcher. With the PC version, It probably is possible to get all the weapons and vehicles into one game but I haven't seen that happen yet. I'm sure someone will manage to do it sometime if someone already hasn't. If you play free-mode on TBOGT, all the interiors that Niko, Johnny and Luis were able to enter are open.
  25. Have to agree, go with the 9500GT if your choosing from those two cards. Anyways, since I haven't played GTA IV on my PC and I never really looked into the required specs to run it, but from hearing people complain about lag and etc... Your probably not going to be able to run the game very well.
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