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Everything posted by MrLlamaLlama

  1. FYI, not anti-cheats, i agree with your views entirley, if it's for the purposes of sheer fun, then it's harmless. I just don't like those who use them (some compulsively) just to get to the end of the game before someone else. OT No matter how adcanced the AI is gonna be, i don't think it will be able to rationalize betwwen murder and manslaughter. Though i do hope that, say you hit someone in a car doing 10 miles an hour, just having pulled off. 1/2 star wanted level. But if you blast down a straight road, going near to 200, and break someone's femurs in half, smash their face against your hood, obliterate their spine, and dislocate their head from their neck.... 3/4 stars... Like the points system in ye olde GTA's, low speed collision = 10 pts, high speed collision = 100pts (or w/e they are)
  2. I get this happen to me sometimes, but not very often or for extended periods of time. Whenever i ride the M'bike, i keep thinking after every bend, corner...'Shit, i could've fallen off, gone into a ditch, been hit by that car, slid on that manhole cover' etc. And if i walk around the house alone at night, i keep thinking 'What will i do if someone is hiding in my house to kill me and steal my stuff' then the cat runs out and i nearly crap myself. The fact that i suffered depp depression nearly a year and a half ago doesn't help. Call me emo, whatever you want, but failing at suicide really lowers one's self esteem. Especially when it happens 6 times... Have you ever suffered from anything similar to depression/ suicidal thoughts/attempting suicide. I put some of my problems w/ extreme anger, frustration, and extremes of emotion down to this. It might be the case in you, too. The reason i didn't commit suicide those times is because i knew it woyld crush my family to peices. Especially after the near-death of both my brothers. But that's a different story. I suggest you try to take car journeys with other people driving you... And then, if / when you are ready, take the whhel. If you're not happy, stop the car, and let the person with you take over. It's a matter of time overcoming things like this. Good luck dude, you want any more advice about any of this kinda stuff, feel free to PM me, any time. I'm on your friends list anyways right? Good Luck man...
  3. I know Sorry, but i was out a little later than expected... something...errr...came up... So yeah, will start and do what i can now.
  4. At the moment, the GF's stepdad.
  5. Yes, it is after the mission 'frighteners' that you recieve the outfit. Wear this outfit, walk around (Near the monorail station, on the massive road on the left of the island for portland, forget what it's called, the one adjacent to the Red Light District and Chinatown, not sure about toher islands...) You will be prompted to start the mission when around other avenging angels... Other casusl outfits are unlocked throughout the game...
  6. November 06 i think (?) which makes it 9 months? Actually 10, since it's the first today.. Or 9, i dunno, i fail at maths.
  7. Nice find, but linky to source please!
  8. Banned for not knowing i am actually eating a bacon sandwhich.
  9. However, both of these NPC's will shoot back. And Drug dealers are more common after 'Return to LS' Some prostitutes drop harldy any cash, the amount varies greatly. However, some of them are only armed w/ knives, and easy to take from long range. Easiest way to eliminate both Prostitutes and Dealers is to perform a stealth kill. Plus passing pimping mission means prostitutes pay you, but we all knew that, didn't we?
  10. You might want permission from the authors if you're going to include them in a group mod. Just a thought. Plus you'll have to credit them all in the readme or w/e, it's tactless otherwise. And advertising? Meh, it's borderline. damn... you have a point. Ill try to solve this problem but i dont think it will be too much of a problem. But thank you anyway. Ok man, you should atleast consider it, i'm just trying to help
  11. BUMP + Spellcheck + Wtf + He gained loads of weight, which i think is just funny
  12. B& for being the first person to use that word in that context on these forums! Here here!
  13. Ok, whereabouts? And ID, i will start on them boxarts tonight, but i'll post the images here. I'll look in the other topic for details.
  14. Did it work? youtube. In the google toolbar, since i'm too lazy to type the whole thing. And i clicked the 'feeling lucky' button for extra laziness.
  15. Does the mayor ride rollercoasters, or would it derail, career of the track and fly into hi at high speed?
  16. You have to kill the manager of a production line producing (something malicious) so you have to snaek into the factory, and make him walk around on the gantries by tapping, knocking, etc, which would make him investigate the cause of the noise. When he is where you want him, you run out of the shadows and hit him in the face real hard, so he falls over the gantry railing into (hurty machinery). Fun for all ages!
  17. banned for having no proof to support your eason for banning me
  18. Actuallly, i was at a mate's. Fail Banned for not banning the person above you.
  19. Don't click me kiddies! Best. Film. Evar
  20. Right click on the layer in the layers palette and click rasterize type.
  21. "Goodbye. I am leaving because I am bored." Will probablt happen eventually, don't bet against it.
  22. Ok, n00bs. Here is how to do it properly. Rasterize the type, and select the stroke (layer, if it's seperate) using the magic wand. Go to Select > Modify > Expand, and selct the distance you want between the strokes in px. Click OK, and stroke again. Done! Haha now u all know!
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