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Everything posted by MrLlamaLlama

  1. Modders did, but i don't know of any mission packs right now... WTH does the topic title mean? Topic title spam? Meh, you could give stunting a go, or play around with some mods....
  2. Ok, sarge! Manamana do doo do dod doo.!
  3. MrLlamaLlama


    I'm sure they would... And a keyboard to boot (not that ugly thing on the bottom of the controller, either) Bioshock, still...down...loading.... at.... 19%... does steam still keep downloads active while you play games, it just doesn't seem to progress whilst i play HL2... Just breaking into nova prospekt. Those turrets are damn hard o hard mode, especially when you have sucky health like me.
  4. MrLlamaLlama


    Pretty sure that's going to be Halo 3 But yeah the game looks pretty interesting. Might buy it eventually and will probably play it at some friends house to try it out. Well, that plus Forza 2 and the Sims 2: Bon Voyage. I can still remember my first kill in the demo. I was just minding my own business, hitting lamps with a wrench, when some dude came up from behind and smacked with his lead pipe. I then commenced to spend the next three minutes bashing him with my wrench. I have problems. Reminds me of the time i spent all of 12 minutes doing a burnout, in a firetruck on some dude's face in LCs because he mde me fail car salesman... git. Will probably get the demo some time, game looks awesome, but my cash is going to dark messiah, HL2, ep's 1&2, when relesed. Or a new pair of shoes. I'll download it just as my brother signs into XBL, just to lag up his games.... Then blame him for shitty d/l speeds.
  5. A slight map mod would probably do it, just take the ripple magnitude of the water down to zero, then make it solid. ( Just a guess, i'm no modder, but i assume it would go something like this) And dr.suave?... Testing out CFG tweaks?
  6. I think so, absolutely, i mean the whole, russian, style thing, like russian spies and stuff (though he's not russian) kinda seems to fit, to me....
  7. Half life 2, just past the part where you first get the rocket launcher, take down the gunships, and take your buggy into the sandtraps. Ravenholm is hell on hard mode. My advice: If you've got low health, blag it and run. It may be me, But HL2's hard mode has nothing on Quake 2's hard mode. Makes HL2 look like child's play IMO. Can't wait till the bridge part, i am in love with the crossbow. ( I have completed it before, as well as some of Episode One.... But post - format the save went bye-bye...Plus it gives me smething to do, since lat time i did it on easy...I was a wuss.) Gonna go pay some GMod soon. My freind olly (genius) mapped a part of our school, and i can play around in my school on GMod! Though it'll be even cooler when it's finished. I'm making the artwork, logo's and Alpha/ Beat testing for him. Will attatch if anyone REALLY wants it, it's only a small portion though. Science block, and Media block. And the 'farm' area is full of PreFabs.
  8. That would explain it, I would just be surprised if it were released on CD. My SA disk is 3.92 Gig (just checked) & CD was all but obsolete when SA was released. If you are using a "free" copy, get the legal one. You'll have a LOT less trouble w/ it. good luck. Though it is highly unlikely. Legal copy > Free copy, by the way. But don't try anything too drastic until you've checked whether it was abad mod. <- OT - ness.
  9. I preferred the second one, but now that it got mentioned, that white reflection thingy is a little random. You coulda bevelled/embossed the whole sig. Like around the edges. I woulda done a black/ dark outer glow on te dude though, instaed of an emboss/ bevel. ( I get confused between the two...)
  10. Dude. Don't screw with the ancients. I don't know what to make of this really. Meh, if it was true, i wouldn't kill myself. Incase it didn't happen. And because i'd like to experience the euphoria of being the last human ever in existance to have ejaculated. True dat. I would draw a diagram, but i don't wanna go corrupting our younger members, or disturbing our female ones. (PM for diagram if you really wanna see) But yeah, back n the real world... as nostradamus tha same guy who did those paintings of the 9/11 attacks, like 3 months before they happened? Or some other guy? Meh, i dunno.
  11. MrLlamaLlama

    Mafia 2 ?

    ^ yeah, much easier. May have to pick the original up some time, give it a whirl. Is it fo PC. The one thing i do know is that the artwork for this game was sublime. It was really neat. If i like the original, then expect the 2nd to go on my list too. I'll look it up on ebay, amazon and stuff. Edit: those screenies look positively yummy. And chris is now from malta....? It's funny cos i know someone who really is.
  12. Maybe you installed a bad mod. These can corrupt your game, a link to the mod that seems to be the problem? Try and explore the dis for the directory audio/streams/aa since i'm too lazy to do it for you. If the directory/file doesn't exist, then this is a pickle. If it does, then, do what UO says, uninstall, delete the folder that contained SA (not deleted after reindstall for some reason, defrag your HD (s) and start fresh. UO, as for disc 3, may have been that the game was originally proposed to be store don 3 CD's, but was changed during development and compiled onto a DVD, AFAIK, ther isn't any other versions, ie. made using multiple CD's instaed of DVD's. @: good for using the search funtion first. Yu did your homework. Just a last check..... Is the game copy legal, cos we get alot of people around here who beg for help because their game don't work, because they are tight fisted little theives. And we don't give it to them.
  13. Agreed, you should have just been able to do it in - game, PLUS none of you noticed i said 'PS2' - WTH???
  14. Jace is 1337 he dodge Flodd cuntrole...
  15. MrLlamaLlama


    Is this the game you can download via steam and play the minute it's released? I know the game will be great, but it's not worth lagging up my PC over. (pretty much the same reason i'm waiting to buy dark messiah, and HL2 Ep.1) t's rated really highly, so by all means give the demo / trailers a try. Is this a 360/PC exclusive? I think i remember it first being mentioned, to my knowledge in ap playstatio mag (not mine, a friends) But yeah.... The gameplay looks great, i would quote something from some viseo i saw to give an alternative duscussion point, but i don't remember anything.
  16. Erm, out of memory, i think the code is 'Porkcharsui' - without the quote marks, but don't test me on it, i will try to find the actual code ASAP. Edit: You mean likea debugging mode? Or just to input general cheats? General cheats have to be inputted as the player name, i think. Haven't cheated on GTA2 since it was released, i don't think. To use the PC cheats, first change you name to , then change your name to one of the cheats below: That's PC, which i assume you're talking aout, PS2 is different. Google it.
  17. Your momma so fat, they had to christen her at seaworld.
  18. Meh, the reason PS3 has little RAM, and a PC neds more, is because PS3 doesn't need to run ademanding OS (if one at all) whereas PC's do. But, i dunno.
  19. The truth is lies! (or are lies, depending on whether or not cows procreate)
  20. Can we all stop replying in this topic PEASE? You pretty much encouraged a bump, like 2 months, and before that, it was old news, jeez.
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