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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. I got to thinking from the system introduction.. what would be the best to have everything going on in? I'm starting to feel like if we have a more concentrated area, we'll have basically TOO much action.. but if we're spread out too much, there won't be any at all. I'm leaning towards Los Santos with Countryside or San Fierro with Desert, myself.

    Los Santos would just be intense. Usages of short cuts and the water ways would be awesome, along with the docks. San Fierro is just fun with the hills =P Plus I love the desert region. They're both vast, though. Countryside and desert. They could be used as a fallback point once someone comes onto your main place hard.

  2. Yeah. I think something like San Fierro / Desert or Los Santos / countryside would work out really nice. I don't mind handling disputes and all, I do plan on having my own base though =P Time for a poll on that too, I suppose. I'm thinking maybe we'd have some sort of fencing around the MAIN base, so people won't be getting spawn-killed? Does anyone else like the idea of that or no?

  3. Yeah, could be a good idea. Each gang could control a district(s), and their territory expands as their gang does, certain number of members = upgraded territory, access to moar stuff. You can't take over districts that aren't occupied, you have to get them from other gangs. Obviously, more prolific / significant districts would be harder to get to / win, as the gang defends it most, or w/e.

    I kind of like the idea of buying territory, though. Maybe the bigger your gang is, the more territory you can buy? I don't know how difficult that would be but its definitely an idea. Or two gangs could "Dispute" over one, since you can't take over districts that aren't occupied. I think that's what you meant, but it wasn't very clear. Heh =P

    As far as gangs go, I'd like to see the forum side of gangs to see where to go. We could either clear everything, or let the current gangs have what they have, and new ones have a fraction. Because I know everyone's spammed worked hard for all the cash they've saved up. So we still have the two or three big gangs, and smaller ones trying to make a name for themselves.

    I'm not sure if there would be a lot of complaining if say, I was leader of a gang. Seeing I'm project head, I'll be seeing a lot of gang's stuff..

  4. I get you, yes. That's one of the big things right now, how we're actually going to set them up. The more ideas the better, but what I had in mind was have one main base, and then a few little "Fall back" hideouts around the map. Like for when you're getting completely raided.. have your own secret exit and haul ass to one of these. I'd really like to have strategy in this, or else it'd be just random deathmatch with a few cool features.

  5. Or we could just have spawn points and gang territories in the city being used(have a voting to see which city should be used,etc) so even if members go to other parts of the map it would just be a waste of time.

    Instead of having to purchase vehicles we could just have gang vehicles spawn inside the gang base and have random vehicles on the road so if the gang vehicle gets destroyed the player doesn't have to run all the way back.

    I'm not sure on how many players will be actually on the server we're going to have, but if there's too many random vehicles then it's going to get laggy :/ that's one of our main concerns, we're fairy solid as far as the scripting goes, just need to get ideas together and the basis for the system.

    I'm pretty happy with the outcome of interest in the last.. not even 24 hours, hopefully as it gets later we'll have more people come in on this topic. I like the ideas for far though, everyone. I think we're really going to get somewhere this time around.

  6. Congratulations to ya man =) Some members of staff have been trying to get the gang scene alive again and it's been decided EARTHBOUND will be our new gang supervisor, since our old one went off and jumped off a rock or something. We'll both be working together to better satisfy the needs of the once-thriving scene.

    Also, if you haven't checked the new gang system sub-forum, read the topic about MTA multiplayer coming back. We'd like to see some suggestions and see how many people are interested in this deal. It's going to happen soon.

    Happy holidays!


  7. Yeah, I was thinking we start out with something simple, and if things really spark we can make it into what we want. Or what the majority wants, you know? I just think its very possible.. and can pick things up around here. Yeah, it may take a little time with PC users (That can afford to have one that will run GTA4, not calling anyone RICH but there's no way I could) there's still a lot of us who are satisfied with consoles and can run San Andreas decently.

  8. In the past, the TGTAP Gang System has only been on the forums, using text-based roleplay and tools to fight wars. Some of you had played GTA with multiplayer, but this was not related to the forum Gang System.

    However, now we have decided to finally link up multiplayer GTA into the Gang System. When this is complete, you will be able to fight organized battles on multiplayer against rival gangs.

    Instead of randomly unleashing everyone into just some death match, we've thought of a few ideas to make this more organised and something special. For example, each gang could have its own territory, and you could purchase weapons, vehicles, buildings etc using money earned on the forum.

    We have decided to use GTA San Andreas as the game, using the Multi Theft Auto (MTA) modification for multiplayer. This is because of the mass of features and the fact that MTA is now open source, so we will have virtually unlimited possibilities compared to SA-MP.

    I know we tried implementing this last year, this year I really plan on trying if we can get enough gauged interest. This will be on San Andreas, on an MTA server. I know GTA4 is out, but I realized not a ton of people here are going to have a computer capable of running it. So to make some activity with the gang scene, and just to have some fun, I brought this up with a few staff members.

    So far this is just an idea of what we want. Gangwar type setting, with actual control instead of randomly going around shooting another gang with no real base or anything. Possibly a constant running server or a setup to run every so often, for real organized gangwars. Or maybe even both, I was hoping to get some ideas from the community on what you all think, and if you'd be interested at all.

    Territories - Kind of like Single Player, have colors for certain gangs and spread them out over a part of area which the safehouse(s) are located. Maybe even a way to take over?

    Bank - Planned out money bank AND weapon bank, to save both. Like. I was thinking taking a gangs combined money on here, and giving the leader that amount in FULL, or just a percentage. Maybe just giving out a certain amount to start out with on here, and buy locations / territory / vehicles / weapons on here. Then someone manually putting them in (Such as myself or the other gang supervisor)

    Safehouses - Of course your hideouts, maybe a MAIN place and a few hideouts for when things get a little rough. Will have spawn points for your vehicles and the weapon bank. Want to make it to where you can spawn at any safe house / hideout your gang owns. Possibly a way to prevent camping, or entrance to the safehouse area

    Interiors - Not sure how we're going to implement this, yet. But interiors are pretty sweet so we'd like to hear some ideas.

    I'm starting this topic to see how many people are actually interested and think its a good idea. Absolutely no flaming, just solid opinion. Actually server put together is being tested right now, and even on a crummy one it runs solid. This won't be an instant thing over night, but we do plan for it to be used in the near future. What are your thoughts on this?

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