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Everything posted by MrLlamaLlama

  1. If no-one else has given you the sig by the time i come back to this topic... Then i'll do it. -MrLlamaLlama-
  2. Ok then, go into customize, and drag the toolbar you want to remove into the window that pops up, that should do it...
  3. ^ Aerial dogfights. Hydras vs. a Rhino tank. heheh *laughs maniacally* Anyway, offtopic. Do cheats stop mission markers spawning then? Or have i got the wong end of the stick?
  4. Thanks a lot for the advice. I'm on a PS2. Yeah, you're right I should probably start over, something probably isn't right when you have like a trillion dollars and every weapon known to man ... That sucks that cheats interfere with game play, I think that may have been intentional to a certain degree by the developers if I'm not mistaken. I just don't get why I can't have my fun the way I want, I mean I paid for the game. flyingv I suppose the developers wanted people to experience the game properly... But yeah, you could make another save file for using cheats and such, just use the new one to play 'properly'...
  5. Why do they need to make us think? We know they have.... Don't we? Meh, i expect news before Christmas, and probably a confirmed relese date by New Year's...
  6. Yahoo search engine, strangely enough...
  7. u mean that I have to downgrader from V2 to V1? i seen it in somewhere but it didnt bother me, i fk. Yeah, you do, or you can't mod.
  8. OMG, as if none of you realised. You have an unmoddable V2 of the game, only V1 can be modded, get a downgrader, then install mod, then the game works.
  9. As soon as i saw this thread, i knew who'd started it. IT'S DISPLAYED IN PEOPLE'S FUCKING PROFILES! Look in there...
  10. Actually seen a few of these floating around.... A couple in my viallge at least, i assume it's not the turbo...? Lol the guy who is looking to sell me has moss growing out of his tires.... Tires shouldn't be too bad, depends what it takes really.
  11. That guy has a serious problem... Edit: i lol'd
  12. Way to bump + spam MEGA COMBO! 1000000000 POINTS!
  13. You replace the handling line for any given car you want to apply spider properties to. This line is found in handling.cfg, best opened w/ a CFG editor...
  14. Just probably.... eh? They would laught their corporate ass off at you, then get very annoyed because you have created a game using their game engine.
  15. Pretty much the first thing i did try. But i figure that 80 to 90 percent of the time autply/autorun annoys me anyway. So it's cool, for now. *shifty eyes @ microsoft*
  16. sexy.... Meh, now, the carver, definitely.
  17. Chicken wings, warm, rotting chicken wings, YUMMY!
  18. You got the wrong idea. It'll be so much harder than you think. Can either of you code? That's a good start, and you'll need to be able to map, model, blahblahblah and all that jazz. Though not to discourage you. Plus this is in the wrong forum. So yeah. Have fun studying for school, cos if you wanna finish this in your lifetime with just the two of you, then you probably won't have time.
  19. Right click in the empty grey space above your address bar, untick 'google toolbar' and... done. Or i f that doesn't work, go to view> toobars and untick google tooolbar again. Hope i helped... (I know there's another way, but i can't think of it right now)
  20. Fail at playing the game properly. And don't do what? He can't help it is he fails the mission.... wth are you on abput?
  21. For fuck's sake. Exclusive = NO. Rockstar get more money for fucking development this way. FFS
  22. At the moment, probably Volkswagen. Golf R32 kills anything in it's class. Buty by tomorrow, who knows? Probably Carver (fwoarsome) or Audi (2007 TT is lovely, though made for hairdressers)
  23. Sweet find. If it happens, it happens. Quick and painless or GTFO, armageddon...
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