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Everything posted by Little_Chestnut

  1. Two new pictures since I am such a cam whore At Anime South ^^
  2. You're right there. But then when life just got really bad people wanted a man to get Germany out of its miserable position, and Hitler was the man who could do that in their opinion. Hitler gave lots of reasons why it was the fault of jews, gypsies and in all their missery people started to believe it and the SS (Schutz Staffel or something like that) tried to spread that idea. Nationalism is a good way to get lots of followers. First off you give us something that we cannot entirely read because the text is too small. It looks like a book meaning it would be only one mans opinion. It clearly states by Wilhelm Marr. And do you even know what it means? Most people here do not speak German, I think I might be one out of ... 2. Even if there was passive dislike it would be like the passive dislike that Americans tend to have over Indians. There is no hate, and there would never be any genocide. Hitler did say it was the fault of anyone who was not Christian with blond hair and blue eyes. HOWEVER only very few people actually bought into it ... except the Nazis like I said.
  3. I'd watch saying that, buddy. I know people who'd beat your ass for saying it. Go to Germany, you'll probably get killed for it. You would get killed for it in Germany, without a doubt. Germans didn't hate the Jews before Hitler. Hitler was just a very sick and clever man. He brainwashed an entire society slowly. He started off by sending out a survey to every household asking what there religion and background were saying he was promoting differences. Then he started building up the Nazi army. This is where it all went downhill. He brainwashed this army through many diffrent means to do exactly what he wanted them to do. This is when he started making the laws and such against all other religions and backgrounds. Later the concentration camps which were supposed to be safe ghettos to live in just to keep them away from the general public since they were "inferior". Most of them were just walled off city blocks complete with houses, shops and the such. Soon bigger one were built which were more stereotypical to what we think of when we think of a concentration camp. That is when most of the killings began. It wasn't just Jews, they were not even the majority, the majority was the white Christian Germans that were opposed to Hitler. Others included gays, gypsies, and everyone who was not a white Christian. My great grandfather was actually a Nazi and was put in one ... he had his eye gouged out but he was one of the lucky ones to make it until the end of the war. So you see the regular German population that was not a brainwashed Nazi were put in fear. They didn't hate the Jews or anybody else, they were simply living in fear that one wrong move and they would be killed. I am not saying none of them hated Jews, just most of them didn't. TLDR: Germans didn't hate Jews ... your wrong.
  4. Haha ... I am such a fatty going for the candy.
  5. Male 1. Spaz The Great 2. Sky 3. Gerard Female 1. Yellow Jacket 2. Bear 3.
  6. I guess I will enter too >.> In the spare bedroom In my living room I hate this one but Spaz wanted me to put it up ... it my senior picture
  7. We actually have a lot of them
  8. You're going by the 2nd definition (in the blue box) I'm going by the 3rd definition (in the red circle) Neither of us are wrong. The word just takes on different meanings between the two of us. So you're calling me cheap? Are you trying to start shit with me??? Seriously ... the definition you used is not the normal definition used by most of society. It would be like using gay to mean happy in todays time. Also karma as fate or destiny refers to the fate or destiny you will obtain if you do good or bad things. If you do bad things your destiny is to have bad things happen to you and vice versa.
  9. And BBQ sauce ... and honey mustard Edit: Seriously though ... when you are making something like this think it out and add as many options as you can think of, even if you need to look up a list.
  10. And that is what we have been telling everyone ... stop judging by graphics and try actually try playing the systems.
  11. Spaz Short skirts Windy days Food Friends Ganja Games
  12. I finally went to pick up my school pictures I hate photography places ...
  13. Cherry is the best flavor. However I enjoy it more when I just buy regular and pour in some cherry juice as well as a few cherries.
  14. My father used to play a lot of old school Mario and Mrs.Pac-man. He can still own me at both. Over the summer I went up to visit him and I brought my Wii. He simply loved Wii sports. He also used to play a few sport games with my brother when they lived together. My mother likes games but she is usually too embarrassed to play in front of me. She is just starting to get back into it with the Wii. She never liked my PS2. To be honest I don't know who likes my Wii more, me or her.
  15. Pepsi is way to sweet and lacks in the carbonation area. So as far as cola flavored soda, coke wins. Pepsi does make Mountain Dew though, the single best soda made by man and the gods.
  16. My father decided to text me at midnight to tell me ><
  17. It's so uncommon that puking happens. Seriously. I've never thrown up while high. I've thrown up while drunk. Although that was only once, it is still more than I have while high((and I've been high way more, so the numbers are there pretty good)). Funny that alcohol being more notorious for throwing up and you choose it over weed because you threw up while high. There's irony in there somewhere. But sorry about your bad high. Those happen and put people off. Eh, oh well, right? Apparently Benadryl can make you hallucinate. The high off of Benadryl feels pretty good, but you usually sleep it off, and sleep a lot. You get rather tired. I have never personally thrown up while high, but I have had to nurse a few people that did. Poor Alison was in my bathroom for hours because she had a bad high. It also happens to another good friend of mine quite a lot, but then again he just never knows when to stop. It really does not happen often and when it does it is usually because the person is nervous or smoked a bit too much. You also never really get high your first time doing it, for me it took three times. After that it feels pretty amazing. Although I am not all the proud that I do do drugs. Benadryl is amazing, I fell asleep through 2 of my hour and a half classes because of it. A friend of mine gave me some because of a headache ... she knew it wouldn't treat the headache, just knock me out. But hey, when I woke up my headache was gone That is surprising that they are so hard to come by where you live. I live out in the middle of nowhere and they are still easy to get at almost every gas station. Ummm........ i never thought that people besides indonesian know about djarum , yup, if you smell 'em, it's good, if you smoke too much of 'em, you'll get dizzy i do heard from one of my friends that Mel Gibson ever buy dozens of 'em in Indonesia (while shooting some WWII movie) before djarum sell their cigarettes outside indonesia, but i thought he was joking actually it was my daily cigarettes , i had enough of 'em now, how about these cloves, are they good? or the same as djarum? Djarum blacks were the first thing I ever smoked, and they got me hooked. They taste so much better then normal tobacco and smell much better as well. Me being the bad influence that I am got Spaz hooked on them as well. v.v Sorry Spaz. Not possible. The ONLY possibility is the cannabis triggered a disorder already apparent in the person. In which, anything could do that, it's only a matter of time. You don't go mad from smoking marijuana. You don't get depressed. You don't become a horrible person. You don't develop anger problems. It's all bullshit that is used to scare you. Get away from mainstream media and after-school specials. They purpose isn't to inform, it's to scare. Fact doesn't matter as long as you're afraid of it. The people who say smoking weed is bad are generally the ones whom have never tried it. Talk to most adults who have and they will probably tell you that it is not that bad at all. My mother knows I smoke from time to time and she is fine with it. She used to do it when she was young. She would actulay kill me if she found out that I was smoking tobacco but weed is no problem with her. A bit backwards I know. You can always make it into a tea
  18. Some people believe it is just as lame to take skateboarding pictures. It is all a matter of opinion. I love taking pictures at home because I have more control over the environment. Each room has a different feel. My spare bedroom has a feeling of age, my own room has a feeling of mystery or a feminine nerd feel depending on what I include, and the rest of the house I use when I want a brighter background.
  19. That's the exact kind of ignorant comment I hate to see. Is he a bad president? Yes. Is the U.S. being in Iraq a horrible mistake? Yes. But George W. Bush isn't killing thousands of his own people for intolerance nor does he hate the Jews/Gays/Insert non-Muslim classification here. However Bush is still a threat to world peace because he believes that it is America's job to police the world. Also, this may sound cold hearted, but what is all of this about rebuilding a country we are at war with? No other country would do this for us and quite frankly the US does not have the money. Want to know a much easier way? Only have one child per couple. Population gets cut in half in just one generation. Yay population gets under controll and we bump it back up to two generations from now. The only problem is that we are too stupid to follow these rules and are driven by sex.
  20. To be honest you have to get through the first few episodes before it gets good. I hated it at first, but my friends forced me to sit through a few. Watching it in Japanese is a must though, way too annoying in English
  21. I actually recently broke my foot from slipping on the welcome mat. But hospitals here a bad so they just told me to wrap it and gave me a bunch of pain killers. I have also had two big surgeries on my right arm that required casts ... it sucked because even back then I was a little gamer. I still managed to play my sega >.> everything else has been minor, I have sprained my ankle and wrist a few times and broken a few toes.
  22. It realy does not take much exercise to play most games, you just shake your wrist once and a while.
  23. I have to agree ... You seemed to be trying too hard to make it rhyme ... rhyming is something that should not be forced so much. Poems and songs do not have to rhyme, the meaning would have probably been clearer if you didn't.
  24. Happy late birthday Sky!!!!!!!!!!! v.v I feel bad now that I missed it.
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